Units of measurement

Code Abbreviation Name Valid from Valid to Family
78 CVMJ Units of measurement 01.02.2002 09.09.9999 Other

Code List Item:


Code Name Valid
20103 tonne 01.02.2002 09.09.9999

Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 0510103002 Coking coal (hard coal with a GCV > 23.865 kJ/kg on wet sample free of ash and a quality that allows the production of a coke suitable to support a blast furnace charge)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 0510105002 Steam coal (hard coal with a GCV > 23.865 kJ/kg on wet sample free of ash, used for steam raising and space heating purposes, including Spanish Lignito Negro)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 0520103012 Brown coal non-aglomerated (except lignite)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 0520103022 Lignite
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 0610103002 Crude oil (naturally occurring mineral oil consisting of many types of hydrocarbons, including oil from oil shales, asphaltic sands, etc.)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 0610105002 Natural Gas Condensates (NGL: Natural Gas Liquids, portions of natural gas recovered as liquids (LPG, Natural gasoline, gasoil) gas processing plants)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 0610200002 Oil shales, asphaltic sands, etc., sedimentary rocks containing organic matter or bituminous or other high-viscosity petroleum
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 0710101002 Iron ores and concentrates. Non-agglomerated (excluding roasted iron pyrites)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 0710102002 Iron ores and concentrates. Agglomerated (excluding roasted iron pyrites)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 0721103002 Uranium ores and concentrates
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 0721105002 Thorium ores and concentrates
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 0729110002 Copper ores and concentrates
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 0729120002 Nickel ores and concentrates
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 0729130002 Aluminium ores and concentrates
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 0729141002 Silver ores and concentrates
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 0729142002 Other precious-metal ores and concentrates (excl. silver ores and concentrates)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 0729151002 Lead ores and concentrates
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 0729152002 Zinc ores and concentrates
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 0729153002 Tin ores and concentrates
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 0729190502 Cobalt ores and concentrates
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 0729191002 Chromium ores and concentrates
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 0729191502 Manganese ores and concentrates, including ferruginous manganese ores and concentrates with a manganese content of 20 % or more, calculated on the dry weight
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 0729192002 Tungsten ores and concentrates
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 0729192502 Molybdenum ores and concentrates. Roasted.
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 0729192602 Molybdenum ores and concentrates. Other than roasted
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 0729193002 Titanium ores and concentrates
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 0729193502 Zirconium ores and concentrates
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 0729194002 Niobium, tantalum or vanadium ores and concentrates
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 0729194502 Antimony ores and concentrates
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 0729199002 Other ores and concentrates n.e.s.
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 0811113302 Marble and travertine, crude or roughly trimmed
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 0811113602 Marble and travertine merely cut into rectangular or square blocks or slabs
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 0811115002 Ecaussine and other calcareous monumental or building stone of an apparent specific gravity >= 2.5
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 0811122002 Quartzite (crude, roughly trimmed or merely cut)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 0811123302 Granite, crude or roughly trimmed
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 0811123602 Granite merely cut into rectangular (including square) blocks or slabs
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 0811125002 Sandstone
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 0811126102 Porphyry (crude, roughly trimmed or merely cut)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 0811126202 Basalt (crude, roughly trimmed or merely cut)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 0811126902 Other monumental or building stone (excluding porphyry and basalt)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 0811203002 Gypsum and anhydrite
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 0811205002 Limestone flux, limestone and other calcareous stone used for the manufacture of lime or cement (excluding crushed limestone aggregate and calcareous dimension stone)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 0811301002 Chalk
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 0811303002 Dolomite, crude, roughly trimmed or merely cut into rectangular or square blocks or slabs (excluding calcined or sintered dolomite, agglomerated dolomite and broken or crushed dolomite for concrete aggregates, road metalling or railway or other ballast)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 0811400002 Slate, crude, roughly trimmed or merely cut into rectangular or square blocks or slabs
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 0812115002 Silica sands (quartz sands or industrial sands)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 0812119002 Sands such as clayey sands; kaolinic sands; feldspathic sands (excluding silica sands, metal bearing sands)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 0812121002 Gravel and pebbles of a kind used for concrete aggregates, for road metalling or for railway or other ballast; shingle and flint
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 0812123502 Limestone, dolomite and other calcareous stone, broken or crushed
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 0812124002 Other broken or crushed stone, of a kind commonly used for concrete aggregates, for road metalling or for railway or other ballast (excluding pebbles, gravel, shingle, flint, limestone, dolomite and other calcareous stone)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 0812125002 Granules, chippings and powder of marble
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 0812129002 Granules, chippings and powder of travertine, ecaussine, granite, porphyry, basalt, sandstone and other monumental stone
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 0812130002 Mixtures of slag and similar industrial waste products, whether or not incorporating pebbles, gravel, shingle and flint for construction use
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 0812214002 Kaolin, not calcined
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 0812216002 Kaolinitic clays (ball and plastic clays)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 0812221002 Bentonite
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 0812223002 Fireclay
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 0812225502 Other clays
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 0812226002 Andalusite, kyanite and sillimanite
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 0812227002 Mullite
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 0812228002 Chamotte or dinas earths
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 0891110002 Natural calcium phosphates; natural aluminium calcium phosphates and phosphatic chalk
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 0891122002 Unroasted iron pyrites
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 0891123002 Crude or unrefined sulphur (including recovered sulphur)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 0891191002 Natural barium sulphate (barytes) and carbonate (witherite)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 0891191102 Natural borates and concentrates thereof (not calcined), but not including borates separated from natural brine; natural boric acid containing not more than 85 % of H3BO3 calculated on the dry weight
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 0891191202 Fluorspar
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 0891191302 Kieserite, epsomite (natural magnesium sulphates)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 0891191902 Other mineral substances n.e.s. (excluding vermiculite, perlite and chlorites, unexpanded and kieserite, epsomite (natural magnesium sulphates))
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 0892100002 Peat (except peat briquettes)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 0893100002 Salt (including denatured salt but excluding salt suitable for human consumption) and pure sodium chloride, whether or not in aqueous solution or containing added anti-caking or free-flowing agents
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 0899100002 Natural bitumen and natural asphalt; asphaltites and asphaltic rocks
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 0899221002 Industrial diamonds. Unworked or simply sawn, cleaved or bruted, but not mounted or set
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 0899222002 Pumice stone
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 0899223002 Emery, natural corundum, natural garnet and other natural abrasives, whether or not heat-treated
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 0899291002 Natural graphite
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 0899291302 Natural magnesium carbonate (magnesite);
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 0899291402 Dead-burned (sintered) magnesia
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 0899291502 Fused magnesia and other magnesium oxide
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 0899292002 Other minerals
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 1011114002 Fresh or chilled carcases, half-carcases and quarters with bone in, of beef and veal
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 1011119002 Fresh or chilled cuts, of beef and veal
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 1011123002 Fresh or chilled carcases and half-carcases, of pig meat (including fresh meat packed with salt as a temporary preservative)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 1011125002 Fresh or chilled hams, shoulders and cuts thereof with bone in, of pig meat (including fresh meat packed with salt as a temporary preservative)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 1011129002 Fresh or chilled pig meat (including fresh meat packed with salt as a temporary preservative; excluding carcases and half-carcases, hams, shoulders and cuts thereof with bone in)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 1011130002 Fresh or chilled carcases, half-carcases and cuts, of lamb or sheep
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 1011140002 Meat of goats, fresh or chilled
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 1011150002 Meat of horses and other equines, fresh or chilled
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 1011200002 Edible offal of bovine animals, swine, sheep, goats, horses and other equines, fresh or chilled
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 1011310002 Frozen carcases, half-carcases, quarters and cuts, of beef and veal
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 1011323002 Frozen carcases and half-carcases, of pig meat
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 1011325002 Frozen hams, shoulders and cuts with bone in, of pig meat
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 1011329002 Frozen pig meat (excluding carcases and half-carcases, hams, shoulders and cuts thereof with bone in)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 1011330002 Frozen carcases, half-carcases and cuts, of lamb or sheep
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 1011340002 Frozen meat, of goats
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 1011350002 Frozen meat, of horses and other equines
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 1011391002 Edible offal of bovine animals, swine, sheep, goats, horses and other equines, frozen
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 1011410002 Greasy wool not carded or combed (including fleece-washed wool) (excluding shorn wool)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 1011430002 Raw hides and skins of bovine or equine animals (excluding whole)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 1011504002 Pig fat free of lean meat; fresh; chilled; frozen; salted; in brine or smoked (excluding rendered)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 1011506002 Lard and other pig fat; rendered
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 1011507002 Fats of bovine animals; sheep or goats; raw or rendered
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 1011603002 Guts, bladders and stomachs of animals, whole or in pieces (excluding fish)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 1011609002 Animal disposal, unfit for human consumption (excluding fish, guts, bladders and stomachs)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 1012300002 Fats of poultry
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 1013112002 Hams, shoulders and cuts thereof with bone in, of swine, salted, in brine, dried or smoked
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 1013115002 Bellies and cuts thereof of swine, salted, in brine, dried or smoked
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 1013118002 Pig meat salted, in brine, dried or smoked (including bacon, 3/4 sides/middles, fore-ends, loins and cuts thereof; excluding hams, shoulders and cuts thereof with bone in, bellies and cuts thereof)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 1013120002 Beef and veal salted, in brine, dried or smoked
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 1013131002 Meat salted, in brine, dried or smoked; edible flours and meals of meat or meat offal (including insects; excluding pig meat, beef and veal salted, in brine, dried or smoked)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 1031111002 Frozen potatoes, uncooked or cooked by steaming or boiling in water
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 1031113002 Frozen potatoes, prepared or preserved (including potatoes cooked or partly cooked in oil and then frozen; excluding by vinegar or acetic acid)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 1031120002 Dried potatoes whether or not cut or sliced but not further prepared
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 1031130002 Dried potatoes in the form of flour, meal, flakes, granules and pellets
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 1031143002 Potatoes prepared or preserved in the form of flour, meal or flakes (excluding frozen, crisps, by vinegar or acetic acid)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 1031146002 Potatoes prepared or preserved, including crisps (excluding frozen, dried, by vinegar or acetic acid, in the form of flour, meal or flakes)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 1032121002 Frozen unconcentrated orange juice
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 1039110002 Frozen vegetables and mixtures of vegetables, uncooked or cooked by steaming or boiling in water (excluding potatoes)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 1039120002 Vegetables provisionally preserved by sulphur dioxide gas, in brine, in sulphur water or in other preservative solutions, but unsuitable in that state for immediate consumption
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 1039150002 Beans, preserved otherwise than by vinegar or acetic acid, except prepared vegetable dishes
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 1039160002 Peas, preserved otherwise than by vinegar or acetic acid, except prepared vegetable dishes
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 1039171002 Preserved tomatoes, whole or in pieces (excluding prepared vegetable dishes and tomatoes preserved by vinegar or acetic acid)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 1039172102 Unconcentrated tomato puree and paste
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 1039172502 Concentrated tomato puree and paste
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 1039173002 Prepared or preserved mushrooms and truffles (excluding prepared vegetable dishes and mushrooms and truffles dried, frozen or preserved by vinegar or acetic acid)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 1039174002 Frozen vegetables and mixtures of vegetables (excluding prepared vegetable dishes, frozen vegetables and mixtures of vegetables uncooked or cooked by steaming or boiling in water, or preserved by vinegar or acetic acid)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 1039175002 Preserved sauerkraut (excluding prepared vegetable dishes and sauerkraut dried, frozen or preserved by vinegar or acetic acid)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 1039176002 Preserved asparagus (excluding prepared vegetable dishes and asparagus dried, frozen or preserved by vinegar or acetic acid)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 1039177002 Prepared or preserved olives (excluding prepared vegetable dishes and olives dried, frozen or preserved by vinegar or acetic acid)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 1039178002 Prepared or preserved sweetcorn (excluding prepared vegetable dishes and sweetcorn dried, frozen or preserved by vinegar or acetic acid)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 1039179002 Vegetables and mixtures of vegetables, n.e.c. (excluding prepared vegetable dishes and frozen vegetables and mixtures of vegetables)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 1039180012 Vegetables (excluding gherkins and potatoes), fruit, nuts and other edible parts of plants, prepared or preserved by vinegar or acetic acid
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 1039180022 Gherkins prepared or preserved by vinegar or acetic acid
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 1039210002 Frozen fruit and nuts uncooked or cooked by steaming or boiling in water
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 1039223002 Citrus fruit jams, marmalades, jellies, purees or pastes, being cooked preparations (excluding homogenized preparations)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 1039229002 Jams, marmalades, fruit jellies, fruit or nut purees and pastes, being cooked preparations (excluding of citrus fruit, homogenized preparations)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 1039233002 Prepared or preserved groundnuts (including peanut butter; excluding by vinegar or acetic acid, frozen, purees and pastes)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 1041110002 Lard stearin, lard oil, oleostearin, oleo-oil and tallow oil (excluding emulsified, mixed or otherwise prepared)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 1041120002 Fats and oils and their fractions of fish or marine mammals (excluding chemically modified)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 1041190002 Other animal fats and oils and their fractions, whether or not refined (excluding chemically modified)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 1041211002 Crude ground-nut oil and its fractions (excluding chemically modified)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 1041221002 Virgin olive oil and its fractions (excluding chemically modified)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 1041222102 Crude olive pomace oil and its fractions not chemically modified (including those blended with virgin olive oil or its fractions) (excluding virgin olive oil)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 1041230002 Crude sunflower-seed and safflower oil and their fractions (excluding chemically modified)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 1041241002 Crude rape, colza or mustard oil and their fractions (excluding chemically modified)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 1041251002 Crude palm oil and its fractions (excluding chemically modified)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 1041291002 Other vegetable and microbial fats and oils, crude (excluding chemically modified oils)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 1041300002 Cotton linters
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 1041413002 Oilcake and other solid residues resulting from the extraction of soya-bean oil
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 1041415002 Oilcake and other solid residues resulting from the extraction of sunflower seed fats or oils
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 1041417002 Oilcake and other solid residues resulting from the extraction of rape or colza seed fats or oils
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 1041419002 Oilcake and other solid residues from extraction of vegetable fats/oils (including cotton seeds, linseed, coconut, copra, palm nuts or kernels; excluding soya beans, sunflower, rape or colza seeds)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 1041420002 Flours and meals of oil seeds or oleaginous fruits (excluding of mustard)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 1041510002 Refined soya-bean oil and its fractions (excluding chemically modified)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 1041520002 Refined ground-nut oil and its fractions (excluding chemically modified)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 1041531002 Refined olive oil and its fractions (excluding chemically modified)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 1041533102 Other oils and their fractions obtained solely from olives not chemically modified (including those blended with virgin olive oil or its fractions) (excluding crude olive pomace oil, virgin olive oil)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 1041540002 Refined sunflower-seed and safflower oil and their fractions (excluding chemically modified)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 1041550002 Refined cotton-seed oil and its fractions (excluding chemically modified)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 1041560002 Refined rape, colza or mustard oil and their fractions (excluding chemically modified)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 1041570002 Refined palm oil and its fractions (excluding chemically modified)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 1041580002 Refined coconut (copra) oil and its fractions (excluding chemically modified)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 1041590002 Other oils and their fractions, refined but not chemically modified; fixed vegetable fats and other vegetable and microbial fats and oils (except maize oil) and their fractions n.e.c. refined but not chemically modified
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 1041603002 Animal fats and oils and their fractions partly or wholly hydrogenated, inter-esterified, re-esterified or elaidinized, but not further prepared (including refined)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 1041605002 Vegetable and microbial fats and oils and their fractions partly or wholly hydrogenated, inter-esterified, re-esterified or elaidinised, but not further prepared (including refined)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 1041710002 Vegetable waxes (including refined) (excluding triglycerides)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 1041720002 Degras; residues resulting from the treatment of fatty substances or animal or vegetable waxes
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 1042103002 Margarine and reduced and low fat spreads (excluding liquid margarine)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 1042105002 Other edible preparations of fats and oils, including liquid margarine
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 1051113302 Milk and cream of a fat content by weight of <= 1%, not concentrated nor containing added sugar or other sweetening matter, in immediate packings of a net content <= 2 l
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 1051113702 Milk and cream of a fat content by weight of <= 1%, not concentrated nor containing added sugar or other sweetening matter, in immediate packings of a net content > 2 l
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 1051114202 Milk and cream of a fat content by weight of > 1% but <= 6%, not concentrated nor containing added sugar or other sweetening matter, in immediate packings of a net content <= 2 l
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 1051114802 Milk and cream of a fat content by weight of > 1% but <= 6%, not concentrated nor containing added sugar or other sweetening matter, in immediate packings of a net content > 2 l
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 1051121002 Milk and cream of a fat content by weight of > 6% but <= 21%, not concentrated nor containing added sugar or other sweetening matter, in immediate packings of <= 2 l
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 1051122002 Milk and cream of a fat content by weight of > 6% but <= 21%, not concentrated nor containing added sugar or other sweetening matter, in immediate packings of > 2 l
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 1051123002 Milk and cream of a fat content by weight of > 21%, not concentrated nor containing added sugar or other sweetening matter, in immediate packings of <= 2 l
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 1051124002 Milk and cream of a fat content by weight of > 21%, not concentrated nor containing added sugar or other sweetening matter, in immediate packings of > 2 l
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 1051213002 Skimmed milk powder (milk and cream in solid forms, of a fat content by weight of <= 1,5%), in immediate packings of <= 2,5 kg
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 1051216002 Skimmed milk powder (milk and cream in solid forms, of a fat content by weight of <= 1,5%), in immediate packings of > 2,5 kg
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 1051223002 Whole milk powder or full cream powder (milk and cream in solid forms, of a fat content by weight of > 1,5%), in immediate packings of <= 2,5 kg
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 1051226002 Whole milk powder or full cream powder (milk and cream in solid forms, of a fat content by weight of > 1,5%), in immediate packings of > 2,5 kg
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 1051303002 Butter of a fat content by weight <= 85%
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 1051305002 Butter of a fat content by weight > 85% and other fats and oils derived from milk (excluding dairy spreads of a fat content by weight < 80%)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 1051307002 Dairy spreads of a fat content by weight < 80%
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 1051403002 Unripened or uncured cheese (fresh cheese) (including whey cheese and curd)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 1051405002 Grated, powdered, blue-veined and other non-processed cheese (excluding fresh cheese, whey cheese and curd)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 1051407002 Processed cheese (excluding grated or powdered)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 1051510402 Condensed or evaporated milk, unsweetened
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 1051510802 Condensed or evaporated milk, sweetened
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 1051524202 Curdled milk, cream, yogurt and other fermented products
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 1051524402 Flavoured liquid yoghurt or acidified milk (curdled milk; cream; yoghurt and other fermented products flavoured or containing added fruit; nuts or cocoa, chocolate, spices, coffee or coffee extract, plants, parts of plants, cereals or bakers’ wares)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 1051553002 Whey and modified whey in powder, granules or other solid forms, whether or not concentrated or containing added sweetening matter
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 1051556002 Whey and modified whey in liquid or paste forms; whether or not concentrated or containing added sweetening matter
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 1061110002 Husked (brown) rice
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 1061123002 Semi-milled or wholly milled (bleached) rice, whether or not polished or glazed
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 1061125002 Broken rice
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 1061210002 Wheat or meslin flour
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 1061220002 Cereal flours (excluding wheat or meslin)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 1061230002 Flour and meal of dried peas, beans, lentils, sago, manioc, arrowroot, salep, jerusalem artichokes, sweet potatoes or similar roots or tubers; flour, meal, powder of edible fruit, nuts
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 1061240002 Mixes and doughs for the preparation of bread, cakes, pastry, crispbread, biscuits, waffles, wafers, rusks, toasted bread and similar toasted products and other bakers' wares
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 1061313302 Groats and meal of durum wheat
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 1061313502 Groats and meal of common wheat and spelt
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 1061323002 Groats and meal of oats, maize, rice, rye, barley and other cereals (excluding wheat)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 1061324002 Pellets of wheat
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 1061325002 Pellets of oats; maize; rice; rye; barley and other cereals (excluding wheat)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 1061333302 Rolled, flaked, hulled, pearled, sliced or kibbled cereal grains (excluding rice)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 1061333502 Germ of cereals, whole, rolled, flaked or ground (excluding rice)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 1061335102 Muesli type preparations based on unroasted cereal flakes
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 1061335302 Other prepared foods obtained by the swelling or roasting of cereals
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 1061335602 Cereals in grain form, precooked or otherwise prepared (excluding maize and insects)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 1061401002 Bran, sharps and other residues from the sifting, milling or other working of maize (corn)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 1061403002 Bran, sharps and other residues from the sifting, milling or other working of rice
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 1061405002 Bran, sharps and other residues from the sifting, milling or other working of wheat
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 1061409002 Bran, sharps and other residues from the sifting, milling or other working of cereals (excluding maize (corn), rice, wheat)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 1071110012 Bread containing by weight in the dry matter state <= 5% of sugars and <= 5% of fat (excluding with added honey; eggs; cheese or fruit)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 1071110022 Fresh rolls and similar products containing by weight in the dry matter state <= 5% of sugars and <= 5% of fat (excluding with added honey; eggs; cheese or fruit)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 1072113002 Crispbread
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 1072115002 Rusks, toasted bread and similar toasted products
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 1073113002 Uncooked pasta, containing eggs (excluding stuffed or otherwise prepared)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 1073115002 Uncooked pasta (excluding containing eggs, stuffed or otherwise prepared)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 1073120002 Couscous
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 1081110002 Raw cane and beet sugar in solid form, not containing added flavouring or colouring matter
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 1081123002 Refined white cane or beet sugar in solid form
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 1081129002 Refined cane or beet sugar in a solid form (excluding white sugar)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 1081130002 Refined cane or beet sugar, containing added flavouring or colouring matter; maple sugar and maple syrup
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 1081143002 Cane molasses
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 1081145002 Molasses obtained from the extraction or refining of sugar (excluding cane molasses)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 1081200002 Beet-pulp, bagasse and other sugar manufacturing waste (including defecation scum and filter press residues)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 1082110002 Cocoa paste (excluding containing added sugar or other sweetening matter)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 1082120002 Cocoa butter, fat and oil
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 1082130002 Cocoa powder, not containing added sugar or other sweetening matter
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 1082140002 Cocoa powder, containing added sugar or other sweetening matter
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 1083113002 Decaffeinated coffee, not roasted
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 1083115002 Roasted coffee, not decaffeinated
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 1083117002 Roasted decaffeinated coffee
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 1083121002 Coffee substitutes containing coffee
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 1083124002 Extracts, essences and concentrates, of coffee, and preparations with a basis of these extracts, essences or concentrates or with a basis of coffee
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 1083127002 Roasted chicory and other roasted coffee substitutes, and extracts, essences and concentrates thereof
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 1083130002 Tea in immediate packings of a content <= 3 kg
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 1083140002 Extracts, essences and concentrates of tea or maté, and preparations with a basis of these extracts, essences or concentrates, or with a basis of tea or maté
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 1083150002 Herbal Infusions; incl. bark of African cherry (Prunus africana)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 1084300002 Salt suitable for human consumption
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 1085130002 Prepared meals and dishes based on vegetables
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 1085141002 Cooked or uncooked pasta stuffed with meat, fish, cheese or other substances in any proportion
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 1085143012 Prepared dumplings
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 1085143022 Dried, undried and frozen pasta and pasta products (including prepared dishes) (excluding uncooked pasta, stuffed pasta, prepared dumplings)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 1086101102 Homogenised preparations of meat, meat offal, blood or insects (excluding sausages and similar products of meat; food preparations based on these products)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 1086103002 Homogenized vegetables (excluding frozen, preserved by vinegar or acetic acid)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 1086105002 Homogenized preparations of jams, fruit jellies, marmalades, fruit or nut puree and fruit or nut pastes
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 1086106002 Homogenized composite food preparations for infant food or dietetic purposes p.r.s. in containers <= 250 g
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 1086107002 Food preparations for infants, p.r.s. (excluding homogenized composite food preparations)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 1091101002 Premixtures for farm animal feeds
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 1091103302 Preparations used for farm animal feeding (excluding premixtures): pigs
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 1091103502 Preparations used for farm animal feeding (excluding premixtures): cattle
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 1091103702 Preparations used for farm animal feeding (excluding premixtures): poultry
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 1091103902 Preparations used for farm animal feeding (excluding premixtures): n.e.c.
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 1091200002 Lucerne (alfalfa) meal and pellets
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 1092103002 Dog or cat food, p.r.s.
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 1092106002 Preparation used for feeding pets (excluding dog or cat food, p.r.s.)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 1105200002 Brewing or distilling dregs and waste
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 1106103002 Malt, not roasted
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 1106105002 Roasted malt
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 1310290002 Other vegetable textile fibres, processed but not spun
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 1320461102 Mechanically bonded fabrics of glass fibres, excluding non-woven closed fabrics of rovings and stiched or needled fabrics of glass fibers
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 1391110002 Pile fabrics, terry fabrics, knitted or crocheted
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 1391191002 Knitted or crocheted fabrics (excluding pile fabrics)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 1392213002 Sacks and bags, of cotton, used for packing goods
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 1392215002 Sacks and bags, of knitted or crocheted polyethylene or polypropylene strip, used for packing goods
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 1392217002 Sacks and bags, of polyethylene or polypropylene strip, used for packing goods (excluding knitted or crocheted)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 1392219002 Sacks and bags, used for packing goods (excluding of cotton, polyethylene or polypropylene strip)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 1392230002 Parachutes and rotochutes, parts and accessories (including dirigible parachutes)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 1394113002 Twine, cordage, rope or cables, of sisal or other textile fibres of 'agave', of jute or other textile bast fibres and hard leaf fibres (excluding binder or baler twine)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 1394115302 Sisal binder or baler (agricultural) twines
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 1394115502 Polyethylene or polypropylene binder or baler (agricultural) twines
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 1394116002 Cordage, ropes or cables of polyethylene, polypropylene, nylon or other polyamides or of polyesters measuring >50,000 decitex, of other synthetic fibres (excluding binder or baler twine)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 1394117002 Twines of polyethylene or polypropylene, of nylon or other polyamides or polyesters measuring <= 50 000 decitex (5 g/m) (excluding binder or baler twine)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 1394119002 Twines, cordage, rope and cables of textile materials (excluding jute and other textile bast fibres, sisal, abaca or other hard leaf fibres, synthetic fibres)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 1394125902 Knotted netting of textile materials (excluding made-up fishing nets of man-made textiles, other made-up nets of nylon or other polyamides)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 1395101002 Nonwovens of a weight <= 25 g/m2 (including articles made from nonwovens) (excluding articles of apparel, coated or covered)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 1395102002 Nonwovens of a weight of > 25 g/m2 but <= 70 g/m2 (including articles made from nonwovens) (excluding articles of apparel, coated or covered)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 1395103002 Nonwovens of a weight of > 70 g/m2 but <= 150 g/m2 (including articles made from nonwovens) (excluding articles of apparel, coated or covered)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 1395105002 Nonwovens of a weight of > 150 g/m2 (including articles made from nonwovens) (excluding articles of apparel, coated or covered)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 1395107002 Nonwovens, coated or covered (including articles made from nonwovens) (excluding articles of apparel)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 1396162002 Textile hosepiping and similar textile tubing, whether or not impregnated or coated, with or without lining, armour or accessories of other materials
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 1396165002 Textile wicks, conveyor belts or belting (including reinforced with metal or other material)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 1399150002 Gimped yarn and gimped strip and the like, of man-made textile materials of an apparent width <= 5 mm; chenille yarn; loop wale-yarn
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 1610211002 Coniferous wood continuously shaped (including strips and friezes for parquet flooring, not assembled)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 1610221002 Bamboo, incl. strips and friezes for parquet flooring, not assembled, shaped "tongued, grooved, rebated, chamfered, V-jointed beaded, moulded, rounded or the like" along any of its edges, ends or faces, whether or not planed, sanded or end-jointed
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 1610230002 Wood, incl. strips and friezes for parquet flooring, not assembled, shaped "tongued, grooved, rebated, chamfered, V-jointed beaded, moulded, rounded etc." along its edge, end or face, also planed, sanded or end-jointed (excl. coniferous and bamboo)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 1610240002 Wood wool; wood flour
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 1610250302 Coniferous wood in chips or particles
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 1623120002 Shuttering for concrete constructional work, shingles and shakes, of wood
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 1623190002 Builders' joinery and carpentry of wood (excluding windows, French-windows and doors, their frames and thresholds, parquet panels, shuttering for concrete constructional work, shingles and shakes)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 1624120002 Casks, barrels, vats, tubs, and coopers products and parts thereof of wood (including staves)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 1624132002 Cases, boxes, crates, drums and similar packings of wood (excluding cable drums)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 1624135002 Cable-drums of wood
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 1712110002 Newsprint in rolls or sheets
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 1712120002 Handmade paper and paperboard
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 1712130002 Paper and paperboard used as a base for photo-sensitive, heat-sensitive or electro-sensitive paper; carbonising base paper; wallpaper base
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 1712141002 Graphic paper, paperboard: mechanical fibres <= 10%, weight < 40 g/m2
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 1712143502 Graphic paper, paperboard: mechanical fibres <= 10%, weight >= 40 g/m2 but <= 150 g/m2, in rolls
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 1712143902 Graphic paper, paperboard: mechanical fibres <= 10%, weight >= 40 g/m2 but <= 150 g/m2, sheets
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 1712145002 Graphic paper, paperboard: mechanical fibres <= 10%, weight > 150 g/m2
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 1712147002 Graphic paper, paperboard: mechanical fibres > 10%
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 1712310002 Uncoated, unbleached kraftliner in rolls or sheets (excluding for writing, printing or other graphic purposes, punch card stock and punch card tape paper)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 1712320002 Uncoated kraftliner in rolls or sheets (excluding unbleached, for writing; printing or other graphic purposes, punch card stock and punch card tape paper
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 1712330002 Semi-chemical fluting
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 1712340002 Recycled fluting and other fluting
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 1712352002 Uncoated testliner (recycled liner board), weight <= 150 g/m2, in rolls or sheets
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 1712354002 Uncoated testliner (recycled liner board), weight > 150 g/m2, in rolls or sheets
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 1712412002 Uncoated, unbleached sack kraft paper (excluding for writing, printing or other graphic purposes, punch card stock and punch card tape paper)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 1712414002 Uncoated sack kraft paper (excluding unbleached, for writing, printing or other graphic purposes, punch card stock and punch card tape paper)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 1712416002 Uncoated kraft paper and paperboard weighing <= 150 g/m2 (excluding kraftliner, sack kraft paper, for writing, printing and other graphic purposes, etc)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 1712418002 Creped or crinkled sack kraft paper; creped or crinkled; in rolls or sheets
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 1712422002 Sulphite wrapping paper in rolls or sheets
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 1712424002 Other uncoated paper and paperboard, in rolls or sheets, weight <= 150 g/m2 (excluding products of HS 4802, fluting paper, testliner, sulphite wrapping paper, filter or felt paper and paperboard)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 1712426002 Other uncoated paper and paperboard, in rolls or sheets, weight > 150 g/m² and < 225 g/m² (excluding products of HS 4802, fluting paper, testliner, sulphite wrapping paper, filter or felt paper and paperboard)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 1712428002 Other uncoated paper and paperboard, in rolls or sheets, weight >= 225 g/m2 (excluding products of HS 4802, fluting paper, testliner, sulphite wrapping paper, filter or felt paper and paperboard)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 1712433002 Uncoated filter paper and paperboard in rolls or sheets
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 1712436002 Uncoated felt paper and paperboard in rolls or sheets
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 1712440002 Cigarette paper (excluding in the form of booklets or tubes), in rolls > 5 cm wide
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 1712511002 Uncoated, inside grey paperboard
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 1712591002 Other uncoated paperboard
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 1712600002 Vegetable parchment, greaseproof papers, tracing papers and glassine and other glazed transparent or translucent papers
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 1712710002 Composite paper and paperboard in rolls or sheets (including strawpaper and paperboard) (excluding surface coated or impregnated)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 1712720002 Paper and paperboard, creped, crinkled, embossed or perforated
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 1712733602 Coated bases for paper and paperboard for photo-, heat- and electro-sensitive paper, having 10 % or less of mechanical and chemi-mechanical fibres, and paper and paperboard for writing, printing or other graphic purposes of 150 g/m² maximum weight
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 1712736002 Light-weight coated paper for writing, printing, graphic purposes, m.f. > 10%
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 1712737502 Other coated mech. graphic paper for writing, printing, graphic purposes, m.f. > 10%, rolls
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 1712737902 Other coated mech. graphic paper for writing, printing, graphic purposes, m.f. > 10%, sheets
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 1712740002 Kraft paper (other than that of a kind used for writing, printing or other graphic purposes), coated with kaolin or with other inorganic substances
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 1712750002 Kraft paperboard (other than that of a kind used for writing, printing or other graphic purposes), coated with kaolin or with other inorganic substances
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 1712760002 Carbon paper, self-copy paper and other copying or transfer paper, in rolls or sheets
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 1712771002 Tarred, bituminized or asphalted paper and paperboard in rolls or sheets
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 1712773302 Self-adhesive paper and paperboard in rolls or sheets
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 1712773502 Gummed paper and paperboard in rolls or sheets (excluding self-adhesives)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 1712775502 Bleached paper and paperboard in rolls or sheets, coated, impregnated or covered with plastics weighing > 150 g/m2 (excluding adhesives)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 1712775902 Paper and paperboard in rolls or sheets, coated, impregnated or covered with plastics (excluding adhesives, bleached and weighing > 150 g/m2)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 1712777002 Paper and paperboard in rolls or sheets, coated, impregnated or covered with wax, paraffin wax, stearin, oil or glycerol
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 1712778002 Other paper, paperboard, coated..., n.e.c.
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 1712782002 Kraft paper and paperboard, coated on one or both sides with kaolin / inorganic subst., in rolls or square/rectangular sheets (excl. for writing/printing/graphic purposes; bleached uniformly, of wood fibres being of > 95% w/w chemically processed)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 1712785002 Multi-ply paper and paperboard, coated, others
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 1712795302 Multi-ply paper and paperboard, coated, of which each layer in bleached
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 1712795502 Multi-ply paper and paperboard, coated, with 1 bleached outer layer
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 1712797002 Paper/paperboard in rolls or sheets, coated on one/both sides with kaolin or other inorganic substances excluding of a kind used for any graphic purposes, multi-ply paper/paperboard
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 1721110002 Corrugated paper and paperboard in rolls or sheets
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 1721123002 Sacks and bags, with a base width >= 40 cm, of paper, paperboard, cellulose wadding or webs of cellulose fibres
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 1721125002 Sacks and bags of paper, paperboard, cellulose wadding or webs of cellulose fibres (excluding those with a base width >= 40 cm)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 1721130002 Cartons, boxes and cases, of corrugated paper or paperboard
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 1721140002 Folding cartons, boxes and cases of non-corrugated paper or paperboard
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 1721153002 Other packaging containers, including record sleeves, n.e.c.
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 1721155002 Box files, letter trays, storage boxes and similar articles of paper or paperboard of a kind used in offices, shops or the like
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 1722112002 Toilet paper
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 1722114002 Handkerchiefs and cleansing or facial tissues of paper pulp, paper, cellulose wadding or webs of cellulose fibres
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 1722116002 Hand towels of paper pulp, paper, cellulose wadding or webs of cellulose fibres
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 1722118002 Tablecloths and serviettes of paper pulp, paper, cellulose wadding or webs of cellulose fibres
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 1722122002 Sanitary towels (pads), tampons and similar articles of paper pulp, paper, cellulose wadding or webs of cellulose fibres
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 1722123002 Napkins (diapers) and napkin liners and similar sanitary articles of paper pulp, paper, cellulose wadding or webs of cellulose fibers, (excluding toilet paper, sanitary towels, tampons and similar articles)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 1722125002 Articles of apparel and clothing accessories of paper pulp; paper; cellulose wadding or webs of cellulose fibres (excluding handkerchiefs, headgear)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 1722129002 Household, sanitary or hospital articles of paper, etc, n.e.c.
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 1722130002 Trays, dishes, plates, cups and the like of paper or paperboard
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 1723110002 Carbon paper, self-copy paper and other copying or transfer papers; duplicator stencil and offset plates of paper; gummed or adhesive paper
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 1723123002 Envelopes of paper or paperboard
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 1723127002 Boxes, pouches, wallets and writing compendiums of paper or paperboard, containing an assortment of paper stationery
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 1723131302 Registers, account books, order books and receipt books, of paper or paperboard
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 1723131502 Note books, letter pads, memorandum pads, of paper or paperboard
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 1723131702 Diaries, of paper or paperboard
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 1723133002 Exercise books, of paper or paperboard
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 1723135002 Binders, folders and file covers, of paper or paperboard (excluding book covers)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 1723137002 Manifold business forms and interleaved carbon sets, of paper or paperboard
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 1723138002 Albums for samples, collections, stamps or photographs, of paper or paperboard
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 1723140002 Other paper and paperboard, of a kind used for writing or printing or other graphic purposes, printed, embossed or perforated
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 1724110002 Wallpaper and similar wall coverings; window transparencies of paper
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 1724120002 Textile wall coverings
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 1729198502 Other articles of paper and paperboard n.e.c.
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 1910103002 Coke-oven coke (obtained from the carbonization of coking coal, at high temperature), gas-works coke (by-product of gas-works plants)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 1910105002 Brown-coal coke (Brown Coal Coke obtained from the distillation of brown coal/lignite at low temperature)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 1910107002 Coke, non-energy use (artificial graphite and coke for electrodes), retort carbon and coke for electrodes
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 1910200002 Tar (mixture of aromatic and aliphatic constituents, usually obtained from the distillation of coal, lignite or peat)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 1910300002 Pitch and pitch coke, obtained from coal tar or from other mineral tars
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 1920110002 Coal patent fuels (briquettes, ovoids and similar solid fuels manufactured from hard coal)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 1920120002 Lignite patent fuels (briquettes, ovoids and similar solid fuels manufactured from Lignite/Brown coal)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 1920130002 Briquettes, ovoids and similar solid fuels manufactured from peat
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 1920215002 Motor gasoline, unleaded (petroleum distillate (30 °C to 220 °C) prepared for spark ignition engines not containing TEL or TML)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 1920217002 Motor gasoline, leaded (petroleum distillate, 30 °C to 220 °C, prepared for spark ignition engines containing TEL or TML to enhance the octane number)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 1920221002 Aviation gasoline (petroleum distillate (30 °C to 220 °C) prepared especially for aviation piston engines)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 1920238002 White spirit
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 1920241002 Gasoline type jet fuel (petroleum distillate (100 °C to 250 °C) obtained by blending kerosene and gasoline prepared especially for aviation turbines)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 1920242002 Kerosene-type jet fuel
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 1920251002 Refinery feedstock (light oil), light semi-processed distillate used as a refinery feedstock
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 1920252002 Light naphtha (light distillate used as feedstock in the petrochemical industry)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 1920253002 Special spirits (excl. white spirit) of petroleum or bituminous minerals
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 1920263002 Refinery feedstock (heavy oil); heavy semi-processed distillate used as refinery feedstock
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 1920265002 Derv fuel (diesel for engine road vehicles, petroleum distillate, 180°C to 380°C, used in road/rail transport)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 1920267002 Heating gas-oil (petroleum distillate, 180°C to 380°C, used for heating/steam raising purposes)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 1920269002 Gas/diesel oil, non-energy (heavy distillate used as feedstock in the petrochemical industry)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 1920273002 Refinery feedstock (medium oil, semi-processed distillate used as refinery feedstock)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 1920275002 Medium naphtha (medium distillate used as feedstock in the petrochemical industry)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 1920276002 Kerosene (except kerosene-type jet fuel)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 1920283002 Refinery feedstock (fuel oil, used as refinery feedstock)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 1920285002 Fuel oil LSC (sulphur content <1%)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 1920287002 Fuel oil HSC (sulphur content >1%)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 1920289002 Fuel-oil, non-energy (fuel oil used as feedstock in the petrochemical industry)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 1920289902 Oils of >= 70% of petroleum or bituminous minerals, containing biodiesel (excl. gas oils and fuel oils)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 1920293002 Refinery feedstock (lubricating oils used as feedstock in refineries)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 1920295002 Lubricating oils (liquid distillates, weight of petroleum oils ≥ 70 %, extracted by distillation of crude oil; including motor oils, industrial oils and lubricating greases)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 1920312002 LPG (mixture of light hydrocarbons, maintained in the liquid state by increased pressure used as a power or heating fuel)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 1920313002 Refinery feedstock (LPG, Propane/Butanes used as refinery feedstock)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 1920317002 LPG non-energy (Propane/Butanes used as feedstock in the petrochemical industry)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 1920321002 Ethylene, propylene, butylene, butadiene
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 1920390002 Other petroleum gases or gaseous hydrocarbons, except natural gas
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 1920410002 Petroleum jelly, paraffin waxes and other waxes, including ozokerite (mixtures of saturated hydrocarbons, solid at ambient temperature)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 1920424002 Petroleum coke (black solid product obtained mainly by cracking and carbonising residue feedstock, mainly 90 to 95% of carbon)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 1920425002 Petroleum bitumen (black or dark brown solid and semi-solid thermo-plastic material with waterproofing and adhesive properties.)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 1920427002 Other petroleum products/residues (petroleum products/residues n.e.c.)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2011123002 Carbon dioxide
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2011127002 Nitrogen oxides
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2011130002 Liquid air; compressed air
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2012113002 Zinc oxide; zinc peroxide
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2012211002 Disperse dyes and preparations based thereon
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2012212002 Acid and mordant dyes and preparations based thereon
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2012213002 Basic dyes and preparations based thereon
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2012214002 Direct dyes and preparations based thereon
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2012215002 Other synthetic organic colouring matters
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2012216002 Synthetic organic products used as fluorescent brightening agents
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2012217002 Colour lakes; preparations based on colour lakes
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2013211102 Chlorine
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2013211602 Iodine; fluorine; bromine
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2013212002 Sulphur, sublimed or precipitated; colloidal sulphur
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2013213002 Carbon (carbon blacks and other forms of carbon, n.e.c.)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2013216002 Silicon. Containing by weight not less than 99,99 % of silicon
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2013217002 Silicon. Other than containing by weight not less than 99,99 % of silicon
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2013218102 Phosphorus
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2013241502 Chlorosulphuric acid
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2013246202 Diboron trioxide
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2013246502 Oxides of boron and boric acids (excl. diboron trioxide)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2013246902 Other inorganic acids and other inorganic oxygen compounds of non-metals (excluding hydrogen fluoride)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2013255002 Peroxides of sodium or potassium
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2013256302 Hydroxide and peroxide of magnesium
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2013256502 Oxides, hydroxides and peroxides, of strontium or barium
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2013313102 Magnesium chlorides
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2013313202 Nickel chlorides
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2013313302 Tin chlorides
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2013313402 Cobalt chlorides
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2013313502 Lithium chloride
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2013313802 Other chlorides (excluding lithium, ammonium, magnesium, nickel, tin and cobalt chloride) n.e.s.
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2013317202 Lithium bromide
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2013317302 Bromides and bromide oxides (excl. bromides of sodium, of potassium and of lithium)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2013317902 Bromides of sodium or of potassium; iodides and iodide oxides
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2013323002 Hypochlorites; commercial calcium hypochlorite; chlorites; hypobromites
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2013325102 Lithium perchlorate
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2013325902 Chlorates and perchlorates; bromates and perbromates; iodates and periodates (excluding lithium perchlorate)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2013411102 Sulphides of calcium, of antimony or of iron
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2013412002 Sulphides; polysulphides, whether or not chemically defined; dithionites and sulphoxylates (excluding of calcium, antimony and iron)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2013413502 Thiosulphates
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2013415002 Sulphates of aluminium
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2013415502 Sulphates of barium
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2013416002 Sulphates of magnesium
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2013416102 Sulphates of nickel
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2013416202 Sulphates of cobalt; of titanium
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2013416502 Sulphates (excluding those of aluminium, barium, magnesium, nickel, cobalt, titanium)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2013417302 Alums
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2013417502 Peroxosulphates (persulphates)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2013422002 Phosphinates (hypophosphites) and phosphonates (phosphites)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2013428102 Lithium iron phosphate
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2013428902 Phosphates (excluding calcium hydrogenorthophosphate and mono- or disodium phosphate, and lithium iron phosphate); polyphosphates (excluding sodium triphosphate)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2013432002 Sodium hydrogencarbonate (sodium bicarbonate)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2013435102 Lithium carbonates with a minimum content of 99,5% of Li2CO3 or more
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2013435202 Lithium carbonates with a content of less than 99,5% of Li2CO3
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2013439602 Cobalt carbonates
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2013439902 Other carbonates (excluding cobalt carbonates)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2013525002 Distilled and conductivity water and water of similar purity
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2013660002 Sulphur (excluding crude, sublimed, precipitated and colloidal)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2014112002 Saturated acyclic hydrocarbons
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2014113002 Ethylene
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2014114002 Propene (propylene)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2014115002 Butene (butylene) and isomers thereof
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2014116002 Buta-1,3-diene and isoprene
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2014119002 Unsaturated acyclic hydrocarbons (excluding ethylene, propene, butene, buta-1.3-diene and isoprene)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2014122302 Benzene
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2014122502 Toluene
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2014125002 Styrene
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2014126002 Ethylbenzene
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2014129002 Other cyclic hydrocarbons
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2014137102 Vinyl chloride (chloroethylene)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2014145002 Derivatives of hydrocarbon containing only sulpho groups; their salts and ethyl esters
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2014147002 Derivatives of hydrocarbon containing only nitro or only nitroso groups
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2014149002 Derivatives of hydrocarbon (excluding those containing only sulpho groups; their salts and ethyl esters, those containing only nitro or only nitroso groups)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2014210002 Industrial fatty alcohols
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2014221002 Methanol (methyl alcohol)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2014222002 Propan-1-ol (propyl alcohol) and propan-2-ol (isopropyl alcohol)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2014223002 Butan-1-ol (n-butyl alcohol)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2014224002 Butanols (excluding butan-1-ol (n-butyl alcohol))
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2014226302 Octanol (octyl alcohol) and isomers thereof
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2014226502 Lauryl alcohol; cetyl alcohol; stearyl alcohol and other saturated monohydric alcohols (excluding methyl, propyl and isopropyl, n-butyl, other butanols, octyl)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2014231002 Ethylene glycol (ethanediol)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2014232002 Propylene glycol (propane-1.2-diol)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2014236002 Glycerol (including synthetic; excluding crude waters and lyes)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2014241002 Monophenols
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2014321502 Ethyl acetate
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2014327102 Acetic acid
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2014343002 Phthalic anhydride; terephthalic acid and its salts
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2014415102 Aniline and its salts (excluding derivatives)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2014528002 Compounds with an (further) unfused pyridine, quinoline or isoquinoline ring; lactames; other heterocyclic compounds with nitrogen hetero-atom(s) only (excl. with an unfused pyrazole, imidazole. triazine ring or pyrimidine, piperazine ring)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2014611102 Methanal (formaldehyde)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2014611302 Ethanal (acetaldehyde)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2014621102 Acetone
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2014643002 Other organic compounds, n.e.c.
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2014645002 Rennet and concentrates thereof
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2014720002 Wood charcoal whether or not agglomerated (including shell or nut charcoal)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2014732002 Benzol (benzene), toluol (toluene) and xylol (xylenes)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2014734002 Naphthalene and other aromatic hydrocarbon mixtures (excluding benzole, toluole, xylole)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2014736002 Phenols
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2014739002 Other oils and oil products, n.e.c.
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2015203002 Ammonium chloride
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2015510002 Potassium chloride (excluding in tablets or similar forms or in packages of a weight of <= 10 kg)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2015600002 Sodium nitrate
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2015793002 Fertilizers in tablets or similar forms or in packages of a gross weight of <= 10 kg)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2015800002 Animal or vegetable fertilizers
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2016103502 Linear polyethylene having a specific gravity < 0.94, in primary forms
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2016103902 Polyethylene having a specific gravity < 0.94, in primary forms (excluding linear)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2016105002 Polyethylene having a specific gravity of >= 0.94, in primary forms
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2016107002 Ethylene-vinyl acetate copolymers, in primary forms
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2016109002 Polymers of ethylene, in primary forms (excluding polyethylene, ethylene-vinyl acetate copolymers)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2016203502 Expansible polystyrene, in primary forms
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2016203902 Polystyrene, in primary forms (excluding expansible polystyrene)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2016205002 Styrene-acrylonitrile (SAN) copolymers, in primary forms
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2016207002 Acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene (ABS) copolymers, in primary forms
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2016209002 Polymers of styrene, in primary forms (excluding polystyrene, styrene-acrylonitrile (SAN) copolymers, acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene (ABS) copolymers)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2016301002 Polyvinyl chloride, not mixed with any other substances, in primary forms
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2016302302 Non-plasticised polyvinyl chloride mixed with any other substance, in primary forms
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2016302502 Plasticised polyvinyl chloride mixed with any other substance, in primary forms
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2016304002 Vinyl chloride-vinyl acetate copolymers and other vinyl chloride copolymers, in primary forms
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2016306002 Fluoropolymers
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2016309002 Polymers of halogenated olefins, in primary forms, n.e.c.
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2016401302 Polyacetals, in primary forms
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2016401502 Polyethylene glycols and other polyether alcohols, in primary forms
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2016402002 Polyethers, in primary forms (excluding polyacetals, polyether alcohols)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2016403002 Epoxide resins, in primary forms
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2016404002 Polycarbonates, in primary forms
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2016405002 Alkyd resins, in primary forms
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2016406202 Polyethylene terephthalate in primary forms having a viscosity number of >= 78 ml/g
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2016406402 Other polyethylene terephthalate in primary forms
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2016407002 Unsaturated liquid polyesters, in primary forms (excluding polyacetals, polyethers, epoxide resins, polycarbonates, alkyd resins, polyethylene terephthalate)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2016408002 Unsaturated polyesters, in primary forms (excluding liquid polyesters, polyacetals, polyethers, epoxide resins, polycarbonates, alkyd resins, polyethylene terephthalate)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2016409002 Polyesters, in primary forms (excluding polyacetals, polyethers, epoxide resins, polycarbonates, alkyd resins, polyethylene terephthalate, other unsaturated polyesters)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2016513002 Polypropylene, in primary forms
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2016515002 Polymers of propylene or of other olefins, in primary forms (excluding polypropylene)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2016523002 Polymers of vinyl acetate, in aqueous dispersion, in primary forms
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2016525002 Polymers of vinyl acetate, in primary forms (excluding in aqueous dispersion)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2016527002 Polymers of vinyl esters or other vinyl polymers, in primary forms (excluding vinyl acetate)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2016535002 Polymethyl methacrylate, in primary forms
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2016539002 Acrylic polymers, in primary forms (excluding polymethyl methacrylate)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2016545002 Polyamide -6, -11, -12, -6.6, -6.9, -6.10 or -6.12, in primary forms
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2016549002 Polyamides, in primary forms (excluding polyamide -6, -11, -12, -6.6, -6.9, -6.10 or -6.12)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2016555002 Urea resins and thiourea resins, in primary forms
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2016557002 Melamine resins, in primary forms
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2016563002 Amino resins, in primary forms (excluding urea and thiourea resins, melamine resins)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2016565002 Phenolic resins, in primary forms
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2016567002 Polyurethanes, in primary forms
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2016570002 Silicones, in primary forms
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2016592002 Petroleum resins, coumarone-indene resins, polyterpenes, polysulphides, polysulphones, etc, n.e.c., in primary forms
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2016594502 Sodium carboxymethyl cellulose
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2016595002 Cellulose and its chemical derivatives, in primary forms, excluding sodium carboxymethyl cellulose and n.e.c.
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2016595502 Natural polymers and modified natural polymers, not elsewhere specified or included, in primary forms . Alginic acid, its salts and esters
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2016596502 Natural polymers and modified natural polymers, e.g. hardened proteins, chemical derivatives of natural rubber, n.e.s., in primary forms (excl. alginic acid and its salts and esters)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2016597002 Ion-exchangers based on synthetic or natural polymers, in primary forms
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2017105002 Synthetic latex rubber
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2017109002 Synthetic rubber (excluding latex)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2030115002 Paints and varnishes, based on acrylic or vinyl polymers dispersed or dissolved in an aqueous medium (including enamels and lacquers)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2030117002 Other paints, varnishes dispersed or dissolved in an aqueous medium
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2030122502 Paints and varnishes, based on polyesters dispersed/dissolved in a non-aqueous medium, weight of the solvent >50% of the weight of the solution including enamels and lacquers
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2030122902 Paints and varnishes, based on polyesters dispersed/dissolved in a non-aqueous medium including enamels and lacquers excluding weight of the solvent >50% of the weight of the solution
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2030123002 Paints and varnishes, based on acrylic or vinyl polymers dispersed/dissolved in non-aqueous medium, weight of the solvent >50% of the solutionweight including enamels and lacquers
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2030125002 Other paints and varnishes based on acrylic or vinyl polymers
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2030127002 Paints and varnishes: solutions n.e.c.
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2030129002 Other paints and varnishes based on synthetic polymers n.e.c.
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2030213002 Prepared pigments, opacifiers, colours and similar preparations for ceramics, enamelling or glass
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2030215002 Vitrifiable enamels and glazes, engobes (slips) and similar preparations for ceramics, enamelling or glass
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2030217002 Liquid lustres and similar preparations; glass frit and other glass in powder; granules or flakes
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2030221302 Oil paints and varnishes, for finishing leather (including enamels, lacquers and distempers)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2030221502 Prepared water pigments for finishing leather; paints and varnishes (including enamels, lacquers and distempers) (excluding of oil)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2030222002 Prepared driers
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2030223002 Stamping foils
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2030224002 Pigments, including metallic powders and flakes, dispersed in non-aqueous media, in liquid or paste form, of a kind used in the manufacture of paints; colorants and other colouring matter, n.e.c. put up for retail sale
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2030225302 Glaziers' putty, grafting putty, resin cements, caulking compounds and other mastics
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2030225502 Painters' fillings
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2030226002 Non-refractory surfacing preparations for façades, indoor walls, floors, ceilings or the like
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2030227302 Organic composite solvents and thinners used in conjunction with coatings and inks; based on butyl acetate (excluding printing inks)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2030227902 Organic composite solvents and thinners used in conjunction with coatings and inks (excluding those based on butyl acetate and printing inks)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2041100002 Glycerol (glycerine), crude; glycerol waters and glycerol lyes
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2041202002 Anionic organic surface-active agents (excluding soap)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2041203002 Cationic organic surface-active agents (excluding soap)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2041205002 Non-ionic organic surface-active agents (excluding soap)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2041209002 Organic surface-active agents (excluding soap, anionic, cationic, non-ionic)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2041312002 Soap and organic surface-active products in bars, etc, n.e.c.
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2041315002 Soap in the form of flakes, wafers, granules or powders
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2041318002 Soap in forms excluding bars, cakes or moulded shapes, paper, wadding, felt and non-wovens impregnated or coated with soap/detergent, flakes, granules or powders
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2041324002 Surface-active preparations, whether or not containing soap, p.r.s. (excluding those for use as soap)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2041325002 Washing preparations and cleaning preparations, with or without soap, p.r.s. including auxiliary washing preparations excluding those for use as soap, surface-active preparations
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2041326002 Surface-active preparations, whether or not containing soap, n.p.r.s. (excluding those for use as soap)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2041327002 Washing preparations and cleaning preparations, with or without soap, n.p.r.s. including auxiliary washing preparations excluding those for use as soap, surface-active preparations
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2041433002 Polishes, creams and similar preparations, for footwear or leather (excluding artificial and prepared waxes)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2041435002 Polishes, creams and similar preparations, for the maintenance of wooden furniture, floors or other woodwork (excluding artificial and prepared waxes)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2041437002 Polishes and similar preparations, for coachwork (excluding artificial and prepared waxes, metal polishes)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2041438302 Metal polishes
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2041438902 Other polishes, creams and similar preparations, n.e.c.
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2041440002 Scouring pastes and powders and other scouring preparations
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2042191502 Soap and organic surface-active products in bars, etc, for toilet use
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2042193002 Organic surface-active products and preparations for washing the skin; whether or not containing soap, p.r.s.
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2059200002 Chemically modified animal or vegetable fats and oils; inedible mixtures of animal or vegetable fats or oils
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2059433002 Hydraulic brake fluids and other prepared liquids for hydraulic transmission; not containing or containing < 70% by weight of petroleum oils or oils obtained from bituminous mineral
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2059435002 Anti-freezing preparations and prepared de-icing fluids
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2060111002 Aramids staple, not carded, combed or otherwise processed for spinning
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2060112002 Nylon or other polyamides filament tow and staple fibres, not carded, combed or otherwise processed for spinning
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2060113002 Polyester tow and staple, not carded, combed or otherwise processed for spinning
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2060114002 Acrylic tow and staple, not carded, combed or otherwise processed for spinning
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2060115002 Polypropylene synthetic tow and staple not carded, combed or otherwise processed for spinning
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2060119002 Other synthetic tow and staple not carded, combed or otherwise processed for spinning
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2060122002 High-tenacity filament yarn of aramids (excluding sewing thread and yarn put up for retail sale)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2060124002 High-tenacity filament yarn of nylon or other polyamides (excluding sewing thread, yarn put up for retail sale and high-tenacity filament yarn of aramids)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2060126002 High-tenacity filament yarn of polyesters (excluding that put up for retail sale)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2060131002 Polyamide textile filament yarn, n.p.r.s. (excluding sewing thread)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2060132002 Polyamide carpet filament yarn, n.p.r.s. (excluding sewing thread)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2060133002 Polyester textile filament yarn, n.p.r.s. (excluding sewing thread)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2060134002 Polypropylene filament yarn, n.p.r.s. (excluding sewing thread)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2060135002 Elastomeric filament yarn, n.p.r.s.
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2060139002 Other synthetic filament yarn, n.p.r.s. (excluding sewing thread)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2060142002 Polypropylene monofilament of >= 67 decitex and with a cross-sectional dimension of <= 1 mm (excluding elastomers)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2060144002 Synthetic monofilament of >= 67 decitex and with a cross-sectional dimension of <= 1 mm (excluding polypropylene monofilament); strip and the like (for example, artificial straw), of synthetic textile materials, of an apparent width <= 5 mm
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2060214002 Artificial filament tow, of acetate
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2060220002 High tenacity filament yarn of viscose rayon, n.p.r.s. (excluding sewing thread)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2211160002 Camel-back strips for retreading rubber tyres
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2219100002 Reclaimed rubber in primary forms or in plates, sheets or strips
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2219201302 Rubber compounded with carbon black or silica, unvulcanized
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2219201902 Other compounded rubber, unvulcanised, in primary forms or in plates, sheets or strip
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2219203002 Forms and articles of unvulcanized rubber (including rods; tubes; profile shapes; discs and rings) (excluding camel-back; strips for retreading tyres)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2219205002 Vulcanized rubber thread and cord
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2219207002 Plates, sheets and strip of vulcanized rubber
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2219208302 Extruded rods and profile shapes of cellular vulcanized rubber
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2219208502 Plates, sheets, strips for floor covering of solid vulcanized rubber
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2219208702 Extruded solid rubber rods and profiles
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2219303002 Rubber tubing not reinforced
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2219305502 Rubber hose reinforced with metal
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2219305702 Rubber hose reinforced with textiles
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2219305902 Rubber hose reinforced or combined with other materials (excluding rubber hose reinforced with metal or textiles)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2219307002 Rubber hose assemblies
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2219403002 Rubber transmission belts of trapezoidal and/or striped configuration (including V-belts)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2219405002 Rubber conveyor belts
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2219407002 Rubber synchronous belts
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2219409002 Rubber transmission belts (excluding v-belts and v-belting, trapezoidal and/or striped configuration, conveyor belt, synchronous belt)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2219720002 Floor coverings and mats of vulcanized rubber, non-cellular
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2221105002 Monofilament with any cross-sectional dimension > 1 mm; rods; sticks and profile shapes; of polymers of ethylene (including surface worked but not otherwise worked)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2221107002 Monofilament with any cross-sectional dimension > 1 mm; rods; sticks and profile shapes of polymers of vinyl chloride (including surface worked but not otherwise worked)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2221109002 Monofilament with any cross-sectional dimension > 1 mm; rods; sticks and profile shapes of plastics (excluding of polymers of ethylene, of polymers of vinyl chloride)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2221213002 Artificial guts (sausage skins) of hardened protein or cellulosic materials
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2221215302 Rigid tubes, pipes and hoses of polymers of ethylene
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2221215502 Rigid tubes, pipes and hoses of polymers of propylene
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2221215702 Rigid tubes, pipes and hoses of polymers of vinyl chloride
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2221217002 Rigid tubes, pipes and hoses of plastics (excluding of polymers of ethylene, of polymers of propylene, of polymers of vinyl chloride)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2221292002 Flexible tubes, pipes and hoses of plastics, with a burst pressure >= 27.6 Mpa
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2221293502 Flexible tubes, pipes and hoses of plastics, not reinforced or otherwise combined with other materials, without fittings
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2221293702 Flexible tubes, pipes and hoses of plastics, not reinforced or otherwise combined with other materials, with fittings, seals or connectors
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2221295002 Plastic tubes, pipes and hoses (excluding artificial guts, sausage skins, rigid, flexible tubes and pipes having a minimum burst pressure of 27.6 MPa)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2221297002 Fittings, e.g. joints, elbows, flanges, of plastics, for tubes, pipes and hoses
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2222130002 Plastic boxes, cases, crates and similar articles for the conveyance or packing of goods
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2223130002 Plastic reservoirs, tanks, vats, intermediate bulk and similar containers, of a capacity > 300 litres
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2229250002 Office or school supplies of plastic (including paperweights, paper-knives, blotting pads, pen-rests and book marks)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2229299601 Other articles of plastic n.e.c (excluding protective face shields/visors and appliances identifiable for ostomy use)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2311113002 Wired sheets or profiles, of cast or rolled glass, whether or not with absorbent, reflecting or non-reflecting layer, but not otherwise worked
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2312115002 Optical glass of HS 7003, 7004 or 7005, bent, edge-worked, engraved, etc
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2312119002 Other glass of HS 7003, 7004 or 7005, bent, edge-worked, engraved, etc
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2312125002 Laminated safety glass, of size and shape suitable for incorporation in motor vehicles, aircraft, spacecraft, vessels and other vehicles
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2312139002 Other glass mirrors, whether or not framed
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2313111002 Glass preserving jars, stoppers, lids and other closures (including stoppers and closures of any material presented with the containers for which they are intended)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2314111002 Glass fibre threads cut into lengths of at least 3 mm but <= 50 mm (chopped strands)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2314113002 Glass fibre filaments (including rovings)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2314115102 Yarn and slivers of glass fibres (excl. in chopped strands of a length of <= 50 mm, and rovings) and glass fibre cakes "textile cakes" and chopped glass fibre strands of a length >50mm
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2314122002 Mechanically and chemically bonded mats of glass fibres
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2314125202 Closed fabrics of rovings of glass fibres, mechanically bonded (excl. woven)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2314125302 Stitched or needled fabrics of glass fibres (excl. closed fabrics of rovings)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2314129602 Glass fibres and articles thereof (excl. staple fibres, rovings, yarn, woven (also narrow) fabrics, "voiles", webs, mats, mattresses, boards and similar nonwovens, stone/slag wool, el. insulators, optical fibres, brushes, dolls wigs)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2314129802 Glass wool and articles of glass wool
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2319111002 Glass in the mass (excluding glass in the form of powder, granules or flakes)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2319113002 Unworked glass in balls or rods (excluding glass balls as toys, glass balls which have been ground after shaping, used as stoppers for bottles, glass microspheres <= 1 mm in diameter)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2319115002 Unworked glass tubes (including tubes which have had fluorescent material added to them in the mass) (excluding tubes coated inside with fluorescent material)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2319120002 Paving blocks, bricks, tiles and other articles of pressed or moulded glass; leaded lights and the like; multicellular or foam glass in blocks, plates or similar forms
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2319250002 Glass electrical insulators (excluding insulating fittings (other than insulators) for electrical machinery, appliances or equipment)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2320110002 Ceramic goods of siliceous fossil meals or earths including bricks, blocks, slabs, panels, tiles, hollow bricks, cylinder shells and pipes excluding filter plates containing kieselguhr and quartz
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2320121002 Refractory ceramic constructional goods containing >50% of MgO, CaO or Cr2O3 including bricks, blocks and tiles excluding goods of siliceous fossil meals or earths, tubing and piping
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2320123302 Refractory bricks, blocks, tiles and similar refractory ceramic constructional goods containing, by weight, >= 93% silica (excl. those of siliceous fossil meals or similar siliceous earths)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2320123502 Refractory bricks, blocks, tiles and similar refractory ceramic onstructional goods containing, by weight, > 7% but < 45% alumina, but > 50% by weight combined with silica
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2320123702 Refractory bricks, blocks..., weight > 50% Al2O3 and/or SiO2: others
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2320129002 Refractory bricks, blocks, tiles, etc, n.e.c.
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2320130002 Refractory cements, mortars, concretes and similar compositions (including refractory plastics, ramming mixes, gunning mixes) (excluding carbonaceous pastes)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2320141102 Articles of stone or of other mineral substances, n.e.c. containing magnesite, magnesia in the form of periclase, dolomite including in the form of dolime, or chromite
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2320143002 Refractory ceramic goods, n.e.c., by weight > 25% graphite or other forms of carbon
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2320145502 Refractory ceramic goods, n.e.c., alumina or silica or mixture > 50%: alumina < 45%
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2320145902 Refractory ceramic goods, n.e.c., alumina or silica or mixture > 50%: alumina >= 45%
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2320149002 Refractory ceramic goods, n.e.c.
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2332127002 Non-refractory clay constructional products (including chimneypots, cowls, chimney liners and flue-blocks, architectural ornaments, ventilator grills, clay-lath; excluding pipes, guttering and the like)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2332130002 Ceramic pipes, conduits, guttering and pipe fittings: drain pipes and guttering with fittings
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2341113002 Porcelain or china tableware and kitchenware (excluding electro-thermic apparatus, coffee or spice mills with metal working parts)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2341115002 Household and toilet articles, n.e.c., of porcelain or china
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2341121002 Ceramic tableware, other household articles: common pottery
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2341123002 Ceramic tableware, other household articles: stoneware
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2341125002 Ceramic tableware, other household articles: earthenware or fine pottery
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2341129002 Ceramic tableware, other household articles: others
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2343103002 Electrical insulators of ceramics (excl. insulating fittings)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2343105002 Insulating fittings for electrical purposes, of ceramics
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2344110002 Ceramic wares for laboratory, chemical, technical use, of porcelain or china
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2344121002 Ceramic wares for laboratory, chemical, technical use, other material than porcelain or china
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2349110002 Ceramic articles for use in agriculture and for the conveyance or packing of goods
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2349123002 Other ceramic articles of porcelain/china including non-refractory firebrick cheeks, parts of stoves/fireplaces, flower-pots, handles and knobs, signs/motifs for shops, radiator humidifiers
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2349125002 Ceramic articles, n.e.s. (excl. of porcelain or china)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2351110002 Cement clinker
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2351121002 Portland cement
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2351129002 Other hydraulic cements
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2352103302 Quicklime
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2352103502 Slaked lime
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2352105002 Hydraulic lime
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2352200002 Plasters consisting of calcined gypsum or calcium sulphate (including for use in building, for use in dressing woven fabrics or surfacing paper, for use in dentistry)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2352303002 Calcined and sintered dolomite, crude, roughly trimmed or merely cut into rectangular or square blocks or slabs
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2352305102 Dolomite ramming mix
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2361113002 Building blocks and bricks of cement, concrete or artificial stone
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2361115002 Tiles, flagstones and similar articles of cement, concrete or artificial stone (excluding building blocks and bricks)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2361120002 Prefabricated structural components for building or civil engineering, of cement, concrete or artificial stone
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2363100002 Ready-mixed concrete
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2364100002 Factory made mortars
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2365122002 Articles of asbestos-cement, of cellulose fibre-cement or similar mixtures of fibres (asbestos, cellulose or other vegetable fibres, synthetic polymer, glass or metallic fibres, etc) and cement or other hydraulic binders, containing asbestos
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2365127002 Articles of cellulose fibre-cement or the like, not containing asbestos (excl. corrugated and other sheets, panels, paving, tiles and similar articles)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2369110002 Articles of plaster or compositions based on plaster, n.e.c.
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2369193002 Pipes of cement, concrete or artificial stone
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2369198002 Articles of cement, concrete or artificial stone for non-constructional purposes (including vases, flower pots, architectural or garden ornaments, statues and ornamental goods)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2370110002 Worked monumental/building stone and articles thereof, in marble, travertine and alabaster (excl. tiles, cubes/similar articles, largest surface area of which is capable of being enclosed in a square < 7x7 cm, setts, kerbstones, flagstones)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2370121002 Natural stone setts, kerbstones and flagstones (excluding of slate)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2370123002 Tiles, cubes and similar articles of natural stone, whether or not rectangular (including square), the largest surface area of which is capable of being enclosed in a square the side of which is < 7 cm; artificially coloured granules, chippings and powder of natural stone
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2370126002 Worked monumental or building stone and articles thereof, of granite (excluding tiles, cubes and similar articles, of which the largest surface area is capable of being enclosed in a square the side of which is < 7 cm, setts, kerbstones and flagstones)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2370127002 Worked monumental or building stone and articles thereof (excluding of granite or slate, tiles; cubes and similar articles; of which the largest surface area is capable of being enclosed in a square the side of which is < 7 cm)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2370128002 Worked slate and articles of slate or of agglomerated slate
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2391111002 Millstones and grindstones, without frameworks, for milling, grinding or pulping
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2391112002 Millstones, grindstones, grinding wheels and the like, without frameworks, of agglomerated synthetic or natural diamond (excluding millstones and grindstones for milling, grinding or pulping)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2391113002 Millstones, grindstones, grinding wheels and the like, without frameworks, of artificial abrasives, with binder of synthetic or artificial resin, reinforced (excluding millstones and grindstones for milling, grinding or pulping)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2391114002 Millstones, grindstones, grinding wheels and the like, without frameworks, of artificial abrasives, with binder of synthetic or artificial resin, non-reinforced (excluding millstones and grindstones for milling, grinding or pulping)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2391115002 Millstones, grindstones, grinding wheels and the like, without frameworks, of artificial abrasives, with binder of ceramics or silicates (excluding millstones and grindstones for milling, grinding or pulping)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2391119002 Other millstones, grindstones, grinding wheels and the like, without frameworks; hand sharpening or polishing stones
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2399110002 Fabricated asbestos fibres; mixtures with a basis of asbestos and magnesium carbonate; articles of such mixtures, or of asbestos; friction material for brakes, clutches and the like, not mounted
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2399129002 Products based on bitumen (excluding in rolls)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2399131002 Bituminous mixtures based on natural and artificial aggregate and bitumen or natural asphalt as a binder
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2399132002 Pre-coated aggregates
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2399140002 Artificial graphite, colloidal, semi-colloidal graphite, and preparations
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2399150002 Artificial corundum (excluding mechanical mixtures)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2399191002 Slag wool, rock wool and similar mineral wools (excluding glass wool) and mixtures thereof, in bulk, sheets or rolls
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2399192002 Exfoliated vermiculite, expanded clays, foamed slag and similar expanded mineral materials and mixtures thereof
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2399193002 Mixtures and articles of heat/sound-insulating materials n.e.c.
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2399195002 Worked mica and articles of mica
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2399197002 Carbon fibres; articles of carbon fibres for non-electrical uses; other articles of graphite or other carbon for nonelectrical uses
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2399198002 Articles of peat (including sheets, cylinder shells and plant pots) (excluding textile articles of peat fibre)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2399199102 Articles of stone or other mineral substances, n.e.c.
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2410110002 Pig iron and spiegeleisen in pigs, blocks or other primary forms
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2410121002 Ferro-manganese, containing by weight > 2% carbon, with a granulometry <= 5 mm and a manganese content by weight > 65%
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2410122002 Other ferro-manganese, containing by weight > 2% carbon (excl. ferro-manganese with a granulometry of <= 5 mm and containing by weight > 65% manganese)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2410122502 Other ferro-manganese containing by weight less or equal than 2 % of carbon
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2410123502 Ferro-silicon, containing by weight > 55% of silicon
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2410123602 Ferro-silicon, containing by weight <= 55% silicon and >= 4% but <= 10% of magnesium
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2410123902 Other ferro-silicon, containing by weight <= 55% silicon (excl. that containing by weight >= 4% but <= 10% of magnesium)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2410124002 Ferro-nickel
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2410124502 Ferro-silico-manganese
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2410125002 Ferro-tungsten and ferro-silico-tungsten
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2410125502 Ferro-titanium and ferro-silico-titanium
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2410126002 Ferro-chromium
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2410126502 Ferro-vanadium
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2410127002 Ferro-niobium
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2410127502 Ferro-molybdenum
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2410128002 Ferro-phosphorus
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2410128502 Ferro-silico-magnesium
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2410129502 Other ferro alloys nowhere else specified or included
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2410130002 Ferrous products obtained by direct reduction of iron ore and other spongy ferrous products, in lumps, pellets or similar forms; iron having a minimum purity by weight of 99,94 %, in lumps, pellets or similar forms
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2410141002 Granules and powders, of pig iron, spiegeleisen, iron or steel
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2410142002 Remelting scrap ingots of iron or steel (excluding products whose chemical composition conforms to the definitions of pig iron, spiegeleisen, or ferro-alloys)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2410211002 Flat semi-finished products (of non-alloy steel)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2410212102 Ingots, other primary forms and long semi-finished products for seamless tubes (of non-alloy steel)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2410212202 Other ingots, primary forms and long semi-finished products including blanks (of non-alloy steel)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2410221002 Flat semi-finished products (slabs) (of stainless steel)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2410222102 Ingots, other primary forms and long semi-finished products for seamless tubes (of stainless steel)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2410222202 Other ingots, primary forms and long semi-finished products (of stainless steel)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2410231002 Flat semi-finished products (of alloy steel other than of stainless steel)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2410232102 Ingots, other primary forms and long semi-finished products for seamless tubes (of alloy steel other than of stainless steel)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2410232202 Other ingots, primary forms and long semi-finished products (of alloy steel other than of stainless steel)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2410311002 Flat-rolled products of iron or non-alloy steel, of a width >= 600 mm, simply hot-rolled, not clad, plated or coated, in coils
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2410313002 Flat-rolled products of iron or non-alloy steel, of a width >= 600 mm, not in coils, simply hot-rolled, not clad, plated or coated, with patterns in relief directly due to the rolling process and products of a thickness < 4,75 mm, without patterns in relief (excluding rolled on four faces or in a closed bow pass of a width <= 1.250 mm and of a thickness of ≥ 4 mm)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2410315002 Flat-rolled products, of iron or non-alloy steel, of a width ≥ 600 mm (excluding “wide flats”), not in coils, simply hot-rolled, not clad, plated or coated, without patterns in relief; flat-rolled products of iron or steel, of a width ≥ 600 mm, hot-rolled
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2410321002 Flat-rolled products of iron or non-alloy steel, simply hot-rolled on four faces or in a closed box pass, not clad, plated or coated, of a width of > 150 mm but < 600 mm and a thickness of >= 4 mm, not in coils, without patterns in relief, commonly known as "wide flats"
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2410323002 Flat-rolled products of iron or non-alloy steel, of a width < 600 mm, simply hot-rolled, not clad, plated or coated (excluding "wide flats")
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2410331002 Hot rolled flat products in coil for rerolling of a width of 600 mm or more, of stainless steel
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2410332002 Other hot rolled flat products in coil of a width of 600 mm or more, of stainless steel
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2410333002 Plates and sheets produced by cutting from hot rolled wide strip of a width of 600 mm or more, of stainless steel
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2410334002 Plates and sheets produced on a reversing mill (quarto) of a width of 600 mm or more and wide flats, of stainless steel
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2410341002 Hot rolled flat products in coil for rerolling of a width of less than 600 mm, of stainless steel
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2410342002 Other hot rolled flat products in coil of a width of less than 600 mm, of stainless steel
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2410351002 Flat-rolled products, of tool steel or alloy steel other than stainless steel, of a width ≥ 600 mm, not further worked than hot-rolled, in coils (excluding products of high-speed or silicon-electrical steel)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2410352102 Flat-rolled products of high-speed steel, of a width ≥ 600 mm, not further worked than hot-rolled
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2410353002 Flat-rolled products, of tool steel or alloy steel other than stainless steel, of a width >= 600 mm, not further worked than hot-rolled, not in coils (excluding organic coated products, products of a thickness < 4,75 mm and products of high-speed or silicon-electrical steel)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2410354002 Flat-rolled products of alloy steel other than stainless, of a width ≥ 600 mm, not further worked than hot-rolled, not in coils, of a thickness of < 4,75 mm (excluding products of tool steel, high-speed steel or silicon-electrical steel)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2410360002 Flat-rolled products of alloy steel other than stainless, of a width of < 600 mm, not further worked than hot-rolled (excl. products of high-speed steel or silicon-electrical steel)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2410411002 Uncoated cold rolled sheet, plate and strip of a width >= 600 mm, of steel other than stainless steel
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2410413002 Electrical sheet and strip not finally annealed of a width of 600 mm or more
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2410415002 Electrical sheet and strip, grain non-oriented of a width >= 600 mm
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2410420002 Cold rolled sheet, plate and wide strip of a width of 600 mm or more (of stainless steel)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2410430002 Flat-rolled products of alloy steel other than stainless, of a width of >= 600 mm, simply cold-rolled (excluding products of high-speed steel or silicon-electrical steel)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2410431002 Flat-rolled products of high-speed steel, of a width of ≥ 600 mm, not further worked than cold-rolled "cold-reduced"
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2410511102 Tinplate, other tinned sheet and strip, including electrolytically chromium coated steel (ECCS) (excl. tinned of a width of <600 mm and of a thickness of < 0,5 mm not further worked than surface-treated)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2410512002 Flat-rolled products of iron or non-alloy steel, of a width >= 600 mm, electrolytically plated or coated with zinc
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2410513002 Hot dipped metal coated sheet and strip of a width >= 600 mm
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2410514002 Organic coated sheet of a width >= 600 mm
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2410515002 Flat-rolled products of iron or non-alloy steel, of a width >= 600 mm, clad
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2410521002 Flat-rolled products of alloy steel other than stainless, of a width >= 600 mm, hot-rolled or cold-rolled "cold-reduced" and electrolytically plated or coated with zinc (excluding products of silicon-electrical steel)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2410523002 Flat-rolled products of alloy steel other than stainless, of a width ≥ 600 mm, hot-rolled or cold-rolled "cold-reduced" and plated or coated with zinc (excluding products electrolytically plated or coated and products of silicon-electrical steel)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2410524002 Flat-rolled products of alloy steel other than stainless, of a width ≥ 600 mm, hot-rolled or cold-rolled ‘cold-reduced’ and further worked (excluding plated or coated with zinc and products of silicon-electrical steel)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2410531002 Electrical sheet and strip, grain oriented of a width of 600 mm or more
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2410533002 Flat-rolled products of silicon-electrical steel, of a width >= 600 mm, non grain-oriented
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2410541002 Electrical cold rolled slit strip, grain oriented, in silicon-alloy steel, of a width of < 600 mm
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2410543002 Flat-rolled products of silicon-electrical steel, of a width < 600 mm, non grain-oriented
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2410550002 Flat rolled products of high speed steel, of a width < 600 mm
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2410611002 Ribbed or other deformed wire rod (of non-alloy steel)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2410612002 Wire rod of free-cutting steel
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2410613002 Wire rod used for concrete reinforcing (mesh/cold ribbed bars)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2410614002 Wire rod for tyre cord
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2410619002 Other wire rod (of non-alloy steel)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2410621002 Hot rolled concrete reinforcing bars
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2410623002 Hot rolled bars in free-cutting steels
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2410625002 Hot rolled bars (excluding hollow drill bars and rods) of non-alloy steel (of other than of free-cutting steel)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2410630002 Hot rolled wire rod in coil, of stainless steel
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2410641002 Hot rolled round bars, of stainless steel
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2410643002 Bars and rods of stainless steel, only hot-rolled, only hot-drawn or only extruded (excluding of circular cross-section)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2410645002 Forged bars, of stainless steel
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2410647002 Bars and rods of stainless steel, cold-formed or cold-finished and further worked, or hot-formed and further worked, n.e.s. (excluding forged products)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2410651002 Bars and rods of high-speed steel, hot-rolled, in irregularly wound coils
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2410653002 Bars and rods of silico-manganese steel, hot-rolled, in irregularly wound coils
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2410655002 Hot rolled wire rod, of bearing steel
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2410657002 Bars and rods of alloy steel other than stainless, hot-rolled, in irregularly wound coils (excluding products of bearing steel, high-speed steel or silico-manganese steel)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2410661002 Hot rolled bars of high speed steel
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2410662002 Hot rolled bars of silico-manganese steel
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2410663002 Hot rolled bars in bearing steels
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2410664002 Hot rolled bars in tool steels
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2410665002 Hot rolled bars (excluding hollow drill bars and rods) of alloy steel (other than of stainless, tool, silico-manganese, bearing and high speed steel)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2410666002 Bars and rods, of alloy steel, cold-formed or cold-finished (e.g. by cold-drawing), painted, coated, clad or further worked (excluding stainless steel)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2410670002 Hollow drill bars and rods
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2410711002 U-sections of a web height of 80 mm or more (of non-alloy steel)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2410712002 I-sections of a web height of 80 mm or more (of non-alloy steel)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2410713002 H-sections of a web height of 80 mm or more (of non-alloy steel)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2410714002 Hot rolled and forged light sections, not further worked than hot rolled, hot-drawn or extruded, of non-alloy steel, of a web height < 80 mm
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2410720002 Open sections, not further worked than hot rolled, hot-drawn or extruded, of stainless steel
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2410730002 Open sections, not further worked than hot rolled, hot-drawn or extruded, of other alloy steel
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2410741002 Sheet piling (of steel)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2410742002 Welded and cold formed sections (of steel)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2410750002 Railway material (of steel)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2410T12102 Crude steel: non-alloy steel produced in electric furnaces
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2410T12202 Crude steel: non-alloy steel produced by other processes than in electric furnaces
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2410T13102 Crude steel: alloy steel other than stainless steel produced in electric furnaces
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2410T13202 Crude steel: alloy steel other than stainless steel produced by other processes than in electric furnaces
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2410T14102 Crude steel: stainless and heat resisting steel produced in electric furnaces
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2410T14202 Crude steel: stainless and heat resisting steel produced by other processes than in electric furnaces
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2420111002 Line pipe, seamless, of a kind used for oil or gas pipelines, seamless, of stainless steel
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2420115002 Line pipe, seamless, of a kind used for oil or gas pipelines, seamless, of steel other than stainless steel
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2420121002 Casing, tubing and drill pipe, of a kind used in the drilling for oil or gas, seamless, of stainless steel
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2420125002 Casing, tubing and drill pipe, of a kind used in the drilling for oil or gas, seamless, of steel other than stainless steel
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2420131002 Tubes and pipes, of circular cross-section, seamless, of stainless steel (excluding line pipe of a kind used for oil or gas pipelines and casing, tubing and drill pipe used for oil or gas drilling)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2420133002 Precision tubes and pipes, of circular cross-section, cold-drawn or cold-rolled, seamless, of steel other than stainless steel
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2420135002 Tubes and pipes, of circular cross-section, cold-drawn or cold-rolled, seamless, of steel other than stainless steel (excluding precision tubes and pipes)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2420137002 Tubes and pipes, of circular cross-section, hot-finished, seamless, of steel other than stainless steel (excluding line pipe of a kind used for oil or gas pipelines and casing, tubing and drill-pipe used for oil or gas drilling)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2420140002 Tubes and pipes, of non circular cross-section, seamless, and hollow profiles, seamless, of steel
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2420211002 Line pipe, of a kind used for oil or gas pipelines, longitudinally welded, of an external diameter > 406,4 mm, of steel
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2420215002 Line pipe, of a kind used for oil or gas pipelines, other than longitudinally welded, of an external diameter > 406,4 mm, of steel
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2420220002 Casing, of a kind used in drilling for oil or gas, welded, of an external diameter > 406,4 mm, of steel
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2420230002 Tubes and pipes, welded, of an external diameter > 406,4 mm, of steel (excluding line pipe of a kind used for oil or gas pipelines and casing used for oil or gas drilling)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2420240002 Tubes and pipes, riveted or similarly closed, of an external diameter > 406,4 mm, of steel (excluding line pipe for oil and gas pipelines, casing used for oil or gas drilling and welded tubes and pipes)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2420311002 Line pipe, of a kind used for oil or gas pipelines, longitudinally or spirally welded, of an external diameter <= 406.4 mm, of stainless steel
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2420315002 Line pipe, of a kind used for oil or gas pipelines, longitudinally or spirally welded, of an external diameter <= 406.4mm, of steel other than stainless steel
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2420321002 Casing and tubing, of a kind used in drilling for oil or gas, welded, of an external diameter <= 406.4 mm, of stainless steel
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2420325002 Casing and tubing, of a kind used in drilling for oil or gas, welded, of an external diameter <= 406.4 mm, of steel other than stainless steel
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2420331002 Tubes and pipes, of circular cross-section, welded, of an external diameter <= 406.4 mm, of stainless steel (excluding line pipe of a kind used for oil or gas pipelines, and casing and tubing used for oil or gas drilling)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2420334002 Precision tubes and pipes, of circular cross-section, welded, of an external diameter ≤ 406,4 mm, of steel other than stainless steel
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2420337002 Tubes and pipes, of circular cross-section, hot or cold formed and welded, of an external diameter <= 406.4 mm, of steel other than stainless steel
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2420341002 Tubes and pipes, of non-circular cross-section, hot or cold formed and welded, of stainless steel
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2420343002 Tubes and pipes, of square or rectangular cross-section, of a wall thickness <= 2 mm, hot or cold formed and welded, of steel other than stainless steel
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2420345002 Tubes and pipes, of square or rectangular cross-section, of a wall thickness > 2 mm, hot or cold formed and welded, of steel other than stainless steel
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2420347002 Tubes and pipes, of other cross-section than square or rectangular, hot or cold formed and welded, of steel other than stainless steel
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2420350002 Tubes and pipes, open seam, riveted or similarly closed, of steel (excluding line pipe for oil and gas pipelines, casing and tubing used for oil or gas drilling and other welded tubes and pipes)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2420401002 Flanges, of steel (excluding cast fittings)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2420403002 Elbows, bends, couplings, sleeves and other threaded tube or pipe fittings, of steel (excluding cast fittings)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2420405002 Elbows, bends, couplings and sleeves and other socket welding tube or pipe fittings, of steel (excluding cast fittings)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2420407302 Butt welding elbows and bends, for tubes or pipes, of steel (excluding cast fittings)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2420407502 Butt welding tube or pipe fittings, other than elbows and bends, of steel (excluding cast fittings)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2431101002 Bars and rods, of non-alloy free-cutting steel, not further worked than cold-formed or cold-finished (e.g. by cold-drawing)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2431102002 Other bars and rods of iron or non-alloy steel, not further worked than cold-formed or cold-finished (e.g. by cold-drawing), containing by weight < 0,25% of carbon, of square or other than rectangular cross-section (excluding those of free-cutting steel)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2431103002 Other bars and rods of iron or non-alloy steel, not further worked than cold-formed or cold-finished (e.g. by cold-drawing), containing by weight < 0,25% of carbon of rectangular "other than square" cross-section (excluding those of free-cutting steel)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2431104002 Other bars and rods of iron or non-alloy steel, cold-formed or cold-finished and further worked, or hot-formed and further worked, n.e.c. (excluding hot-rolled, hot-drawn or hot-extruded, not further worked than clad, and forged products)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2431105002 Other bars and rods of iron or non-alloy steel, not further worked than cold-formed or cold-finished (e.g. by cold-drawing), containing by weight ≥ 0,25 % of carbon (excluding those of free-cutting steel)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2431106002 Angles, shapes and sections, of iron or non-alloy steel, not further worked than cold-formed or cold-finished (e.g. by cold-drawing) (excluding profiled sheet)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2431201002 Bars and rods, of high-speed steel, not further worked than cold-formed or cold-finished, even further worked, or hot-formed and further worked (excluding forged, semi-finished or flat-rolled products, hot-rolled bars and rods in irregularly wound coils); bars and rods, of silico-manganese steel, only cold-formed or cold-finished or hot-rolled, including further worked (excluding hot-rolled, hot drawn or extruded, just clad, semi-finished products, flat-rolled products, hot-rolled bars and rods in irregularly wound coils)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2431202002 Bars/rods, 0,9% to 1,15% of carbon, 0,5% to 2% of chromium and, if present ≤ 0,5% of molybdenum, only cold-formed or cold-finished (e.g. by cold-drawing) (excluding semi-finished or flat-rolled products; hot-rolled bars or rods in irregularly wound coils)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2431203002 Bars and rods of tool steel, only cold-formed or cold-finished (e.g. by cold drawing) (excluding semi-finished products, flat-rolled products and hot-rolled bars and rods in irregularly wound coils)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2431204002 Bars and rods, of alloy steel, cold-formed or cold-finished (e.g. by cold drawing) (excluding stainless steel, high-speed steel, silico-manganese steel, alloy bearing steel, tool steel)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2431205002 Sections, of alloy steel other than stainless, cold finished or cold formed (e.g. by cold-drawing)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2431300002 Cold drawn bars and solid profiles of stainless steel
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2432101102 Cold rolled narrow strip of non-alloy steel, containing by weight < 0,25% of carbon, of a width of < 600 mm
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2432101202 Cold rolled narrow strip of non-alloy steel, containing by weight >= 0,25% but < 0,6% of carbon, of a width of < 600 mm
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2432101402 Cold rolled narrow strip of non-alloy steel, containing by weight 0,6% or more of carbon, of a width of < 600 mm
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2432101602 Cold rolled narrow strip of alloy steel other than stainless and electrical steel, of a width of < 600 mm
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2432101802 Cold rolled narrow strip of stainless steel (excluding insulated electric strip, corrugated strip with one edge serrated or bevelled), of a width of < 600 mm
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2432102202 Cold rolled slit strip of non-alloy steel and of alloy steel other than stainless and electrical steel, of a width of < 600 mm
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2432102502 Flat-rolled products of iron or non-alloy steel, of a width of < 600 mm, simply cold-rolled "cold-reduced", not clad, plated or coated, containing by weight < 0,25% of carbon "electrical"
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2432102802 Cold rolled slit strip of stainless steel, of a width of < 600 mm
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2432105002 Flat-rolled products of alloy steel other than stainless, of a width of < 600 mm, hot-rolled or cold-rolled "cold-reduced" and further worked (excluding plated or coated with zinc, and products of high-speed steel or silicon-electrical steel)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2432201002 Clad, cold rolled narrow strip of non-alloy steel (excluding insulated electric strip), of a width of < 600 mm
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2432202002 Steel sheet and strip, hot dipped or electrolytically metal coated, of a width of < 600 mm
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2432203002 Organic coated steel sheet, of a width of < 600 mm
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2432204002 Cold rolled slit strip of non-alloy steel, hot dipped metal coated, of a width of < 600 mm
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2432205002 Cold rolled slit strip of non-alloy steel, electrolytically metal coated, of a width of < 600 mm
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2432206002 Cold rolled slit strip of organic coated steel sheet, of a width of < 600 mm
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2432207002 Tinplate of iron or non-alloy steel, of a width of < 600 mm and of a thickness of < 0,5 mm, tinned (coated with a layer of metal containing, by weight, >= 97% of tin), not further worked than surface-treated
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2432208002 Flat-rolled products of alloy steel other than stainless, of a width of < 600 mm, hot-rolled or cold-rolled ‘cold-reduced’ and electrolytically plated or coated with zinc (excluding products of high-speed steel or silicon-electrical steel)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2432208102 Flat -rolled products of alloy steel other than stainless, of a width of < 600 mm, hot-rolled or cold-rolled ‘cold-reduced’ and plated or coated with zinc (excluding electrolytically plated or coated, and products of high-speed steel or silicon-electrical steel)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2433111002 Cold formed sections, obtained from flat products, of non alloy steel, not coated
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2433113002 Cold formed sections, obtained from flat products, of non alloy steel, coated with zinc
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2433115002 Angles, shapes and sections, of iron or non-alloy steel, cold-formed or cold-finished and further worked, or not further worked than forged, or forged, or hot-formed by other means and further worked, n.e.s. (excluding from flat-rolled products)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2433120002 Cold formed sections, obtained from flat products, of stainless steel
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2433200002 Cold profiled (ribbed) sheets, of non alloy steel
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2433300002 Structures, solely or principally of iron or steel sheet comprising two walls of profiled (ribbed) sheet with an insulating core (excluding prefabricated buildings)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2434113002 Iron or non-alloy steel wire containing <0.25% of carbon including crimping wire excluding stranded wire, barbed wire used for fencing - duplex wire - saw-tooth wire, insulated electric wire
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2434115002 Iron or non-alloy steel wire containing 0.25-0.6% of carbon including crimped wire excluding stranded wire, barbed wire used for fencing, duplex wire, saw-tooth wire, insulated electric wire
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2434117002 Iron or non-alloy steel wire containing >=0.6% of carbon including crimping wire excluding stranded wire, barbed wire used for fencing, duplex wire, saw-tooth wire, insulated electric wire
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2434120002 Stainless steel wire (excluding very fine sterile stainless wire used for surgical sutures)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2434130002 Alloy steel wire (excluding stranded wire, barbed wire of a kind used for fencing, duplex wire, saw-tooth wire, insulated electric wire, of stainless steel)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2441105002 Silver, in semi-manufactured forms (including plated with gold or platinum) (excluding unwrought or in powder form)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2442113002 Unwrought non-alloy aluminium (excluding powders and flakes)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2442115402 Unwrought aluminium alloys (excluding aluminium powders and flakes)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2442223002 Aluminium bars, rods and profiles (excluding rods and profiles prepared for use in structures)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2442225002 Aluminium alloy bars, rods, profiles and hollow profiles (excluding rods and profiles prepared for use in structures)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2442233002 Non-alloy aluminium wire (excluding insulated electric wire and cable, twine and cordage reinforced with aluminium wire, stranded wire and cables)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2442235002 Aluminium alloy wire (excluding insulated electric wire and cable, twine and cordage reinforced with aluminium wire, stranded wire and cables)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2442243002 Aluminium plates, sheets and strips > 0.2 mm thick
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2442245002 Aluminium alloy plates, sheets and strips > 0.2 mm thick
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2442250002 Aluminium foil of a thickness (excluding any backing) <= 0.2 mm
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2442263002 Aluminium tubes and pipes (excluding hollow profiles, tube or pipe fittings, flexible tubing, tubes and pipes prepared for use in structures, machinery or vehicle parts, or the like)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2442265002 Aluminium alloy tubes and pipes (excluding hollow profiles, tubes or pipe fittings, flexible tubing, tubes and pipes prepared for use in structures, machinery or vehicle parts, or the like)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2442267002 Aluminium tube or pipe fittings (including couplings, elbows and sleeves) (excluding fittings with taps, cocks and valves, tube supports, bolts and nuts, clamps)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2443113002 Refined unwrought lead (excluding lead powders or flakes)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2443115002 Unwrought lead containing antimony (excluding lead powders or flakes)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2443119002 Unwrought lead (excluding lead powders or flakes, unwrought lead containing antimony, refined)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2443123002 Unwrought non-alloy zinc (excluding zinc dust, powders and flakes)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2443125002 Unwrought zinc alloys (excluding zinc dust, powders and flakes)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2443133002 Unwrought non-alloy tin (excluding tin powders and flakes)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2443135002 Unwrought tin alloys (excluding tin powders and flakes)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2443210002 Lead plates, sheets, strip and foil; lead powders and flakes (excluding lead powders or flakes prepared as colours; paints or the like, insulated electric strip)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2443220002 Zinc dust, powders and flakes (excluding zinc dust powders or flakes prepared as colours, paints or the like, zinc pellets)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2443230002 Zinc bars, rods, profiles, wire, plates, sheets, strip and foil
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2443240002 Tin bars, rods, profiles and wires
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2444110002 Copper mattes; cement copper (precipitated copper) (excluding copper powder)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2444120002 Unrefined copper, copper anodes for electrolytic refining (including blister copper) (excluding electrocopper-plating, electroplating anodes)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2444133002 Unwrought unalloyed refined copper (excluding rolled, extruded or forged sintered products)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2444137002 Unwrought copper alloys (excluding rolled, extruded or forged sintered products); master alloys of copper (including alloys which are not usefully malleable) (excluding copper phosphide (phosphor copper) containing > 15% by weight of phosphorous)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2444210002 Copper powders and flakes excluding cement copper, powders/flake powders used in the preparation of paints such as bronzes/golds, (chemical compounds), refined copper shot
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2444220002 Copper and copper alloy bars, rods, profiles and hollow profiles (excluding bars and rods obtained by casting or sintering, copper wire rod in coils)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2444233002 Copper wire, refined (transv. section > 6 mm), of copper alloy
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2444235002 Copper wire with cross-sectional dimension > 0.5 mm, < 6 mm (excluding twine or cord reinforced with wire, stranded wire and cables)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2444237002 Copper wire with cross-sectional dimension <= 0.5 mm (excluding twine or cord reinforced with wire, stranded wire and cables)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2444240002 Copper and copper alloy plates, sheets and strip of a thickness > 0.15 mm (excluding expanded copper metal, insulated electric strip)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2444250002 Copper foil, of a thickness (excluding any backing) <= 0.15 mm
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2444263002 Copper tubes and pipes
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2444265002 Copper and copper alloy tube/pipe fittings including couplings, elbows, sleeves, tees and joints excluding bolts and nuts used for as- sembling/fixing pipes/tubes, fittings with taps, cocks, valves
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2445111002 Nickel, not alloyed, unwrought
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2445112002 Unwrought nickel alloys
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2445121002 Nickel mattes
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2445122002 Nickel oxide sinters and other intermediate products of nickel metallurgy
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2445210002 Nickel powders and flakes (excluding nickel oxide sinters)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2445220002 Nickel and nickel alloy bars, rods, profiles and wires (excluding prepared bars, rods or profiles for use in structures, insulated electric bars and wire, enamelled wire)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2445230002 Nickel and nickel alloy plate, sheet, strip and foil (excluding expanded metal)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2445240002 Nickel tubes, pipes and tube or pipe fittings
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2451111002 Malleable iron castings for land vehicles, piston engines and other machinery and mechanical appliances
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2451119002 Parts for other utilisation (malleable iron casting)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2451121002 Parts of land vehicles (nodular iron castings)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2451122002 Ductile iron castings for transmission shafts, crankshafts, camshafts, cranks, bearing housings and plain shaft bearings (excluding for bearing housings incorporating ball or roller bearings)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2451124002 Other parts of engines and mechanical engineering (nodular iron castings)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2451125002 Ductile iron castings for machinery and mechanical appliances excluding for engines
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2451129002 Ductile iron castings for locomotives/rolling stock/parts, used other than in land vehicles, bearing housings, plain shaft bearings, engines, gearing, pulleys, clutches, machinery
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2451131002 Grey iron castings for land vehicles (excluding for locomotives or rolling stock, construction industry vehicles)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2451132002 Grey iron castings for transmission shafts, crankshafts, camshafts, cranks, bearing housings and plain shaft bearings (excluding bearing housings incorporating ball or roller bearings)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2451134002 Other parts of engines and mechanical engineering (cast iron: not ductile)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2451135002 Grey iron castings for machinery and mechanical appliances excluding for engines
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2451139002 Grey iron castings for locomotives/rolling stock/parts, used other than in land vehicles, bearing housings, plain shaft bearings, engines, gearing, pulleys, clutches, machinery
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2451200002 Tubes, pipes and hollow profiles of cast iron excluding tubes, pipes, hollow profiles made into identifiable parts of articles, such as sections of central heating radiators and machinery parts
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2451303002 Tube or pipe fittings, of non-malleable cast iron
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2451305102 Tube or pipe fittings of cast iron (excl. of non-malleable cast iron)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2452101002 Steel castings for land vehicles excluding for locomotives or rolling stock, construction industry vehicles
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2452103002 Steel castings for bearing housings and plain shaft bearings (excluding for bearing housings incorporating ball or roller bearings)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2452104002 Other parts of engines and mechanical engineering
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2452105002 Steel castings for machinery and mechanical appliances excluding engines, turbojets, turboprops, other gas turbines, lifting or handling equipment, construction industry machinery/vehicles
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2452109002 Steel castings for locomotives/rolling stock/parts, use other than in land vehicles, bearing housings, plain shaft bearings, engines, gearing, pulleys, clutches, machinery
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2452301002 Cast tube or pipe fittings of steel
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2453101002 Light metal castings for land vehicles excluding for locomotives or rolling stock, construction industry vehicles
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2453102002 Light metal castings for transmission shafts, crankshafts, camshafts, cranks, bearing housings and plain shaft bearings (excluding for bearing housings incorporating ball or roller bearings)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2453104002 Other parts of engines and mechanical engineering
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2453105002 Light metal castings for machinery and mechanical appliances excluding for engines, turbojets, gas turbines, lifting or handling equipment, construction industry machinery/vehicles
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2453109002 Parts for other utilisation
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2454101002 Non-ferrous cast parts for land vehicles excluding locomotives/ rolling stock, straddle carriers, works trucks fitted with lifting or handling equipment, agricultural/road rollers, bulldozers etc
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2454102002 Non-ferrous cast parts, other than of light metals, for transmission shafts, crankshafts, camshafts, cranks, bearing housings and plain shaft bearings (excluding for bearing housings incorporating ball or roller bearings)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2454104002 Other non-ferrous cast parts of engines and mechanical engineering
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2454105002 Non-ferrous cast parts, other than of light metals, for machinery and mechanical appliances (excluding for engines)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2454109002 Parts for other utilisation
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2511210002 Iron or steel bridges and bridge-sections
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2511220002 Iron or steel towers and lattice masts
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2511231002 Iron or steel equipment for scaffolding, shuttering, propping/pit-propping including pit head frames and superstructures, extensible coffering beams, tubular scaffolding and similar equipment
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2511235002 Other structures principally of sheet: other
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2511235502 Weirs, sluices, lock-gates, landing stages, fixed docks and other maritime and waterway structures, of iron or steel, Structures and parts of structures of iron or steel, n.e.s. (excl. HS/CN 7308 [10.00+20.00+40.00+90.59])
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2511237002 Aluminium structure and parts of structures..., n.e.c.
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2529111002 Iron or steel reservoirs, tanks, vats and similar containers for gases, of a capacity > 300 litres (excluding compressed or liquefied gas, fitted with mechanical or thermal equipment)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2529112002 Iron or steel reservoirs, tanks, vats and similar containers lined or heat-insulated, for liquids, of a capacity > 300 litres (excluding fitted with mechanical or thermal equipment)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2529113002 Iron or steel reservoirs, tanks, vats and similar containers for liquids, of a capacity > 300 litres (excluding fitted with mechanical or thermal equipment, lined or heat insulated)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2529115002 Iron or steel reservoirs, tanks, vats and similar containers for solids, of a capacity > 300 litres (excluding fitted with mechanical or thermal equipment)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2529117002 Aluminium reservoirs, tanks, vats and similar containers for any material (other than compressed or liquefied gas), of a capacity > 300 litres (excluding fitted with mechanical or thermal equipment)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2529120002 Containers for compressed or liquefied gas, of metal
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2530123002 Auxiliary plant for use with boilers of HS 84.02 or 84.03
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2530125002 Condensers for steam or other vapour power units
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2530210002 Nuclear reactors
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2593113002 Stranded wire, ropes and cables, of iron or steel (excl. electrically insulated products and twisted fencing wire and barbed wire)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2593115002 Iron or steel plaited bands, slings and the like (excluding electrically insulated)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2593123002 Barbed wire and barbed wire entanglements made from steel or steel wire
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2593125002 Copper stranded wire, cables, plaited bands and the like excluding electrically insulated, barbed wire and loosely twisted non-barbed double fencing wire, insulated electric wire and cables
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2593127002 Stranded wires, cables, plaited bands and the like, ropes and similar articles, of aluminium (excl. such products electrically insulated)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2593131302 Endless bands for machinery, of stainless steel
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2593131502 Woven cloth, including endless bands, of iron or steel wire (excluding endless bands for machinery of stainless steel)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2593132002 Welded grill, netting and fencing manufactured from wire of a diameter of >= 3 mm, with mesh size of >= 100 cm2 including with a backing of paper as used in cementing and plastering
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2593133002 Welded grill, netting and fencing, manufactured from wire < 3 mm diameter (including with a backing of paper as used in cementing and plastering)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2593134302 Woven, not welded, wire mesh, grill, netting and fencing (excluding plastic coated)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2593134502 Woven, not welded, wire mesh, grill, netting and fencing, plastic coated
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2593135002 Iron or steel expanded metal
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2593136002 Copper cloth (including endless bands), grill and netting, of wire of which no cross-sectional dimension exceeds 6 mm; copper expanded metal
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2593161302 Iron or steel hot-worked laminated leaf-springs and leaves therefor
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2593161502 Iron or steel hot-worked non-laminated leaf-springs and leaves therefor
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2593161702 Iron or steel cold-formed leaf-springs and leaves therefor
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2593163102 Iron or steel hot-worked helical springs
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2593163302 Iron or steel cold-formed helical coil compression springs
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2593163502 Iron or steel cold-formed helical coil tension springs
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2593163702 Iron or steel cold-formed helical springs (excluding helical coil compression springs, helical coil tension springs)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2593165302 Iron or steel flat spiral springs
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2593165502 Iron or steel discs springs
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2593166002 Iron or steel springs (excluding leaf-springs and leaves therefor, helical springs, flat spiral springs, discs springs)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2593168002 Copper springs
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2593171002 Iron/steel stud-link chain excluding chains fitted with cutting, or other articles where chains play a subsidiary role, door guards finished with chains, surveying chains, imitation jewellery
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2593172402 Welded link chain of iron or steel (excl. articulated link chain, skid chain and stud-link chain)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2593173002 Skid chain for motor vehicles, of iron or steel
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2593175002 Iron or steel chain excluding articulated link chain, skid chain, stud-link and welded link chain - chain saws, or other articles in which chains play a subsidiary role, surveying chains
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2599113102 Sanitary ware and parts of sanitary ware of iron or steel
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2599113502 Sanitary ware and parts thereof of copper
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2599113702 Sanitary ware and parts thereof of aluminium
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2599121702 Table, kitchen or household articles... of cast iron
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2599122502 Table, kitchen or household articles and parts thereof of stainless steel (excl. cutlery)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2599123702 Other table, kitchen and household articles of iron or steel (excluding cast iron), enamelled
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2599124502 Table, kitchen or household articles and parts thereof of iron other than cast iron, or steel other than stainless (excl. enamelled)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2599125302 Table, kitchen, household articles and parts thereof... of copper
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2599125502 Table, kitchen, household articles, parts thereof... of aluminium, cast
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2599125702 Table, kitchen, household articles, parts thereof... of aluminium, other
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2599127002 Hand-operated mechanical appliances, weighing <= 10 kg, for food or drink
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2599128002 Iron or steel wool, pot scourers and scouring or polishing pads, and gloves and the like
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2620220002 Solid-state, non-volatile data storage devices for recording data from an external source (flash memory cards or flash electronic storage cards), unrecorded
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2680110002 Magnetic tapes and magnetic discs, unrecorded, for the recording of sound or of other phenomena
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2680120002 Optical media for the recording of sound or of other phenomena (excluding goods of HS 37), unrecorded
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2680130002 Other recording media, including matrices and masters for the production of disks
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2680140002 Cards incorporating a magnetic stripe
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2711620501 Parts of transformers and inductors (excluding ferrite cores)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2812142002 Pressure-reducing valves combined with filters or lubricators
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2812145002 Valves for the control of oleohydraulic power transmission
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2812148002 Valves for the control of pneumatic power transmission
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2814112002 Pressure-reducing valves of cast iron or steel, for pipes, boiler shells, tanks, vats and the like (excluding those combined with lubricators or filters)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2814114002 Pressure-reducing valves for pipes, boiler shells, tanks, vats and the like (excluding of cast iron or steel, those combined with filters or lubricators)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2814116002 Check valves for pipes, boiler shells, tanks, vats and the like
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2814117002 Valves for pneumatic tyres and inner-tubes
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2814118002 Safety or relief valves for pipes, boiler shells, tanks, vats and the like
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2814123302 Mixing valves for sinks, wash basins, bidets, water cisterns etc excluding valves for pressure-reducing or oleohydraulic/pneumatic power transmissons, check valves, safety/relief valves
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2814123502 Taps, cocks and valves for sinks, wash basins, bidets, water cisterns etc excluding valves for pressure-reducing/oleohydraulic transmissions, check, safety, relief and mixing valves
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2814125302 Central heating radiator thermostatic valves
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2814125502 Central heating radiator valves (excl. thermostatic valves)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2814131302 Temperature regulators (excl. thermostatic valves for central heating radiators)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2814131502 Process control valves for pipes, boiler shells, tanks etc excluding valves for pressure-reducing or oleohydraulic/pneumatic power transmissions, check, safety/relief valves, temp. regulators
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2814133302 Other gate valves, of cast iron
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2814133502 Other gate valves, of steel
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2814133702 Other gate valves, other
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2814135302 Globe valves, of cast iron
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2814135502 Globe valves, of steel
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2814135702 Other globe valves
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2814137302 Ball and plug valves
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2814137502 Butterfly valves
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2814137702 Diaphragm valves
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2814138002 Other appliances
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2815103002 Ball bearings
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2815105302 Tapered roller bearings (including cone and tapered roller assemblies)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2815105502 Spherical roller bearings
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2815105702 Cylindrical roller bearings (excluding roller bearings, needle roller bearings)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2815107002 Needle roller bearings
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2815109002 Roller bearings (including combined ball/roller bearings) (excluding tapered roller bearings, spherical roller bearings, needle roller bearings)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2815213002 Iron or steel roller chain of a kind used for cycles and motor cycles
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2815215002 Iron or steel roller chain (excluding of a kind used for cycles or motor-cycles)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2815217002 Iron or steel articulated link chain (excluding roller chain)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2815223002 Cranks and crankshafts
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2815225002 Cardan shafts
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2815227002 Other shafts
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2815233002 Bearing housings incorporating ball or roller bearings
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2815235002 Bearing housings not incorporating ball or roller bearings, plain shaft bearings
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2815243202 Gear boxes for stationary equipment, spur and helical gear boxes
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2815243302 Gear boxes ..., bevel and bevel/spur and helical gear boxes
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2815243402 Gear boxes ..., worm gear boxes
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2815244002 Other gear boxes
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2815245002 Gearboxes and other speed changers for machinery and land/sea vehicles excluding gears and gearing
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2815247302 Ball or roller screws
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2815247502 Other transmission elements (excluding gears and gearing, ball or roller screws, gearboxes and other speed changers)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 3109110002 Metal furniture (excluding office, medical, surgical, dental or veterinary furniture; barbers' chairs - cases and cabinets specially designed for hi-fi systems, videos or televisions)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 3299117902 Protective face masks (excl. filtering facepieces FFP according to EN149, and other masks conforming to a similar standard for masks as respiratory protective devices to protect against particles)
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 3299118002 Gas masks (excluding protective masks having neither mechanical parts nor replaceable filters)
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