Product list (PRODCOM)

Code Abbreviation Name Valid from Valid to Family
2209 EUPRODCOM Product list (PRODCOM) 01.01.2020 09.09.9999 Products

Code List Item:

Tools for turning, interchangeable, for working metal, with working part of materials other than sintered metal carbide or cermets

Code Name Valid
25734074 Tools for turning, interchangeable, for working metal, with working part of materials other than sintered metal carbide or cermets 01.01.2020 09.09.9999

Units of measurement 20000 kilogram
Product list (CZ-PRODCOM) 2573407402 Tools for turning, interchangeable, for working metal, with working part of materials other than sintered metal carbide or cermets
Language version of data: cs en

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Displayed on: 03.12.2024

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