Product list (CZ-PRODCOM)

Code Abbreviation Name Valid from Valid to Family
2207 CZPRODCOM Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 01.01.2008 09.09.9999 Products
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Items of code list:

Vyhledávání kódu
Vyhledávání názvu
1723133002 Exercise books, of paper or paperboard 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
1413354202 Women's or girls' trousers and breeches, of denim (excluding for industrial or occupational wear) 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
1413354802 Women's or girls' trousers and breeches, of cotton (excluding denim, for industrial or occupational wear) 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
1413354902 Women's or girls' trousers and breeches, of wool or fine animal hair or man-made fibres (excluding knitted or crocheted and for industrial and occupational wear) 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
1413355102 Women's or girls' bib and brace overalls, of cotton (excluding knitted or crocheted, for industrial or occupational wear) 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
1413356102 Women's or girls' shorts, of cotton (excluding knitted and crocheted) 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
1413356502 Women's or girls' shorts, of man-made fibres (excluding knitted or crocheted) 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
1413356902 Women's or girls' trousers, breeches, bib and brace overalls, of textiles (excluding cotton, wool or fine animal hair, man-made fibres, knitted or crocheted) 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
1413990011 Industrial services as part of manufacturing in class 1413 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
1414122002 Men's or boys' underpants and briefs, of knitted or crocheted textiles (including boxer shorts) 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
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