Classification of Products (CZ-CPA_2015) - level 6 - Sub-category

Code Abbreviation Name Valid from Valid to Family
6650 CZ-CPA_2015_U6 Classification of Products (CZ-CPA_2015) - level 6 - Sub-category 01.01.2015 09.09.9999 Products

Code List Item:

Fish, live, fresh or chilled, for human consumption, marine, not farmed

Code Name Valid
030021 Fish, live, fresh or chilled, for human consumption, marine, not farmed 01.01.2015 09.09.9999

Classification of Products (CZ-CPA_2015) - level 5 - Category 03002 Fish live, fresh or chilled, for human consumption
Combined nomenclature 8 digits 03019110 Live trout "Oncorhynchus apache and Oncorhynchus chrysogaster"
Combined nomenclature 8 digits 03019190 Live trout "Salmo trutta, Oncorhynchus mykiss, Oncorhynchus clarki, Oncorhynchus aguabonita, Oncorhynchus gilae"
Combined nomenclature 8 digits 03019410 Live Atlantic bluefin tuna "Thunnus thynnus"
Combined nomenclature 8 digits 03019490 Live Pacific bluefin tuna "Thunnus orientalis"
Combined nomenclature 8 digits 03019500 Live southern bluefin tunas "Thunnus maccoyii"
Combined nomenclature 8 digits 03019985 Live saltwater fish (excl. ornamental fish, trout [Salmo trutta, Oncorhynchus mykiss, Oncorhynchus clarki, Oncorhynchus aguabonita, Oncorhynchus gilae, Oncorhynchus apache and Oncorhynchus chrysogaster], eels [Anguilla spp.], Atlantic and Pacific bluefin tunas [Thunnus thynnus, Thunnus orientalis] and southern bluefin tunas [Thunnus maccoyii])
Combined nomenclature 8 digits 03021110 Fresh or chilled trout "Oncorhynchus apache and Oncorhynchus chrysogaster"
Combined nomenclature 8 digits 03021120 Fresh or chilled trout of the species "Oncorhynchus mykiss", with heads on and gills on, gutted, weighing > 1,2 kg each, or with heads off, gilled and gutted, weighing > 1 kg each
Combined nomenclature 8 digits 03021180 Fresh or chilled trout "Salmo trutta, Oncorhynchus mykiss, Oncorhynchus clarki, Oncorhynchus aguabonita, Oncorhynchus gilae" (excl. of the species "Oncorhynchus mykiss", with heads on and gills on, gutted, weighing > 1,2 kg each, or with heads off, gilled and gutted, weighing > 1 kg each)
Combined nomenclature 8 digits 03021300 Fresh or chilled Pacific salmon "Oncorhynchus nerka, Oncorhynchus gorbuscha, Oncorhynchus keta, Oncorhynchus tschawytscha, Oncorhynchus kisutch, Oncorhynchus masou and Oncorhynchus rhodurus"
Combined nomenclature 8 digits 03021400 Fresh or chilled Atlantic salmon "Salmo salar" and Danube salmon "Hucho hucho"
Combined nomenclature 8 digits 03021900 Fresh or chilled salmonidae (excl. trout "Salmo trutta, Oncorhynchus mykiss, Oncorhynchus clarki, Oncorhynchus aguabonita, Oncorhynchus gilae, Oncorhynchus apache and Oncorhynchus chrysogaster", Pacific salmon "Oncorhynchus nerka, Oncorhynchus gorbuscha, Oncorhynchus keta, Oncorhynchus tschawytscha, Oncorhynchus kisutch, Oncorhynchus masou and Oncorhynchus rhodurus", Atlantic salmon "Salmo salar" and Danube salmon "Hucho hucho")
Combined nomenclature 8 digits 03022110 Fresh or chilled lesser or Greenland halibut "Reinhardtius hippoglossoides"
Combined nomenclature 8 digits 03022130 Fresh or chilled Atlantic halibut "Hippoglossus hippoglossus"
Combined nomenclature 8 digits 03022190 Fresh or chilled Pacific halibut "Hippoglossus stenolepis"
Combined nomenclature 8 digits 03022200 Fresh or chilled plaice "Pleuronectes platessa"
Combined nomenclature 8 digits 03022300 Fresh or chilled sole "Solea spp."
Combined nomenclature 8 digits 03022400 Fresh or chilled turbot "Psetta maxima"
Combined nomenclature 8 digits 03022910 Fresh or chilled megrim "Lepidorhombus spp."
Combined nomenclature 8 digits 03022980 Fresh or chilled flat fish "Pleuronectidae, Bothidae, Cynoglossidae, Soleidae, Scophthalmidae and Catharidae" (excl. lesser or Greenland halibut, Atlantic halibut, Pacific halibut, plaice, sole, turbot and megrim)
Combined nomenclature 8 digits 03023110 Fresh or chilled albacore or longfinned tunas "Thunnus alalunga" for industrial processing or preservation
Combined nomenclature 8 digits 03023190 Fresh or chilled albacore or longfinned tunas "Thunnus alalunga" (excl. for industrial processing or preservation)
Combined nomenclature 8 digits 03023210 Fresh or chilled yellowfin tunas "Thunnus albacares" for industrial processing or preservation
Combined nomenclature 8 digits 03023290 Fresh or chilled yellowfin tunas "Thunnus albacares" (excl. for industrial processing or preservation)
Combined nomenclature 8 digits 03023310 Fresh or chilled skipjack or stripe-bellied bonito for industrial processing or preservation
Combined nomenclature 8 digits 03023390 Fresh or chilled skipjack or stripe-bellied bonito (excl. for industrial processing or preservation)
Combined nomenclature 8 digits 03023410 Fresh or chilled bigeye tunas "Thunnus obesus" for industrial processing or preservation
Combined nomenclature 8 digits 03023490 Fresh or chilled bigeye tunas "Thunnus obesus" (excl. tunas for industrial processing or preservation)
Combined nomenclature 8 digits 03023511 Fresh or chilled Atlantic bluefin tuna "Thunnus thynnus", for industrial processing or preservation
Combined nomenclature 8 digits 03023519 Fresh or chilled Atlantic bluefin tuna "Thunnus thynnus" (excl. for industrial processing or preservation)
Combined nomenclature 8 digits 03023591 Fresh or chilled Pacific bluefin tuna "Thunnus orientalis", for industrial processing or preservation
Combined nomenclature 8 digits 03023599 Fresh or chilled Pacific bluefin tuna "Thunnus orientalis" (excl. for industrial processing or preservation)
Combined nomenclature 8 digits 03023610 Fresh or chilled Southern bluefin tunas "Thunnus maccoyii" for industrial processing or preservation
Combined nomenclature 8 digits 03023690 Fresh or chilled Southern bluefin tunas "Thunnus maccoyii" (excl. tunas for industrial processing or preservation)
Combined nomenclature 8 digits 03023920 Fresh or chilled tunas of the genus "Thunnus" for industrial processing or preservation (excl. Thunnus alalunga, Thunnus albacares, Thunnus obesus, Thunnus thynnus, Thunnus orientalis and Thunnus maccoyii)
Combined nomenclature 8 digits 03023980 Fresh or chilled tunas of the genus "Thunnus" (excl. tunas for industrial processing or preservation and Thunnus alalunga, Thunnus albacares, Thunnus obesus, Thunnus thynnus, Thunnus orientalis and Thunnus maccoyii)
Combined nomenclature 8 digits 03024100 Fresh or chilled herring "Clupea harengus, clupea pallasii"
Combined nomenclature 8 digits 03024200 Fresh or chilled anchovies "Engraulis spp."
Combined nomenclature 8 digits 03024310 Fresh or chilled sardines "Sardina pilchardus"
Combined nomenclature 8 digits 03024330 Fresh or chilled sardines "Sardinops spp." and sardinella "Sardinella spp."
Combined nomenclature 8 digits 03024390 Fresh or chilled brisling or sprats "Sprattus sprattus"
Combined nomenclature 8 digits 03024400 Fresh or chilled mackerel "Scomber scombrus, Scomber australasicus, Scomber japonicus"
Combined nomenclature 8 digits 03024510 Fresh or chilled Atlantic horse mackerel "Trachurus trachurus"
Combined nomenclature 8 digits 03024530 Fresh or chilled Chilean jack mackerel "Trachurus murphyi"
Combined nomenclature 8 digits 03024590 Fresh or chilled jack and horse mackerel "Trachurus spp." "(excl. Atlantic horse mackerel and Chilean jack mackerel)
Combined nomenclature 8 digits 03024600 Fresh or chilled cobia "Rachycentron canadum"
Combined nomenclature 8 digits 03024700 Fresh or chilled swordfish "Xiphias gladius"
Combined nomenclature 8 digits 03024911 Fresh or chilled Kawakawa "Euthynnus affinis" for industrial processing or preservation
Combined nomenclature 8 digits 03024919 Fresh or chilled Kawakawa "Euthynnus affinis" (excl. for industrial processing or preservation)
Combined nomenclature 8 digits 03024990 Fresh or chilled Indian mackerels "Rastrelliger spp.", seerfishes "Scomberomorus spp.", jacks, crevalles "Caranx spp.", silver pomfrets "Pampus spp.", Pacific saury "Cololabis saira", scads "Decapterus spp.", capelin "Mallotus villosus", bonitos "Sarda spp.", marlins, sailfishes and spearfish "Istiophoridae"
Combined nomenclature 8 digits 03025110 Fresh or chilled cod "Gadus morhua"
Combined nomenclature 8 digits 03025190 Fresh or chilled cod "Gadus ogac, Gadus macrocephalus"
Combined nomenclature 8 digits 03025200 Fresh or chilled haddock "Melanogrammus aeglefinus"
Combined nomenclature 8 digits 03025300 Fresh or chilled coalfish "Pollachius virens"
Combined nomenclature 8 digits 03025411 Fresh or chilled Cape hake "shallow-water hake" "Merluccius capensis" and deepwater hake "deepwater Cape hake" "Merluccius paradoxus"
Combined nomenclature 8 digits 03025415 Fresh or chilled southern hake "Merluccius australis"
Combined nomenclature 8 digits 03025419 Fresh or chilled hake "Merluccius spp." (excl. cape hake, deepwater hake and southern hake)
Combined nomenclature 8 digits 03025490 Fresh or chilled hake "Urophycis spp."
Combined nomenclature 8 digits 03025500 Fresh or chilled Alaska pollack "Theragra chalcogramma"
Combined nomenclature 8 digits 03025600 Fresh or chilled blue whiting "Micromesistius poutassou, Micromesistius australis"
Combined nomenclature 8 digits 03025910 Fresh or chilled fish of the species Boreogadus saida
Combined nomenclature 8 digits 03025920 Fresh or chilled whiting "Merlangius merlangus"
Combined nomenclature 8 digits 03025930 Fresh or chilled pollack "Pollachius pollachius"
Combined nomenclature 8 digits 03025940 Fresh or chilled ling "Molva spp."
Combined nomenclature 8 digits 03025990 Fresh or chilled fish of the families Bregmacerotidae, Euclichthyidae, Gadidae, Macrouridae, Melanonidae, Merlucciidae, Moridae and Muraenolepididae (excl. cod, haddock, coalfish, hake, Alaska pollack, blue whitings, Boreogadus saida, whiting, pollack and ling)
Combined nomenclature 8 digits 03028115 Fresh or chilled picked dogfish "Squalus acanthias" and catsharks "Scyliorhinus spp."
Combined nomenclature 8 digits 03028130 Fresh or chilled porbeagle shark "Lamna nasus"
Combined nomenclature 8 digits 03028140 Fresh or chilled blue shark "Prionace glauca"
Combined nomenclature 8 digits 03028180 Fresh or chilled dogfish and other sharks (excl. picked dogfish "Squalus acanthias", catsharks "Scyliorhinus spp.", porbeagle shark "Lamna nasus" and blue shark "Prionace glauca")
Combined nomenclature 8 digits 03028200 Fresh or chilled, rays and skates "Rajidae"
Combined nomenclature 8 digits 03028300 Fresh or chilled toothfish "Dissostichus spp."
Combined nomenclature 8 digits 03028410 Fresh or chilled European sea bass "Dicentrarchus labrax"
Combined nomenclature 8 digits 03028490 Fresh or chilled sea bass "Dicentrarchus spp." (excl. European sea bass)
Combined nomenclature 8 digits 03028510 Fresh or chilled sea bream of the species Dentex dentex or Pagellus spp.
Combined nomenclature 8 digits 03028530 Fresh or chilled gilt-head sea bream "Sparus aurata"
Combined nomenclature 8 digits 03028590 Fresh or chilled sea bream "Sparidae" (excl. gilt-head sea bream, Dentex dentex and Pagellus spp.)
Combined nomenclature 8 digits 03028921 Fresh or chilled fish of the genus Euthynnus, for industrial processing or preservation (excl. skipjack or stripe-bellied bonito and Kawakawa)
Combined nomenclature 8 digits 03028929 Fresh or chilled fish of the genus Euthynnus (excl. skipjack or stripe-bellied bonito and Kawakawa, and fish for industrial processing or preservation)
Combined nomenclature 8 digits 03028931 Fresh or chilled redfish "Sebastes marinus"
Combined nomenclature 8 digits 03028939 Fresh or chilled redfish "Sebastes spp." (excl. Sebastes marinus)
Combined nomenclature 8 digits 03028940 Fresh or chilled ray's bream "Brama spp."
Combined nomenclature 8 digits 03028950 Fresh or chilled monkfish "Lophius spp."
Combined nomenclature 8 digits 03028960 Fresh or chilled pink cusk-eel "Genypterus blacodes"
Combined nomenclature 8 digits 03028990 Fresh or chilled fish, n.e.s.
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