Combined nomenclature 8 digits

Code Abbreviation Name Valid from Valid to Family
5585 KN8 Combined nomenclature 8 digits 01.01.1991 09.09.9999 Products
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Items of code list:

Vyhledávání kódu
Vyhledávání názvu
07139000 Dried, shelled leguminous vegetables, whether or not skinned or split (excl. peas, chickpeas, beans, lentils, broad beans, horse beans and pigeon peas) 01.01.2004 09.09.9999
07133390 Dried, shelled kidney beans "Phaseolus vulgaris", whether or not skinned or split (excl. for sowing) 01.01.1992 09.09.9999
07133310 Dried, shelled kidney beans "Phaseolus vulgaris", for sowing 01.01.1992 09.09.9999
07133500 Dried, shelled cow peas "Vigna unguiculata", whether or not skinned or split 01.01.2012 09.09.9999
07132000 Dried, shelled chickpeas "garbanzos", whether or not skinned or split 01.01.1997 09.09.9999
07135000 Dried, shelled broad beans "Vicia faba var. major" and horse beans "Vicia faba var. equina and Vicia faba var. minor", whether or not skinned or split 01.01.1997 09.09.9999
07133100 Dried, shelled beans of species "Vigna mungo [L.] Hepper or Vigna radiata [L.] Wilczek", whether or not skinned or split 01.01.1997 09.09.9999
07133900 Dried, shelled beans "Vigna and Phaseolus", whether or not skinned or split (excl. beans of species "Vigna mungo [L.] Hepper or Vigna radiata [L.] Wilczek", small red "Adzuki" beans, kidney beans, Bambara beans and cow peas) 01.01.1997 09.09.9999
07133400 Dried, shelled bambara beans "Vigna subterranea or Voandzeia subterranea", whether or not skinned or split 01.01.2012 09.09.9999
19023010 Dried, prepared pasta (excl. stuffed) 01.01.1992 09.09.9999
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