Combined nomenclature 8 digits

Code Abbreviation Name Valid from Valid to Family
5585 KN8 Combined nomenclature 8 digits 01.01.1991 09.09.9999 Products
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Vyhledávání kódu
Vyhledávání názvu
84137029 Submersible pumps, multi-stage 01.01.1992 09.09.9999
84137030 Glandless impeller pumps for heating systems and warm water supply 01.01.1992 09.09.9999
84137035 Pumps, power-driven, with a discharge outlet diameter <= 15 mm (excl. pumps of subheading 8413.11 and 8413.19, fuel, lubricating or cooling medium pumps for internal combustion piston engine and submersible pumps) 01.01.2006 09.09.9999
84137045 Channel impeller and side channel pumps 01.01.2006 09.09.9999
84137051 Radial flow centrifugal pumps with a discharge outlet diameter > 15 mm, single-stage, with single entry impeller, monobloc (excl. pumps of subheading 8413.11 and 8413.19, fuel, lubricating or cooling medium pumps for internal combustion piston engine, concrete pumps, submersible pumps and impeller pumps for heating systems and warm water supply) 01.01.2006 09.09.9999
84137059 Radial flow centrifugal pumps with a discharge outlet diameter > 15 mm, single-stage, with single entry impeller (other than monobloc and excl. pumps of subheading 8413.11 and 8413.19) 01.01.2006 09.09.9999
84137065 Radial flow centrifugal pumps with a discharge outlet diameter > 15 mm, single-stage, with more than one entry impeller (excl. pumps of subheading 8413.11 and 8413.19 and submersible pumps) 01.01.2006 09.09.9999
84137075 Radial flow centrifugal pumps with a discharge outlet diameter > 15 mm, multi-stage (excl. pumps of subheading 8413.11 and 8413.19 and submersible pumps) 01.01.2006 09.09.9999
84137081 Single-stage centrifugal pumps, power-driven, with a discharge outlet diameter > 15 mm (excl. pumps of subheading 8413.11 and 8413.19; fuel, lubricating or cooling medium pumps for internal combustion piston engine; concrete pumps; submersible pumps; impeller pumps for heating systems and warm water supply; channel impeller, side channel and general radial flow pumps) 01.01.2006 09.09.9999
84137089 Multi-stage centrifugal pumps, power-driven, with a discharge outlet diameter > 15 mm (excl. pumps of subheading 8413.11 and 8413.19; fuel, lubricating or cooling medium pumps for internal combustion piston engine; concrete pumps; submersible pumps; impeller pumps for heating systems and warm water supply; channel impeller, side channel and general radial flow pumps) 01.01.2006 09.09.9999
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