Classification is a hierarchical categorisation of specific phenomena or processes (economic, social or demographic). Classifications are characteristic by the subdivision of phenomena and processes from general to more detailed ones. There is a relation of superiority and subordination among classification levels. In classifications, phenomena and processes are usually subdivided into classes and sub-classes, groups and sub-groups, divisions and sub-divisions. According to its individual levels, classification can be split into several code lists. more information >>

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CZ-COICOP_2018_KL Classification of Individual Consumption According to Purpose (CZ-COICOP_2018) 1 01.01.2024 09.09.9999 National accounts    
CZ-COICOP_KL Classification of Individual Consumption by Purpose (CZ-COICOP) 1.2 01.09.2000 09.09.9999 National accounts    
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Displayed on: 13.02.2025

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