Classification of Economic Activities (CZ-NACE_2025) - level 5 - Sub-class

Code Abbreviation Name Valid from Valid to Family
6105 CZ-NACE_2025_U5 Classification of Economic Activities (CZ-NACE_2025) - level 5 - Sub-class 01.01.2025 09.09.9999  
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Items of code list:

Vyhledávání kódu
Vyhledávání názvu
96103 Washing and cleaning of textile and fur products for other industrial or commercial clients 01.01.2025 09.09.9999
96101 Washing and cleaning of textile and fur products for health care 01.01.2025 09.09.9999
96102 Washing and cleaning of textile and fur products for accomodation and food service 01.01.2025 09.09.9999
52100 Warehousing and storage 01.01.2025 09.09.9999
85322 Vocational secondary education without A-level examination other than in the arts 01.01.2025 09.09.9999
85323 Vocational secondary education with A-level examination other than in the arts 01.01.2025 09.09.9999
85321 Vocational secondary education in the arts 01.01.2025 09.09.9999
90120 Visual arts creation activities 01.01.2025 09.09.9999
75000 Veterinary activities 01.01.2025 09.09.9999
98200 Undifferentiated service-producing activities of private households for own use 01.01.2025 09.09.9999
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Displayed on: 05.02.2025

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