Code list is an ordered enumeration of codes (numeric, alphabetic) and meanings attached to them. Usually, there is no hierarchy among individual items of a code list. more information >>

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2755 AGRFORMA Legal form of organization - aggregation 01.01.1990 09.09.9999 Other    
3323 ALFREQDO Frequency of commuting to work or school - aggregation 01.01.1999 09.09.9999 Other    
7626 CASZ Basic period 01.01.1900 09.09.9999      
43 CISOB Municipality and Military district 01.03.2001 09.09.9999 Geographic    
5565 CISS Classification of Institutional Sectors and Subsectors (CISS) 01.01.1998 09.09.9999 National accounts    
5566 CISS1 Code list of Institutional Sectors and Subsectors (CISS) - level 1 - Sector I 01.01.1998 09.09.9999 National accounts    
5567 CISS2 Code list of Institutional Sectors and Subsectors (CISS) - level 2 - Sector II 01.01.1998 09.09.9999 National accounts    
5568 CISS3 Code list of Institutional Sectors and Subsectors (CISS) - level 3 - Subsector I 01.01.1998 09.09.9999 National accounts    
5569 CISS4 Code list of Institutional Sectors and Subsectors (CISS) - level 4 - Subsector II 01.01.1998 09.09.9999 National accounts    
5570 CISS5 Code list of Institutional Sectors and Subsectors (CISS) - level 5 - Subsector III 01.01.1998 09.09.9999 National accounts    
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