International Standard Classification of Education: Fields of Education and Training 2013 (CZ-ISCED-F 2013)

Abbreviation Name Version Valid from Valid to Family
CZ-ISCEDF_KL International Standard Classification of Education: Fields of Education and Training 2013 (CZ-ISCED-F 2013) 1 01.01.2016 09.09.9999 Education

Items of code list:

Filtr úrovně
Vyhledávání kódu
Vyhledávání názvu
3 0231 Language acquisition
3 0230 Languages not further defined
2 022 Humanities (excluding languages)
3 0229 Humanities (except languages) not elsewhere classified
3 0223 Philosophy and ethics
3 0222 History and archaeology
3 0221 Religion and theology
3 0220 Humanities (excluding languages) not further defined
2 021 Arts
3 0219 Arts not elsewhere classified
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Language version of data: cs en

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Displayed on: 11.03.2025

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