Valid on: 22.12.2024


Language version: EN

Filter used: none

Code Abbreviation Name Valid from Valid to Family
2755 AGRFORMA Legal form of organization - aggregation 01.01.1990 09.09.9999 Other
3323 ALFREQDO Frequency of commuting to work or school - aggregation 01.01.1999 09.09.9999 Other
7626 CASZ Basic period 01.01.1900 09.09.9999  
43 CISOB Municipality and Military district 01.03.2001 09.09.9999 Geographic
5565 CISS Classification of Institutional Sectors and Subsectors (CISS) 01.01.1998 09.09.9999 National accounts
5566 CISS1 Code list of Institutional Sectors and Subsectors (CISS) - level 1 - Sector I 01.01.1998 09.09.9999 National accounts
5567 CISS2 Code list of Institutional Sectors and Subsectors (CISS) - level 2 - Sector II 01.01.1998 09.09.9999 National accounts
5568 CISS3 Code list of Institutional Sectors and Subsectors (CISS) - level 3 - Subsector I 01.01.1998 09.09.9999 National accounts
5569 CISS4 Code list of Institutional Sectors and Subsectors (CISS) - level 4 - Subsector II 01.01.1998 09.09.9999 National accounts
5570 CISS5 Code list of Institutional Sectors and Subsectors (CISS) - level 5 - Subsector III 01.01.1998 09.09.9999 National accounts
5157 CISS_2010_U1 Classification of Institutional Sectors and Subsectors (CZ-CISS) by ESA 2010 - level 1 - Sector I 01.01.2013 09.09.9999 National accounts
5158 CISS_2010_U2 Classification of Institutional Sectors and Subsectors (CZ-CISS) by ESA 2010 - level 2 - Sector II 01.01.2013 09.09.9999 National accounts
5159 CISS_2010_U3 Classification of Institutional Sectors and Subsectors (CZ-CISS) by ESA 2010 - level 3 - Sector III 01.01.2013 09.09.9999 National accounts
5160 CISS_2010_U4 Classification of Institutional Sectors and Subsectors (CZ-CISS) by ESA 2010 - level 4 - Sector IV 01.01.2013 09.09.9999 National accounts
5161 CISS_2010_U5 Classification of Institutional Sectors and Subsectors (CZ-CISS) by ESA 2010 - level 5 - Sector V 01.01.2013 09.09.9999 National accounts
87 CMF Nomenclature of Currencies and Funds 01.01.1995 09.09.9999 Other
88 CMFALFA Nomenclature of Currencies and Funds (alphabet) 01.01.1995 09.09.9999 Other
232 CRSPOT Register of representatives for consumer prices (CZ-COICOP) - level 2 01.01.1900 09.09.9999 Other
503 CRSPOTE2 Register of representatives for consumer prices (ECOICOP) - level 2 01.01.1900 09.09.9999 Other
78 CVMJ Units of measurement 01.02.2002 09.09.9999 Other
5200 CZ-CBF_U1 Classification of Business Functions (CZ-CBF) - level 1 - Section 01.01.2024 09.09.9999 Activities
5201 CZ-CBF_U2 Classification of Business Functions (CZ-CBF) - level 2 - Division 01.01.2024 09.09.9999 Activities
5202 CZ-CBF_U3 Classification of Business Functions (CZ-CBF) - level 3 - Group 01.01.2024 09.09.9999 Activities
5631 CZ-CC_U1 Classification of Types of Constructions (CZ-CC) - level 1 - Section 01.01.2004 09.09.9999 Products
5632 CZ-CC_U2 Classification of Types of Constructions (CZ-CC) - level 2 - Division 01.01.2004 09.09.9999 Products
5633 CZ-CC_U3 Classification of Types of Constructions (CZ-CC) - level 3 - Group 01.01.2004 09.09.9999 Products
5634 CZ-CC_U4 Classification of Types of Constructions (CZ-CC) - level 4 - Class 01.01.2004 09.09.9999 Products
5635 CZ-CC_U5 Classification of Types of Constructions (CZ-CC) - level 5 - Sub-class 01.01.2004 09.09.9999 Products
5636 CZ-COFOG_U1 Classification of the Functions of Government (CZ-COFOG) - level 1 - Division 01.01.2002 09.09.9999 National accounts
5637 CZ-COFOG_U2 Classification of the Functions of Government (CZ-COFOG) - level 2 - Group 01.01.2002 09.09.9999 National accounts
5638 CZ-COFOG_U3 Classification of the Functions of Government (CZ-COFOG) - level 3 - Class 01.01.2002 09.09.9999 National accounts
5301 CZ-COICOP_2018_U1 Classification of Individual Consumption According to Purpose (CZ-COICOP_2018) - level 1 - Division 01.01.2024 09.09.9999 National accounts
5302 CZ-COICOP_2018_U2 Classification of Individual Consumption According to Purpose (CZ-COICOP_2018) - level 2 - Group 01.01.2024 09.09.9999 National accounts
5303 CZ-COICOP_2018_U3 Classification of Individual Consumption According to Purpose (CZ-COICOP_2018) - level 3 - Class 01.01.2024 09.09.9999 National accounts
5304 CZ-COICOP_2018_U4 Classification of Individual Consumption According to Purpose (CZ-COICOP_2018) - level 4 - Subclass 01.01.2024 09.09.9999 National accounts
5305 CZ-COICOP_2018_U5 Classification of Individual Consumption According to Purpose (CZ-COICOP_2018) - level 5 - High detail structure for food and non-alcoholic beverages 01.01.2024 09.09.9999 National accounts
5642 CZ-COICOP_U1 Classification of Individual Consumption by Purpose (CZ-COICOP) - level 1 - Division 01.01.1997 09.09.9999 National accounts
5643 CZ-COICOP_U2 Classification of Individual Consumption by Purpose (CZ-COICOP) - level 2 - Group 01.01.1997 09.09.9999 National accounts
5644 CZ-COICOP_U3 Classification of Individual Consumption by Purpose (CZ-COICOP) - level 3 - Class 01.01.1997 09.09.9999 National accounts
5639 CZ-COPNI_U1 Classification of the Purposes of (Private) Non-Profit Institutions serving Households (CZ-COPNI) - level 1 - Division 01.01.2001 09.09.9999 National accounts
5640 CZ-COPNI_U2 Classification of the Purposes of (Private) Non-Profit Institutions serving Households (CZ-COPNI) - level 2 - Group 01.01.2001 09.09.9999 National accounts
5641 CZ-COPNI_U3 Classification of the Purposes of (Private) Non-Profit Institutions serving Households (CZ-COPNI) - level 3 - Class 01.01.2001 09.09.9999 National accounts
6645 CZ-CPA_2015_U1 Classification of Products (CZ-CPA_2015) - level 1 - Section 01.01.2015 09.09.9999 Products
6646 CZ-CPA_2015_U2 Classification of Products (CZ-CPA_2015) - level 2 - Division 01.01.2015 09.09.9999 Products
6647 CZ-CPA_2015_U3 Classification of Products (CZ-CPA_2015) - level 3 - Group 01.01.2015 09.09.9999 Products
6648 CZ-CPA_2015_U4 Classification of Products (CZ-CPA_2015) - level 4 - Class 01.01.2015 09.09.9999 Products
6649 CZ-CPA_2015_U5 Classification of Products (CZ-CPA_2015) - level 5 - Category 01.01.2015 09.09.9999 Products
6650 CZ-CPA_2015_U6 Classification of Products (CZ-CPA_2015) - level 6 - Sub-category 01.01.2015 09.09.9999 Products
5645 CZ-CPA_U1 Classification of Products ver. 2008 (CZ-CPA) - level 1 - Section 01.01.2008 09.09.9999 Products
5646 CZ-CPA_U2 Classification of Products ver. 2008 (CZ-CPA) - level 2 - Division 01.01.2008 09.09.9999 Products
5647 CZ-CPA_U3 Classification of Products ver. 2008 (CZ-CPA) - level 3 - Group 01.01.2008 09.09.9999 Products
5648 CZ-CPA_U4 Classification of Products ver. 2008 (CZ-CPA) - level 4 - Class 01.01.2008 09.09.9999 Products
5649 CZ-CPA_U5 Classification of Products ver. 2008 (CZ-CPA) - level 5 - Category 01.01.2008 09.09.9999 Products
5650 CZ-CPA_U6 Classification of Products ver. 2008 (CZ-CPA) - level 6 - Sub-category 01.01.2008 09.09.9999 Products
5661 CZ-ICSE_U1 Classification of Status in Employment (CZ-ICSE) - level 1 - Group 01.01.1998 09.09.9999 Occupations
5181 CZ-ISCEDAA International Standard Classification of Education (CZ-ISCED 2011) - ATTAINMENT - aggregation 01.01.1900 09.09.9999  
5175 CZ-ISCEDA_U1 International Standard Classification of Education (CZ-ISCED 2011) - ATTAINMENT - level 1 01.01.2014 09.09.9999 Education
5176 CZ-ISCEDA_U2 International Standard Classification of Education (CZ-ISCED 2011) - ATTAINMENT - level 2 01.01.2014 09.09.9999 Education
5177 CZ-ISCEDA_U3 International Standard Classification of Education (CZ-ISCED 2011) - ATTAINMENT - level 3 01.01.2014 09.09.9999 Education
5943 CZ-ISCEDF_U1 International Standard Classification of Education: Fields of Education and Training 2013 (CZ-ISCED-F 2013) - level 1 01.01.2016 09.09.9999 Education
5944 CZ-ISCEDF_U2 International Standard Classification of Education: Fields of Education and Training 2013 (CZ-ISCED-F 2013) - level 2 01.01.2016 09.09.9999 Education
5945 CZ-ISCEDF_U3 International Standard Classification of Education: Fields of Education and Training 2013 (CZ-ISCED-F 2013) - level 3 01.01.2016 09.09.9999 Education
5172 CZ-ISCEDP_U1 International Standard Classification of Education (CZ-ISCED 2011) - PROGRAMMES - level 1 01.01.2014 09.09.9999 Education
5173 CZ-ISCEDP_U2 International Standard Classification of Education (CZ-ISCED 2011) - PROGRAMMES - level 2 01.01.2014 09.09.9999 Education
5174 CZ-ISCEDP_U3 International Standard Classification of Education (CZ-ISCED 2011) - PROGRAMMES - level 3 01.01.2014 09.09.9999 Education
5705 CZ-ISCO_U1 International Standard Classification of Occupations (CZ-ISCO) - level 1 - Major group 01.01.2011 09.09.9999 Occupations
5706 CZ-ISCO_U2 International Standard Classification of Occupations (CZ-ISCO) - level 2 - Sub-major group 01.01.2011 09.09.9999 Occupations
5707 CZ-ISCO_U3 International Standard Classification of Occupations (CZ-ISCO) - level 3 - Group 01.01.2011 09.09.9999 Occupations
5708 CZ-ISCO_U4 International Standard Classification of Occupations (CZ-ISCO) - level 4 - Unit group 01.01.2011 09.09.9999 Occupations
5709 CZ-ISCO_U5 International Standard Classification of Occupations (CZ-ISCO) - level 5 - Category 01.01.2011 09.09.9999 Occupations
5724 CZ-NACEA Classification of Economic Activities rev. 2 (CZ-NACE) - aggregation 01.01.1900 09.09.9999 Activities
5103 CZ-NACE_U1 Classification of Economic Activities rev. 2 (CZ-NACE) - level 1 - Section 01.01.2008 09.09.9999 Activities
5104 CZ-NACE_U2 Classification of Economic Activities rev. 2 (CZ-NACE) - level 2 - Division 01.01.2008 09.09.9999 Activities
5105 CZ-NACE_U3 Classification of Economic Activities rev. 2 (CZ-NACE) - level 3 - Group 01.01.2008 09.09.9999 Activities
5106 CZ-NACE_U4 Classification of Economic Activities rev. 2 (CZ-NACE) - level 4 - Class 01.01.2008 09.09.9999 Activities
5107 CZ-NACE_U5 Classification of Economic Activities rev. 2 (CZ-NACE) - level 5 - Sub-class 01.01.2008 09.09.9999 Activities
86 CZEM Code List of Countries (CZEM) 01.01.1900 09.09.9999 Geographic
1186 CZEMALFA Code List of Countries (CZEM) (alphabet) 01.01.1900 09.09.9999 Geographic
5898 CZEM_A Code List of Countries (CZEM) - aggregation 01.01.1900 09.09.9999 Geographic
2207 CZPRODCOM Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 01.01.2008 09.09.9999 Products
1035 DELCASI Time interval 01.01.1990 09.09.9999 Other
5586 DOPL_KN List of selected goods with supplementary statistical signs 01.01.2004 09.09.9999 Products
175 DRSTAV Type of construction 01.01.1900 09.09.9999 Other
199 DRUHCINPOZ Type of activity carried out on land 01.01.1900 09.09.9999  
3041 DRUHDO Type of building (Census) 01.03.2001 09.09.9999 Other
344 DRUHVZD Type of education 01.01.1900 09.09.9999  
345 DRUHVZDA Type of education - aggregation 01.01.1900 09.09.9999  
5710 DRUNENA Non-investment expenditure type 01.01.1900 09.09.9999 Other
6000 ECOICOP_U1 European Classification of Individual Consumption by Purpose (ECOICOP) - level 1 - Division 01.01.2018 09.09.9999 National accounts
6001 ECOICOP_U2 European Classification of Individual Consumption by Purpose (ECOICOP) - level 2 - Group 01.01.2018 09.09.9999 National accounts
6002 ECOICOP_U3 European Classification of Individual Consumption by Purpose (ECOICOP) - level 3 - Class 01.01.2018 09.09.9999 National accounts
6003 ECOICOP_U4 European Classification of Individual Consumption by Purpose (ECOICOP) - level 4 - Category 01.01.2018 09.09.9999 National accounts
2307 EKOLOGIN Environmental protection type 01.01.1995 09.09.9999 Other
220 EKONAKTIV Economic activity 01.01.1900 09.09.9999  
221 EKONAKTIVA Economic activity - aggregation 01.01.1900 09.09.9999  
5581 EKZONY Economic zones 01.01.1999 09.09.9999 Geographic
2209 EUPRODCOM Product list (PRODCOM) 01.01.2020 09.09.9999 Products
2210 EUPRODCOMA Product list (PRODCOM) - aggregation 01.01.2020 09.09.9999 Products
82 EUROREG Euroregion - national part 01.01.2004 09.09.9999  
182 EZAR Type of electronic device 01.01.1900 09.09.9999  
183 EZARA Type of electronic equipment - aggregation 01.01.1900 09.09.9999  
56 FORMA Legal form of organization 01.01.1900 09.09.9999 Other
342 FORMAVZD Form of education 01.01.1900 09.09.9999  
5584 GEONOMALFA Geonomenclature (alphabet) 01.01.1999 09.09.9999 Geographic
5582 GEOZONY Geographical zones 01.01.1999 09.09.9999 Geographic
5651 HS_U1 Harmonised Commodity Description and Coding System (HS) - level 1 - Section 01.01.1991 09.09.9999 Products
5652 HS_U2 Harmonised Commodity Description and Coding System (HS) - level 2 - Chapter 01.01.1991 09.09.9999 Products
5653 HS_U3 Harmonised Commodity Description and Coding System (HS) - level 3 - Heading 01.01.1991 09.09.9999 Products
5654 HS_U4 Harmonised Commodity Description and Coding System (HS) - level 4 - Article 01.01.1991 09.09.9999 Products
131 HZVIRE Livestock 01.01.1900 09.09.9999  
132 HZVIREA Livestock - aggregation 01.01.1900 09.09.9999  
7700 INTERVAL Code list of intervals 01.01.1900 09.09.9999 Technologic
5625 ISCED_O1 International Standard Classification of Education (ISCED 97) - FIELDS - level 1 - Broad fields 01.01.2008 09.09.9999 Education
5626 ISCED_O2 International Standard Classification of Education (ISCED 97) - FIELDS - level 2 - Narrow fields 01.01.2008 09.09.9999 Education
5627 ISCED_O3 International Standard Classification of Education (ISCED 97) - FIELDS - level 3 - Detailed fields 01.01.2008 09.09.9999 Education
3043 JMATERZ Materials of the building 01.03.2001 09.09.9999 Other
3044 JOBDVYS Period of construction or reconstruction of the building 01.03.2001 09.09.9999 Other
3045 JOBYDLD Occupation status of building (permanently) 01.03.2001 09.09.9999 Other
3315 JOBYDLDOP Occupation status of building (usually) 01.01.2009 09.09.9999 Other
3048 JUSTOPE Type of heating in the building 01.03.2001 09.09.9999 Other
3049 JVLASTD Type of ownership of the building 01.03.2001 09.09.9999 Other
3050 JVODOVD Type of water supply system in the building 01.03.2001 09.09.9999 Other
579 KATPOECD Employee size class 01.01.1973 09.09.9999 Other
126 KATUBYT Category and class of accommodation establishment 01.01.1900 09.09.9999 Other
154 KATUBYTA Category and class of accommodation establishment - aggregation 01.01.1900 09.09.9999 Other
3052 KKOUPEL Bathing facilities in a dwelling 01.03.2001 09.09.9999 Other
3223 KKUCH Kitchen, kitchenette 01.01.2009 09.09.9999 Other
5585 KN8 Combined nomenclature 8 digits 01.01.1991 09.09.9999 Products
3053 KOBYDLE Occupation status of dwelling (permanently) 01.01.1960 09.09.9999 Other
3316 KOBYDLEOP Occupation status of dwelling (usually) 01.01.2009 09.09.9999 Other
571 KODAKT Activity code 01.01.1973 09.09.9999 Other
3056 KPLYN Type of gas supply in dwelling 01.03.2001 09.09.9999 Other
3058 KPOLOHA Number of floors in the building 01.03.2001 09.09.9999 Other
100 KRAJ_NUTS Region 01.03.2001 09.09.9999 Geographic
3061 KVODOVD Type of water supply system in dwelling 01.03.2001 09.09.9999 Other
3062 KVYTAPE Type of heating in dwelling 01.03.2001 09.09.9999 Other
3063 KVYTENE Type of energy used for heating in dwelling 01.03.2001 09.09.9999 Other
3064 KZACHOD Toilet facilities 01.03.2001 09.09.9999 Other
3065 KZDTEPV Type of hot water supply in dwelling 01.03.2001 09.09.9999 Other
124 KZE Selection of countries for tourism statistics 01.01.2007 09.09.9999 Geographic
202 LESDREV Forest woody plant species 01.01.1900 09.09.9999  
203 LESDREVA Forest woody plant species - aggregation 01.01.1900 09.09.9999  
3228 LSTOBC Citizenship 01.01.2009 09.09.9999  
5120 MKN-10_U1 International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems (ICD-10) - level 1 - Chapters 01.01.1994 09.09.9999  
5121 MKN-10_U2 International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems (ICD-10) - level 2 - Three-digit categories 01.01.1994 09.09.9999 Health
5768 NEZDEF Not applicable and not identified 01.01.1900 09.09.9999  
105 NUTS0-2004 Nomenclature of territorial units for statistics (CZ-NUTS) - 2004 - level 0 - State 01.05.2004 09.09.9999 Geographic
106 NUTS1-2004 Nomenclature of territorial units for statistics (CZ-NUTS) - 2004 - level 1 - Territory 01.05.2004 09.09.9999 Geographic
107 NUTS2-2004 Nomenclature of territorial units for statistics (CZ-NUTS) - 2004 - level 2 - Cohesion region 01.05.2004 09.09.9999 Geographic
108 NUTS3-2004 Nomenclature of territorial units for statistics (CZ-NUTS) - 2004 - level 3 - Region 01.05.2004 09.09.9999 Geographic
5110 OKEC1 Classification of Economic Activities rev. 1 and 1.1 (CZ-NACE) - level 1 - Section 01.11.1991 09.09.9999 Activities
5111 OKEC2 Classification of Economic Activities rev. 1 and 1.1 (CZ-NACE) - level 2 - Subsection 01.11.1991 09.09.9999 Activities
5112 OKEC3 Classification of Economic Activities rev. 1 and 1.1 (CZ-NACE) - level 3 - Division 01.11.1991 09.09.9999 Activities
5113 OKEC4 Classification of Economic Activities rev. 1 and 1.1 (CZ-NACE) - level 4 - Group 01.11.1991 09.09.9999 Activities
3210 POCOBYMIST The number of habitable rooms of dwelling 01.03.2001 09.09.9999 Other
7521 PODSKUPO Classification of Statistical Activities of CZSO - level 2 - Subgroup 01.01.2006 09.09.9999 Other
7523 PODTRIDO Classification of Statistical Activities of CZSO - level 4 - Subclass 01.01.1900 09.09.9999 Other
102 POHLAVI Sex 01.01.1900 09.09.9999 Other
206 PRICTEZBY Salvage felling cause 01.01.1900 09.09.9999  
213 PRIVYDDOM Type of income and expenditure of the household 01.01.1900 09.09.9999  
214 PRIVYDDOMA Type of income and expenditure of the household - aggregation 01.01.1900 09.09.9999  
2478 PROTISTA Selected territorial groupings 01.01.1900 09.09.9999 Geographic
7604 SEZOCI Seasonal and other adjustments 01.01.1900 09.09.9999 Technologic
5691 SITC_U1 Standard International Trade Classification (SITC) - level 1 - Section 01.01.1991 09.09.9999 Products
5692 SITC_U2 Standard International Trade Classification (SITC) - level 2 - Division 01.01.1991 09.09.9999 Products
5693 SITC_U3 Standard International Trade Classification (SITC) - level 3 - Group 01.01.1991 09.09.9999 Products
5694 SITC_U4 Standard International Trade Classification (SITC) - level 4 - Sub-group 01.01.1991 09.09.9999 Products
5695 SITC_U5 Standard International Trade Classification (SITC) - level 5 - Basic Heading 01.01.1991 09.09.9999 Products
7520 SKUPOKRU Classification of Statistical Activities of CZSO - level 1 - Group 01.01.2006 09.09.9999 Other
7603 SPECCENHLAD Price levels 01.01.1900 09.09.9999  
7605 SPJMEN Specification of denominator of a ratio, structure 01.01.1900 09.09.9999  
97 STAT_NUTS State 01.03.2001 09.09.9999 Geographic
67 TOBCE Type of municipality 01.03.2001 09.09.9999 Other
7522 TRIDOKRU Classification of Statistical Activities of CZSO - level 3 - Class 01.01.2006 09.09.9999 Other
428 TUREG Touristic regions 2010 01.01.2010 09.09.9999 Geographic
427 TUROB Touristic areas 2010 01.01.2010 09.09.9999 Geographic
7571 TYPOVY Type of person for the calculation 01.01.1900 09.09.9999  
5725 TYPPNETA Type of Internet connections - aggregation 01.01.2000 09.09.9999  
2910 TYPSOCSL Kind of social services, social care facilities and home care services 01.01.2008 09.09.9999  
1060 TYPZAST Nomenclature of council types 01.09.2006 09.09.9999 Elections
1051 VOLBY Type of elections 01.01.1990 09.09.9999 Elections
564 ZDRUD Source of information 01.01.1994 09.09.9999 Other
5947 ZJEDVYK List of goods not intended for simplified reporting to Intrastat 01.01.2022 09.09.9999 Products
208 ZPLOD Type of agricultural crop 01.01.1900 09.09.9999 Other
209 ZPLODA Type of agricultural crop - aggregation 01.01.1900 09.09.9999 Other
572 ZPZAN Way of demise 01.10.1994 09.09.9999 Other
Czech Statistical Office, Na padesátém 81, 100 82 Praha 10; tel.: 274 051 111 (switchboard)
Version: 1.2.17 © ČSÚ 2024
Displayed on: 22.12.2024