Harmonised Commodity Description and Coding System (HS)

Abbreviation Name Version Valid from Valid to Family
HS_KL Harmonised Commodity Description and Coding System (HS) 1.9 01.01.2012 31.12.2016 Products

Items of code list:

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Vyhledávání kódu
Vyhledávání názvu
2 15 Animal or vegetable fats and oils and their cleavage products; prepared edible fats; animal or vegetable waxes
4 151800 Animal or vegetable fats and oils and their fractions, boiled, oxidised, dehydrated, sulphurised or otherwise chemically modified, inedible mixtures or preparations of animal or vegetable fats or oils or of fractions of different fats or oils, n.e.s.
4 310100 Animal or vegetable fertilisers,whether or not mixed together or chemically treated;fertilisers produced by the mixing or chemical treatment of animal or vegetable products (excl. in pellet or similar forms,or in packages with a gross weight of <= 10 kg)
3 3101 Animal or vegetable fertilizers in packages weighing more than 10 kg
3 0511 Animal products nes;dead animals of ch 1/3,unfit for human consumption
3 1518 Animal/veg fats&oils&fract boild oxid,etc,&ind mx/prep nes excl 15.16
4 340211 Anionic organic surface-active agents, whether or not put up for retail sale (excl. soap)
4 270111 Anthracite, whether or not pulverised, non-agglomerated
4 292243 Anthranilic acid and its salts
4 291461 Anthraquinone
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