Classification of Products (CZ-CPA_2025)

Abbreviation Name Version Valid from Valid to Family
CZ-CPA_2025_KL Classification of Products (CZ-CPA_2025) 1 01.01.2025 09.09.9999 Products

Items of code list:

Filtr úrovně
Vyhledávání kódu
Vyhledávání názvu
6 551000 Hotel and similar accommodation services
3 552 Holiday and other short-stay accommodation services
4 5520 Holiday and other short-stay accommodation services
5 55200 Holiday and other short-stay accommodation services
6 552001 Room or unit accommodation services in youth hostels and holiday cabins
6 552002 Room or unit accommodation services in time-share properties
6 552003 Other room or unit accommodation services, without daily housekeeping
3 553 Camping grounds and recreational vehicle parks services
4 5530 Camping grounds and recreational vehicle parks services
5 55300 Camping grounds and recreational vehicle parks services
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Displayed on: 01.02.2025

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Version: 1.2.17 © ČSÚ 2025