European Classification of Individual Consumption by Purpose (ECOICOP) - level 4 - Category

Code Abbreviation Name Valid from Valid to Family
6003 ECOICOP_U4 European Classification of Individual Consumption by Purpose (ECOICOP) - level 4 - Category 01.01.2018 09.09.9999 National accounts
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Items of code list:

Vyhledávání kódu
Vyhledávání názvu
07213 Accessories for personal transport equipment 01.01.2018 09.09.9999
07221 Diesel 01.01.2018 09.09.9999
08302 Wireless telephone services 01.01.2018 09.09.9999
08303 Internet access provision services 01.01.2018 09.09.9999
08304 Bundled telecommunication services 01.01.2018 09.09.9999
08305 Other information transmission services 01.01.2018 09.09.9999
04324 Services of painters 01.01.2018 09.09.9999
04325 Services of carpenters 01.01.2018 09.09.9999
04329 Other services for maintenance and repair of the dwelling 01.01.2018 09.09.9999
04410 Water supply 01.01.2018 09.09.9999
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