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- Mid-period population with registered residence is the number of population in a given area at the moment, which was chosen as the middle of the reference period. Mid-year population is the number of population in a given area at midnight between 30th June and 1st July of the reference year, which is based on the demographic balance of the given area from the beginning of the year to the end of June. Mid-period population of a multiple-year period defined by calendar years and the given territory up to the level of districts is considered to be the sum of the mid-period balanced population as at 1 July of the given period, for the administrative districts of municipalities with extended powers, mid-period population is calculated as the average of the start-periods and end-periods population of the given period. Mid-period population in a period shorter (defined by calendar months) than one year is the average of the mid-period population for a given period, and the mid-period population in month is the average of the start-period and end-period population of a given month.