Combined nomenclature 8 digits

Code Abbreviation Name Valid from Valid to Family
5585 KN8 Combined nomenclature 8 digits 01.01.1991 09.09.9999 Products
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Items of code list:

Vyhledávání kódu
Vyhledávání názvu
12092960 Fodder beet seed "Beta vulgaris var. alba", for sowing 01.01.1992 09.09.9999
20060010 Ginger, preserved by sugar, drained, glacé or crystallised 01.01.1992 09.09.9999
07112090 Olives provisionally preserved, e.g. by sulphur dioxide gas, in brine, in sulphur water or in other preservative solutions, but unsuitable in that state for immediate consumption, for oil production 01.01.1992 09.09.9999
20083039 Citrus fruit, prepared or preserved, containing added spirit, with actual alcoholic strength of > 11,85% mas (excl. with sugar content of > 9%) 01.01.1992 09.09.9999
20081110 Peanut butter 01.01.1992 09.09.9999
23099070 Preparations, incl. premixes, for animal food, containing no starch, glucose, maltodextrine or maltodextrine syrup, but containing milk products (excl. dog or cat food put up for retail sale) 01.01.1992 09.09.9999
22089033 Plum, pear or cherry spirit, in containers holding <= 2 l 01.01.1992 09.09.9999
22089019 Arrack, in containers holding > 2 l 01.01.1992 09.09.9999
22089011 Arrack, in containers holding <= 2 l 01.01.1992 09.09.9999
85271900 Radio-broadcast receivers capable of operating without an external source of power, not combined with sound-reproducing apparatus 01.01.1992 09.09.9999
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