List of indicators by alphabet – letter
A total number of views
A total number of views
A total number of views
A total number of views
A total number of views
Abortions per 1,000 mid-population with registered residence
Abortions per 100 births
Activity status
Additional information 1 about conditions of fixing the price
Additional information 2 about conditions of fixing the price
Additional information 3 about conditions of fixing the price
Adjusted price of construction work
Age difference between partners in one-family household
Age group of dependent person in one-family household or skip-generation household
Age of a person with registered residence
Age of head of household
Age of house
Agricultural producer price indices
Amount of drinking water invoiced
Amount of produced water
Amount of produced water for implementation
Amount of sold animal products
Amount of wastewater discharged into sewerage system, levied rainwater excluded
Amount of water discharged by sewerage system into watercourses Amount of water discharged by sewer. syst. into watercourses
Animal days - Dairy cows
Animal days - Laying hens
Annual average egg yield - Hen eggs
Annual average egg yield - Hen eggs for consumption
Approximate value of construction: Building permits granted
Approximate value of construction: Building permits granted
Approximate value of construction: Building permits granted
Approximate value of construction: Building permits granted
Approximate value of constructions for modifications to completed buildings - Non-residential buildings
Approximate value of constructions for modifications to completed buildings - Residential buildings
Approximate value of constructions - Buildings
Approximate value of constructions - Environmental protection structures
Approximate value of constructions - Non-residential buildings
Approximate value of constructions - Other constructions
Approximate value of constructions - Residential buildings
Approximate value of constructions - new construction - Non-residential buildings
Approximate value of constructions - new construction - Residential buildings
Approximate value of constructions for buildings - New construction
Approximate value of constructions for modifications to completed buildings - Buildings
Arable land EU
Area of artificial afforestation/reforestation
Area of artificial afforestation/reforestation by planting
Area of artificial afforestation/reforestation by sowing
Area of cleaning
Area of forest land
Area of forest stand
Area of protected territory
Area of territory
Area of territory
Area of the territory determined for utilisation
Area of thinning
Area of timber land
Area of unstocked forest area
Area of utilised territory
Asset turnover
Average age of usually resident person
Average building age
Average construction time of 1 building (work)
Average construction time of building - residential building completed
Average consumer prices of goods and services
Average disposable household income
Average duration of the visit of tourists
Average egg yield
Average floor area of 1 dwelling completed
Average floor space of conventional dwelling
Average gross household income
Average gross money expenditure of the households
Average gross money income of the households
Average gross wage per employee
Average household size
Average income in kind of the households
Average labour costs per employee
Average length of proceedings from filing to coming into legal force (in days)
Average living floor area of dwellings completed
Average milk yield
Average net calorific values of (extracted) fuels
Average net income of the households
Average net money expenditure of the households
Average net money income of the households
Average number of animals
Average number of animals - Cows
Average number of animals - Dairy cows
Average number of animals - Sows
Average number of children born alive in marriage to women
Average number of children born alive to women
Average number of dependent children in one-family household
Average number of dependent person in one-family housekeeping household
Average number of dwelling completed per building (work)
Average number of dwellings in the building
Average number of employed persons
Average number of employed persons
Average number of housekeeping households per dwelling
Average number of insured persons
Average number of nights spent by tourists
Average number of permanent resident occupants per dwelling
Average number of registered employees (full-time equivalent) for the business structure statistics
Average number of rooms per dwelling
Average number of rooms with a floor space 8 and over square meters per dwelling
Average number of sickness insured persons
Average number of usually resident occupants per dwelling
Average number of usually resident occupants per room
Average of approximate value of constructions of per permit
Average percentage of incapacity for work
Average percentage of incapacity for work
Average percentage of incapacity for work
Average personnel costs/expenses per employee
Average registered number of employees (full time equivalent)
Average registered number of employees (headcount)
Average registered number of employees (headcount)
Average registered number of employees (persons) - manual workers in forestry
Average social costs/expenses per employee
Average taxes and subsidies related to employment per employee
Average unit appraisal value of existing real estate
Average unit purchase price of existing real estate
Average useful floor area of dwellings completed
Average useful floor space of conventional dwelling
Average value of 1 building (work) completed
Average value of 1 dwelling completed
Average value of 1 m2 of floor area of completed buildings (work)
Average value of 1m2 of living floor - residential building completed
Average value of 1m2 of useful floor - residential building completed
Average value of agricultural products
Average value of building completed - residential building
Average value of new order construction work "S"
Average value of new order of construction work "S" in the CR
Balance differences of fuels
Balance of commuting
Balance of crude oil and petroleum products gross Inland deliveries (calculated)
Balance of crude oil and petroleum products gross inland deliveries (observed)
Balance of goods (change of ownership)
Balance of inland fuels deliveries
Balance sheet items according to the ESA
Balance sheet items according to the ESA
Balancing items according to the ESA
Balancing items according to the ESA per capita
Bathing facilities
Birth rate
Birth rate of enterprises having at least one employee
Birth weight
Birth weight of infant
Births (at least one parent has registered residence)
Births (at least one parent has registered residence)
Births (at least one parent has registered residence)
Calculated value of price of construction work
Candidate's age
Candidate's age mean
Capital expenditures on intramural R&D
Capitalized output (-)
Capitalized output (methodology valid until 2015)
Cases of hospitalisation
Central heating and type (kind) of fuel
Change of conditions of fixing the price
Cleared-up offences
Code of representative in construction output
Comparison of the harvest estimate and the final harvest of crops
Comparison of the per hectare yield estimate and the final per hectare yield of crops calculated from the harvested area of crops
Comparison of the per hectare yield estimate and the final per hectare yield of crops calculated from the sown and harvested area of crops
Comparison of the per hectare yield estimate and the final per hectare yield of crops calculated from the sown area
Comparison of the sown area of agricultural area with the harvested area of crops
Comparison of the sown area of agricultural area with the sown and harvested area
Constant weights for price statistics in construction
Constant weights for the calculation of industrial producer price indices
Constant weights for the calculation of price indices of market services
Constant weights for the calculation of price indices of raw timber
Construction production index
Construction production index - Buildings
Construction production index - Civil engineering works
Construction work "S"
Construction work "S" according to delivery contracts in the CR - by the standard classification CZ-CC - repairs and maintenance
Construction work "S" according to delivery contracts in the CR - by the standard classification CZ-CC - repairs and maintenance
Construction work "S" according to delivery contracts in the CR - new construction, modernization and reconstruction
Construction work "S" according to delivery contracts in the CR - new construction, modernization and reconstruction - civil engineering
Construction work "S" according to delivery contracts in the CR - new construction, modernization and reconstruction - civil engineering
Construction work "S" according to delivery contracts in the CR - new construction, modernization and reconstruction - hydraulic engineering
Construction work "S" according to delivery contracts in the CR - new construction, modernization and reconstruction - hydraulic engineering
Construction work "S" according to delivery contracts in the CR - new construction, modernization and reconstruction - non-esidential industrial buildings
Construction work "S" according to delivery contracts in the CR - new construction, modernization and reconstruction - non-esidential industrial buildings
Construction work "S" according to delivery contracts in the CR - new construction, modernization and reconstruction - non-esidential non-industrial buildings
Construction work "S" according to delivery contracts in the CR - new construction, modernization and reconstruction - non-esidential non-industrial buildings
Construction work "S" according to delivery contracts in the CR - new construction, modernization and reconstruction - residential buildings
Construction work "S" according to delivery contracts in the CR - new construction, modernization and reconstruction - residential buildings
Construction work "S" according to delivery contracts in the CR by CZ-NACE
Construction work orders at the end of the period in Abroad - Value
Construction work orders at the end of the period in the CR - Value
Construction work orders at the end of the reference period - Number
Construction work orders at the end of the reference period - Value
- "S" according to delivery contracts in abroad
Consumed materials, energy, and services
Consumer price index (Cost-of-Living)
Consumption of calcareous fertilisers on agricultural area
Consumption of calcareous fertilisers per hectare of utilised agricultural area
Consumption of crude oil and other feedstocks (raw materials and hydrocarbons) entering the refinery processing - refinery intake (calculated)
Consumption of crude oil and other feedstocks (raw materials)
Consumption of electrical energy by large customers (large-scale, high-voltage consumption)
Consumption of electrical energy by large customers from distribution networks/supply grids (large-scale consumption, high-voltage consumption)
Consumption of electrical energy by small customers (small-scale, low-voltage consumption)
Consumption of electrical energy by small customers (small-scale, low-voltage consumption) - households (residential)
Consumption of fuels by large customers (large-scale consumption, high-voltage consumption)
Consumption of fuels by small customers (small-scale consumption, low-voltage consumption)
Consumption of fuels entering the energy process during processing - energy content
Consumption of fuels for working consumption of energy process at fuels production/extraction and preparation/treatment
Consumption of fuels for working consumption of energy process at fuels production/extraction and preparation/treatment - energy content
Consumption of fuels for working consumption of energy process at fuels upgrading
Consumption of fuels for working consumption of energy process at fuels upgrading - energy content
Consumption of livestock manure - farmyard manure per hectare of utilised agricultural area
Consumption of livestock manure - liquid manure per hectare of utilised agricultural area
Consumption of livestock manure - slurry per hectare of utilised agricultural area
Consumption of livestock manure on agricultural area
Consumption of livestock manure on agricultural area - slurry
Consumption of livestock manure on agricultural area - farmyard manure
Consumption of livestock manure on agricultural area - liquid manure
Consumption of livestock manure per hectare of utilised agricultural area
Consumption of nitrogen (N) in mineral fertilisers
Consumption of nitrogen (N) in mineral fertilisers per hectare of utilised agricultural area
Consumption of nutrients in mineral fertilisers
Consumption of nutrients in mineral fertilisers per hectare of utilised agricultural area
Consumption of organic fertilisers on agricultural area
Consumption of organic fertilisers per hectare of utilised agricultural area
Consumption of organo-mineral fertilisers on agricultural area
Consumption of organomineral fertilisers per hectare of utilised agricultural area
Consumption of other livestock manure on agricultural area
Consumption of other livestock manure per hectare of utilised agricultural area
Consumption of phosphate (P2O5) in mineral fertilisers
Consumption of phosphate (P2O5) in mineral fertilisers per hectare of utilised agricultural area
Consumption of potash (K2O) in mineral fertilisers
Consumption of potash (K2O) in mineral fertilisers per hectare of utilised agricultural area
Costs of health insurance companies including operating costs
Costs per unit of construction material
Councillor's age
Councillor's age mean
Country of citizenship
Country of citizenship
Country of citizenship
Country of citizenship
Country of citizenship
Country of citizenship
Country of citizenship
Country of citizenship
Country of citizenship
Country of citizenship
Crime index
Cross border balance of goods
Cross border turnover of goods
Current activity status of head of household
Current assets without inventories (including advance payments)
Current costs on intramural R&D
Current liabilities
Current ratio
Date of birth
Date of birth - day
Date of birth - month
Date of birth - year
Date of marriage
Date of marriage - day
Date of marriage - month
Date of marriage - year
Death losses of animals per live-born animals
Death losses of animals per live-born animals - piglets
Death rate
Death rate of enterprises having at least one employee
Deaths during the hospitalisation
Deaths per 1,000 mid-population with registered residence
Deaths per 1,000 mid-population with registered residence
Deaths per 100,000 mid-population with registered residence
Deaths with registered residence
Deaths with registered residence
Debt ratio
Decrease in the area of unstocked forest area
Decrease in the area of utilised territory
Decrease of crude oil and refinery feedstocks (raw materials and hydrocarbons) caused by refinery losses
Decrease of electrical energy caused by other losses
Decrease of energy
Decrease of fuels
Decrease of fuels
Decrease of fuels
Decrease of fuels
Decrease of fuels
Decrease of fuels and energy
Decrease of fuels and energy
Decrease of fuels and energy
Decrease of fuels and energy
Decrease of fuels caused by losses
Decrease of fuels caused by losses - energy content
Decrease of fuels caused by losses at energy process at fuels upgrading - energy content
Detected offences
Detected offences committed under the influence of alcohol
Difference in the number of buildings
Difference in the number of dwellings
Difference in the number of settlement (territorial) units
Difference in the structure of buildings
Difference in the structure of dwellings
Difference in the structure of permanent resident population
Digital Intensity Index V2
Direct damages caused by emergencies
Divorces per 1,000 mid-population with registered residence
Domestic supply
Ecological stability coefficient
Education attainment
Education attainment
Education attainment
Education attainment
Education attainment
Education attainment
Education attainment
Education attainment
Education attainment
Emigrants per 1,000 mid-population with registered residence
Emigrants with registered residence
Emissions of pollutants
Employment in domestic concept (according to the national accounts)
Employment rate
Energy consumption
Energy consumption
Energy consumption
Energy consumption
Energy intensity of manufacture/production of selected products
Energy intensity of manufacture/production of selected products - energy content
Enterprise births
Enterprise deaths
Enterprise survivals
Enterprises having no employees anymore
Enterprises having the first employee
Estimated price index of construction work
Estimation of employee’s labour costs of construction profession, per hour
Estimation of employee’s labour costs of construction profession, per unit of construction work
Expenditure of local budget
Expenditure of private sector on health
Expenditure on health
Export Price Index of Goods
Exports of crude oil and other feedstocks (raw materials and hydrocarbons)
Exports of electricity (electrical energy)
Exports of fuels
Exports of fuels - energy content
Exports of fuels and energy - energy content
Field of study
Final consumption of fuels
Final consumption of fuels - energy content
Final consumption of fuels in households (residential)
Final consumption of fuels in households (residential) - energy content
Final decision of court - cases
Final decision of court - rights
Final decisions of court - absolute discharges
Financial assets
Financial assets
Financial assets
Financial assets
Financial assets
Financial assets
Financial assets
Financial assets
Financial assets
Financial assets
Financial assets
Financial assets
Financial assets
Financial assets
Financial assets
Financial assets
Financial assets
Financial assets
Financial assets
Financial assets
Financial assets
Financial assets
Financial assets
Financial assets
Financial assets
Financial assets
Financial assets
Financial assets
Financial assets
Financial assets
Financial assets
Financial value of subsidies allocated to sport activities
Floor area of dwelling completed
Floor space of kitchen
Floor space of rest space of dwelling
Frequency of commuting to work or to school
Frequency of premarital conceptions
Fuel and energy consumption for production (energy unit)
Fuel and energy consumption for the production (natural unit)
Fuels and energy consumption
Fuels and energy consumption
Fuels and energy consumption
Fuels and energy input
Fuels consumption
Fuels consumption for production/generation of electrical and heat energy
Fuels consumption for working consumption of energy process
Fuels inputs including working consumption - energy content
Fuels stock changes
Fuels stock changes - energy content
General construction work
General construction work performed by own employees on buildings in the CR
General construction work performed by own employees on civil engineering works in the CR
General government debt ratio
General government sector balance
General unemployment rate
Goods transport performance
Goods transported by freight transport
Gross investment in tangible and intangible non-current assets
Gross investment in tangible and intangible non-current assets (without the emission permits and preferential limits) - without free transfers, including financial leases
Gross investment in tangible non-current assets
Gross investment in tangible non-current assets
Gross investment in tangible non-current assets Environmental protection Including financial leases
Gross migration
Group of buildings with dwellings according to type of building
Harvest of crops
Harvested area of crops
Head of household
Health services cost from public health insurance
Health services cost from public health insurance
Height above sea level
Hospitalised persons in inpatient care
Hours actually worked in the week
Hours usually worked in the week
Hours worked
Household saving rate
Household status
Housing arrangements
Housing arrangements
Housing arrangements of household
Human resources in science and technology (HRST)
Human resources in science and technology - persons employed in science and technology occupations (HRSTO)
Human resources in science and technology - persons with tertiary education (HRSTE)
Human resources in science and technology core (HRSTC) - persons with tertiary education employed in science and technology occupations
Hunting area
Immigrants per 1,000 mid-population with registered residence
Immigrants with registered residence
Import Price Index of Goods
Imports of electricity (electrical energy)
Imports of fuels
Imports of fuels - energy content
Imports of fuels and energy - energy content
Imports-exports balance
Increase (increment) of fuels by reclassification of petroleum products
Increase (increment) of products by means of backflows (returns) from petrochemical sector to refineries
Increase in the area of unstocked forest area
Increase in the area of utilised territory
Increase of crude oil and other feedstocks (raw materials and hydrocarbons)
Increase of energy
Increase of fuels
Increase of fuels
Increase of fuels
Increase of fuels
Increase of fuels and energy
Index of ageing
Index of ageing
Index of construction costs of construction output
Index of material inputs of construction output
Index of the number of buildings
Index of the number of dwellings
Index of the number of settlement (territorial) units
Industrial crops EU
Industrial producer price index
Industrial producer price index by CZ-CPA 2003
Industrial production index
Industry (branch of economic activity)
Industry (branch of economic activity)
Industry (branch of economic activity)
Infant mortality rate
Input of fuels
Input of fuels for production of fuels
Input of fuels for production of fuels - energy content
Internal tourism consumption ratio on total domestic supply
Intramural R&D expenditure
Intramural R&D expenditure
Intramural R&D expenditure
Intramural R&D expenditure funded by business enterprise (national and abroad)
Intramural R&D expenditure funded by government (abroad)
Intramural R&D expenditure funded by government (national)
Inventory turnover (including advance payments)
Investment rate
Investment rate
Investment rate
Investment rate
Investment rate
Investment rate
Investment rate
Investment rate
Investment rate
Investment rate
Kind of change of place of residence compared to place of usual residence at the time of census
Kind of change of place of residence compared to place of usual residence at the time of census
Kind of change of place of residence one year prior to the Census compared to place of usual residence at the time of Census
Labour costs
Labour costs index
Land use in %
Legal marital status
Legal marital status
Legal marital status
Legal marital status
Legal marital status
Legal marital status
Legal marital status
Legal marital status/ Registration partnership
Level of fuels inventories/stocks
License fees paid for new licenses
License fees received for new licenses
Life expectancy
Life expectancy
Lift in building
Live births (at least one parent has registered residence)
Live births per 1,000 mid-population with registered residence
Live births per 1,000 mid-population with registered residence
Live births per 1,000 mid-population with registered residence
Live births per 1,000 mid-population with registered residence
Live births per 1,000 mid-population with registered residence
Livestock slaughtered
Livestock slaughtered - Adult cattle
Livestock slaughtered - Boars
Livestock slaughtered - Bullocks
Livestock slaughtered - Bulls
Livestock slaughtered - Bulls and bullocks
Livestock slaughtered - Calves
Livestock slaughtered - Cattle
Livestock slaughtered - Cattle excluding calves
Livestock slaughtered - Cattle, pigs, sheep, goats and horses
Livestock slaughtered - Cattle, pigs, sheep, goats, horses, chickens, ducks, turkeys
Livestock slaughtered - Cattle, pigs, sheep, goats, horses, poultry and ostriches
Livestock slaughtered - Chickens, ducks, turkeys
Livestock slaughtered - Cows
Livestock slaughtered - Goats
Livestock slaughtered - Heifers
Livestock slaughtered - Horses
Livestock slaughtered - Lambs
Livestock slaughtered - Pigs
Livestock slaughtered - Pigs excluding sows
Livestock slaughtered - Poultry and ostriches
Livestock slaughtered - Poultry and ostriches
Livestock slaughtered - Poultry and ostriches
Livestock slaughtered - Poultry and ostriches
Livestock slaughtered - Poultry and ostriches
Livestock slaughtered - Poultry and ostriches
Livestock slaughtered - Poultry and ostriches
Livestock slaughtered - Poultry and ostriches
Livestock slaughtered - Sheep
Livestock slaughtered - Sheep excluding lambs
Livestock slaughtered - Sows
Livestock slaughtered - Sows and boars
Livestock slaughtered - Young cattle
Living floor area of dwellings completed
Localization of place of work or school compared with place of usual residence - municipality with extended competences (MEC)
Location of place of residence at decisive moment
Location of place of work (for Eurostat)
Location of place of work or school
Location of place of work or school
Location of place of work or school
Location of place of work or school
Location of place of work or school
Location of place of work or school - Country
Location of place of work or school - District
Location of place of work or school - House no.
Location of place of work or school - Municipality
Location of place of work or school - Orientation no.
Location of place of work or school - Street
Location of place of work or school - municipality with extended competences (MEC)
Long-term unemployment rate
Long-term unemployment rate
Long-term unemployment rate
Long-term unemployment rate
Long-term unemployment rate
Marriages per 1,000 mid-population with registered residence
Material costs per unit of construction work
Material of (bearing walls) which the building is constructed
Mean age of mothers at childbirth
Mean age of mothers at childbirth
Mean flat size of housekeeping household
Mid-period population with registered residence
Milk collection
Milk collection by dairies
Mode of transport to work or to school
Mother tongue
Municipal waste generation
Name of territorial unit
Natural resources of energy
Natural resources of fuels
Natural resources of fuels - energy content
Natural change of registered population
Natural change of registered population
Natural change per 1,000 mid-population with registered residence
Natural resources of fuels and energy
Natural resources of fuels and energy - energy content
Neonatal mortality rate
Net migration of registered population
Net migration of registered population
Net migration per 1,000 mid-population with registered residence
Net money income of the households
Net turnover
Net turnover
Net turnover
Net turnover
Net turnover
Net working capital
New industrial orders
New industrial orders, domestic
New industrial orders, non-domestic
New orders, EUROZONE
Non-investment environmental protection expenditure
Non-investment environmental protection expenditure
Number of R&D workplaces
Number of active businesses (stock variable)
Number of active voters
Number of active voters
Number of active voters
Number of active voters
Number of active voters
Number of applicants for study at university
Number of applications of processed positively
Number of applications submitted
Number of attenders of cultural facilities
Number of bed places in accomodation establishment
Number of beds in health establishment
Number of beds in residential care facilities
Number of benefits paid state social support
Number of building completed
Number of building permits granted
Number of building permits granted
Number of building permits granted - Buildings
Number of building permits granted - Buildings - modifications to completed buildings
Number of building permits granted - Buildings - new construction
Number of building permits granted - Environmental protection structures
Number of building permits granted - Non-residential buildings
Number of building permits granted - Other constructions
Number of building permits granted - Residential buildings
Number of building permits granted - Residential buildings
Number of building permits granted - Residential buildings
Number of building permits granted - modifications to completed buildings - New dwellings created - Non-residential buildings
Number of building permits granted - modifications to completed buildings - New dwellings created - Residential buildings
Number of building permits granted - modifications to completed buildings - New dwellings not created - Non-residential buildings
Number of building permits granted - modifications to completed buildings - New dwellings not created - Residential buildings
Number of building permits granted for modifications to completed buildings - Non-residential buildings
Number of building permits granted for modifications to completed buildings - Non-residential buildings
Number of building permits granted for modifications to completed buildings - Non-residential buildings
Number of building permits granted for modifications to completed buildings - Residential buildings
Number of building permits granted for new construction - Non-residential buildings
Number of building permits granted for new construction - Non-residential buildings
Number of building permits granted for new construction - Non-residential buildings
Number of building permits granted for new construction - Residential buildings
Number of buildings
Number of business births
Number of business deaths
Number of businesses
Number of candidates
Number of children and youth in institutional facilities
Number of children born alive
Number of children born alive during the current (last) marriage
Number of children in preschool facilities
Number of class in school facilities
Number of collective accomodation establishments
Number of commuting flows
Number of conferences
Number of construction work orders in the CR
Number of consumer unit (OECD modified) per household
Number of consumer unit (OECD) per household
Number of councillors
Number of created job vacancies in the labour office register within the active employment policy
Number of cultural events
Number of cultural facilities
Number of days in health establishment
Number of death losses of animals
Number of death losses of animals - Calves
Number of death losses of animals - Piglets
Number of deceased persons per 100 000 persons with registered residence (as at 1 January of the reference year)
Number of dependent children in one-family household
Number of dependent grandchildren aged 0-14 years in a skip-generation household
Number of dependent grandchildren aged 15-25 years in a skip-generation household
Number of dependent grandchildren in a skip-generation household
Number of dependent persons in one-family housekeeping household
Number of dwelling completed
Number of dwelling households
Number of dwelling started
Number of dwelling started
Number of dwelling started
Number of dwelling started
Number of dwellings
Number of dwellings
Number of dwellings completed - bed-sitters
Number of dwellings completed - dwellings with kitchen and 1 room
Number of dwellings completed - dwellings with kitchen and 2 rooms
Number of dwellings completed - dwellings with kitchen and 3 rooms
Number of dwellings completed - dwellings with kitchen and 4 rooms
Number of dwellings completed - dwellings with kitchen and 5 rooms and over
Number of dwellings completed in family houses - new construction
Number of dwellings completed in multi-dweling buildings - new construction
Number of dwellings in the building
Number of dwellings in the building
Number of dwellings in the building
Number of dwellings in the building
Number of dwellings in the building
Number of dwellings in the building
Number of dwellings started in family houses - new construction
Number of dwellings started in multi-dweling buildings - new construction
Number of economically active members of the housekeeping household
Number of economically active persons (having local usual residence)
Number of economically inactive persons (having local usual residence)
Number of educational staff
Number of educational staff
Number of electoral wards
Number of employed foreigners in the Czech Republic
Number of employed persons
Number of employed persons
Number of employed persons
Number of employed persons
Number of employed persons
Number of employed persons
Number of employed persons
Number of employed persons
Number of employed persons
Number of employed persons
Number of employed persons
Number of employed persons (having local usual residence)
Number of employees participating in courses (natural persons)
Number of enrollments for study at university
Number of enterprises assessing the future needs of skills of their employees
Number of enterprises employing ICT specialists
Number of enterprises having at least one employee
Number of enterprises having formally defined ICT security policy, including the timetable of checks
Number of enterprises not providing their employees with education and training
Number of enterprises performing data analytics
Number of enterprises providing its employees with education or training
Number of enterprises providing its employees with external courses
Number of enterprises providing its employees with non-obligatory courses
Number of enterprises realizing electronic orders placed by customers located in other EU countries (except the Czech Republic) via websites or mobile apps
Number of enterprises that consider presented skill as fundamental for the overall development of the enterprise
Number of enterprises that contributed to collective/mutual training fund in the reference year to support education and training
Number of enterprises that contributed to collective/mutual training funds to support education or training (in the last 3 years)
Number of enterprises that did not limit the provision of education and training to their employees (for reasons not related to covid-19 pandemic)
Number of enterprises that did not limit the provision of education and training to their employees (for reasons related to covid-19 pandemic)
Number of enterprises that did not receive a financial contribution for providing education and training to their employees
Number of enterprises that do not assess the future needs of skills of their employees
Number of enterprises that face a lack of employee skills
Number of enterprises that limited the provision of education and training to their employees (for reasons not related to covid-19 pandemic)
Number of enterprises that limited the provision of education and training to their employees (for reasons related to covid-19 pandemic)
Number of enterprises that plan education or training for their employees
Number of enterprises that received a financial contribution for providing education and training to their employees
Number of enterprises that received a financial contribution from public sources for providing education or training to their employees
Number of enterprises that usually assess the effectiveness of education and training activities of their employees
Number of enterprises that usually do not assess the effectiveness of education and training activities of their employees
Number of enterprises that usually offer practical training for apprentices/students of initial vocational training
Number of enterprises using Social media
Number of enterprises using robotics
Number of enterprises where staff representatives are not involved in the decision-making process concerning education and training
Number of enterprises with Digital Intensity Index V2
Number of enterprises with a person or a unit responsible for the organization of education and training of their employees
Number of enterprises with expenditure on education or training of their employees
Number of enterprises with staff representatives involved in the decision-making process concerning education and training
Number of enterprises without a person or a unit responsible for organization of education and training of their employees
Number of enterprises without staff representatives for the purpose of decision-making concerning enterprise matters
Number of existing real estates sold
Number of floors in the building
Number of foreigners in the Czech Republic
Number of fruit trees/bushes
Number of game
Number of game shot
Number of graduates of secondary and higher education
Number of grandchildren aged 0-25 years in a skip-generation household
Number of grandchildren in a skip-generation household
Number of granted benefits within the active employment policy
Number of high-growth enterprises
Number of hours worked by registered employees
Number of household members using electronic equipment
Number of household members using electronic equipment
Number of household members using the Internet
Number of households with electronic equipment
Number of households with the Internet access
Number of housekeeping household members with an economic activity - not working pensioners
Number of housekeeping households
Number of housekeeping households in a building
Number of housekeeping households in a mobile dwelling
Number of housekeeping households in a recreational cottage and hut
Number of housekeeping households in an emergency dwelling or shelter
Number of housekeeping households in dwellings in a house
Number of housekeeping households in the dwelling
Number of housekeeping households not in dwellings in a house
Number of in-commuters
Number of innovative enterprises
Number of institutional care facility
Number of institutional households
Number of job applicants in the labour office register
Number of job applicants in the labour office register within the active employment policy
Number of job vacancies in the labour office register
Number of jobs in full-time equivalents
Number of library item loans
Number of library items
Number of live-born animals
Number of live-born animals - Calves
Number of live-born animals - Piglets
Number of live-born animals per number of females
Number of live-born animals per number of females - Calves per 100 cows
Number of live-born animals per number of females - Piglets per sow
Number of livestock
Number of livestock
Number of livestock - Bovine animals
Number of livestock - Bovines - calves
Number of livestock - Bovines - calves for slaughter
Number of livestock - Bovines - cows
Number of livestock - Bovines - dairy cows
Number of livestock - Bovines - other calves
Number of livestock - Bovines - other calves - females
Number of livestock - Bovines - other calves - males
Number of livestock - Bovines - other cows
Number of livestock - Bovines aged 1 to 2 years
Number of livestock - Bovines aged 1 to 2 years - bulls including bullocks
Number of livestock - Bovines aged 1 to 2 years - heifers
Number of livestock - Bovines aged 1 to 2 years - heifers for slaughter
Number of livestock - Bovines aged 1 to 2 years - other heifers
Number of livestock - Bovines aged over 2 years
Number of livestock - Bovines aged over 2 years - bulls including bullocks
Number of livestock - Bovines aged over 2 years - heifers
Number of livestock - Bovines aged over 2 years - heifers and cows
Number of livestock - Bovines aged over 2 years - heifers for slaughter
Number of livestock - Bovines aged over 2 years - other heifers
Number of livestock - Breeding boars
Number of livestock - Breeding bulls (aged 1 to 2 years)
Number of livestock - Breeding bulls (aged over 2 years)
Number of livestock - Breeding gilts not yet covered
Number of livestock - Breeding goats
Number of livestock - Breeding hens
Number of livestock - Breeding pigs over 50 kg of weight
Number of livestock - Breeding rams
Number of livestock - Breeding sows
Number of livestock - Breeding sows covered
Number of livestock - Breeding sows covered for the first time
Number of livestock - Breeding sows not covered
Number of livestock - Buffaloes
Number of livestock - Buffaloes - cows
Number of livestock - Buffaloes - others
Number of livestock - Bulls including bullocks
Number of livestock - Bulls including bullocks (aged 1 to 2 years)
Number of livestock - Bulls including bullocks (aged over 2 years)
Number of livestock - Calves (aged 6 to 12 months)
Number of livestock - Calves (aged under 1 year)
Number of livestock - Calves (aged under 6 months)
Number of livestock - Calves (aged under 8 months)
Number of livestock - Calves and young cattle
Number of livestock - Calves for slaughter (aged under 1 year)
Number of livestock - Calves for slaughter (aged under 6 months)
Number of livestock - Calves for slaughter (aged under 8 months)
Number of livestock - Cattle
Number of livestock - Cattle aged 1 to 2 years
Number of livestock - Cattle aged over 2 years
Number of livestock - Cattle, pigs, sheep, goats, horses, and poultry
Number of livestock - Chicken
Number of livestock - Chicken for breeding
Number of livestock - Chicken for fattening
Number of livestock - Chickens
Number of livestock - Chickens excluding cocks and chicken for breeding, ducks, geese, turkeys, ostriches, Guinea fowl and other poultry
Number of livestock - Cocks
Number of livestock - Colts, fillies (aged 1 to 3 years)
Number of livestock - Cows
Number of livestock - Dairy cows
Number of livestock - Dairy cows mated
Number of livestock - Dairy cows not mated
Number of livestock - Donkeys, mules, hinnies
Number of livestock - Ducks
Number of livestock - Ewe lambs
Number of livestock - Ewe lambs not put to the ram
Number of livestock - Ewe lambs put to the ram
Number of livestock - Ewes
Number of livestock - Ewes not put to the ram
Number of livestock - Ewes put to the ram
Number of livestock - Foals (aged under 1 year)
Number of livestock - Foals, colts, fillies
Number of livestock - Geese
Number of livestock - Geldings
Number of livestock - Gilts including sows covered for the first time
Number of livestock - Goats
Number of livestock - Goats mated for the first time
Number of livestock - Heifers (aged 1 to 2 years)
Number of livestock - Heifers (aged over 2 years)
Number of livestock - Heifers and cows (aged over 2 years)
Number of livestock - Heifers for slaughter (aged 1 to 2 years)
Number of livestock - Heifers for slaughter (aged over 2 years)
Number of livestock - Hens
Number of livestock - Horses
Number of livestock - Horses aged over 3 years
Number of livestock - Laying hens
Number of livestock - Mares
Number of livestock - Milk ewe lambs put to the ram
Number of livestock - Milk ewes and breeding ewe lambs
Number of livestock - Milk ewes put to the ram
Number of livestock - Non milk ewes and breeding ewe lambs
Number of livestock - Non milk ewes and breeding ewe lambs
Number of livestock - Other bulls, including bullocks (aged 1 to 2 years)
Number of livestock - Other bulls, including bullocks (aged over 2 years)
Number of livestock - Other calves (aged 6 to 12 months)
Number of livestock - Other calves (aged 8 to 12 months)
Number of livestock - Other calves (aged under 1 year)
Number of livestock - Other calves (aged under 6 months)
Number of livestock - Other calves, females (aged under 1 year)
Number of livestock - Other calves, females (aged under 6 months)
Number of livestock - Other calves, females (aged under 8 months)
Number of livestock - Other calves, males (aged under 1 year)
Number of livestock - Other calves, males (aged under 6 months)
Number of livestock - Other calves, males (aged under 8 months)
Number of livestock - Other cows
Number of livestock - Other cows mated
Number of livestock - Other cows not mated
Number of livestock - Other ewe lambs put to the ram
Number of livestock - Other ewes put to the ram
Number of livestock - Other female or male goats
Number of livestock - Other heifers (aged 1 to 2 years)
Number of livestock - Other heifers (aged over 2 years)
Number of livestock - Other heifers mated (aged 1 to 2 years)
Number of livestock - Other heifers mated (aged over 2 years)
Number of livestock - Other heifers not mated (aged 1 to 2 years)
Number of livestock - Other heifers not mated (aged over 2 years)
Number of livestock - Other poultry
Number of livestock - Other sheep and lambs
Number of livestock - Other young cattle (aged 8 to 12 months)
Number of livestock - Other young cattle, females (aged 6 to 12 months)
Number of livestock - Other young cattle, females (aged 8 to 12 months)
Number of livestock - Other young cattle, males (aged 6 to 12 months)
Number of livestock - Other young cattle, males (aged 8 to 12 months)
Number of livestock - Piglets
Number of livestock - Pigs
Number of livestock - Pigs for fattening (including cull boars and sows)
Number of livestock - Pigs for fattening (including cull boars and sows), 50 to <80 kg of weight
Number of livestock - Pigs for fattening (including cull boars and sows), 80 to <110 kg of weight
Number of livestock - Pigs for fattening (including cull boars and sows), over 110 kg of weight
Number of livestock - Poultry
Number of livestock - Poultry and ostriches
Number of livestock - Poultry including other poultry
Number of livestock - Ratites
Number of livestock - Sheep
Number of livestock - Sheep and goats
Number of livestock - Sows and gilts
Number of livestock - Sows covered (including sows covered for the first time)
Number of livestock - Sows not covered (including gilts not yet covered)
Number of livestock - Stallions
Number of livestock - Turkeys
Number of livestock - Young cattle (aged 8 to 12 months)
Number of livestock - Young cattle for slaughter (aged 6 to 12 months)
Number of livestock - Young cattle for slaughter (aged 8 to 12 months)
Number of livestock - Young pigs
Number of livestock - Young pigs and pigs for fattening
Number of new construction work orders in the CR
Number of new construction work orders in the CR (Increases)
Number of newly enrolled pupils / students in first year
Number of newly notified cases of incapacity - Female
Number of newly notified cases of incapacity - accidents at work
Number of newly notified cases of incapacity - accidents at work - Females
Number of newly notified cases of incapacity - occupational accidents (15-17)
Number of newly notified cases of incapacity - other injuries
Number of newly notified cases of incapacity - other injuries - Females
Number of newly notified cases of incapacity - sickness
Number of newly notified cases of incapacity - sickness - Females
Number of newly notified cases of incapacity for work, total
Number of newly purchased licenses
Number of newly sold licenses
Number of nights spent by tourists
Number of non-innovative enterprises
Number of non-technological innovative enterprises
Number of occupants in a dwelling
Number of occupants usually resident in a dwellings in a building
Number of occupants usually resident in the building
Number of occupied dwellings in a house by tenure status - co-operative dwelling
Number of occupied dwellings in a house by tenure status - dwelling in one’s own building
Number of occupied dwellings in a house by tenure status - dwelling in personal ownership
Number of occupied dwellings in a house by tenure status - not stated
Number of occupied dwellings in a house by tenure status - other gratis use of dwelling
Number of occupied dwellings in a house by tenure status - other reason for use of dwelling
Number of occupied dwellings in a house by tenure status - rented dwelling
Number of occupied dwellings in the building
Number of occupied jobs
Number of other dependent persons in one-family household
Number of other persons in one-family household
Number of out-commuters
Number of paid working hours employee spent in education
Number of participants of conferences
Number of pensions paid
Number of performances in cultural facilities
Number of persons living in a mobile dwelling
Number of persons living in a recreational cottage or hut
Number of persons living in an emergency dwelling or shelter
Number of persons not participating in tourism
Number of persons not participating in tourism for a given reason
Number of persons participating in tourism
Number of places for tents and caravans in accomodation establishment
Number of places in social care facility
Number of product innovative enterprises
Number of productions in a theatre repertoire
Number of pupils
Number of pupils
Number of pupils
Number of pupils
Number of purchased licenses
Number of radio broadcasting operators
Number of radio stations
Number of reared animals per number of females
Number of reared animals per number of females - Calves per 100 cows
Number of reared animals per number of females - Piglets per sow
Number of recipients of pensions
Number of recipients of pensions
Number of registered dentists as persons
Number of registered physicians and pharmacists as persons
Number of registered physicians and pharmacists full time equivalent
Number of registered readers in a library
Number of registered voters
Number of returned envelopes
Number of rooms (kitchen included)
Number of rooms (kitchen included) with a floor space 4 and over square meters
Number of rooms (kitchen included) with a floor space 8 and over square meters
Number of rooms (without kitchen)
Number of rooms (without kitchen) of 4 - 7,9 m2.
Number of rooms (without kitchen) of more than 8 m2.
Number of rooms in accomodation establishment
Number of school facilities
Number of seats
Number of seats available for shows in a cultural facility
Number of seats in cultural facilities
Number of seats in health establishment
Number of settlement (territorial) units
Number of sightseeing tours in a monuments
Number of social care facility
Number of sold licenses
Number of students
Number of technological innovative enterprises
Number of television broadcasting operators
Number of television stations
Number of theater companies
Number of tourists
Number of unemployed persons (having local usual residence)
Number of university faculties
Number of unoccupied dwellings in the building
Number of valid votes
Number of visitor-days spent on trips
Number of visitors
Number of young high-growth enterprises
Number of young plants used
Number of young plants used for afforestation/reforestation
Occupancy rate of bed places
Occupancy rate of bedrooms
Occupancy status
Occupancy status
Occupancy status of dwelling
Occurence of a cummunity/public facility
Occurrence of an Internet connection within the enterprise
Occurrence of an Internet connection within the enterprise
Occurrence of an Internet connection within the enterprise
Operating costs of construction machine per hour
Operating costs of construction machine per unit of construction work
Order number of price representative
Other consumption of electrical energy
Other final consumption of fuels
Other increases and decreases of crude oil, petroleum feedstocks (raw materials) and petroleum products
Other increases and decreases of fuels
Other increases and decreases of fuels - energy content
Outputs, including trade margin
Overhead cost basis per unit of construction work
Overhead cost rate per unit of construction work
Overhead costs per unit of construction work
Paid license fees
Participation rate
Passenger transported by public passenger transport
Patients in outpatient care establishments (number)
Per hectare yield of crop harvest
Percent of valid votes cast
Percent of valid votes cast
Percent of valid votes cast
Percent of valid votes cast
Period of construction or reconstruction
Periods of sick leave - total
Permanent crops EU
Permanent resident population
Permanent resident population
Personal computer with internet connection in the housing unit
Personal identification number (birth certificate number)
Personal identification number (birth certificate number)
Personal identification number (birth certificate number)
Personal identification number (birth certificate number)
Personal identification number (birth certificate number)
Personal identification number (birth certificate number)
Personal identification number (birth certificate number)
Personal identification number (birth certificate number)
Personal identification number (birth certificate number)
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Personal identification number (birth certificate number)
Personal identification number (birth certificate number)
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Personal identification number (birth certificate number)
Personal identification number (birth certificate number)
Personal identification number (birth certificate number)
Personal identification number (birth certificate number)
Personal identification number (birth certificate number)
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Personal identification number (birth certificate number)
Personal identification number (birth certificate number)
Personal identification number (birth certificate number)
Personal identification number (birth certificate number)
Personal identification number (birth certificate number)
Personal identification number (birth certificate number)
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Personal identification number (birth certificate number)
Personal identification number (birth certificate number)
Personal identification number (birth certificate number)
Personal identification number (birth certificate number)
Personal identification number (birth certificate number)
Personal identification number (birth certificate number)
Personal identification number (birth certificate number)
Personal identification number (birth certificate number) - day
Personal identification number (birth certificate number) - month
Personal identification number (birth certificate number) - suffix
Personal identification number (birth certificate number) - year
Personnel expenses
Personnel expenses
Persons accused - prosecution discontinued
Persons convicted
Persons injured at emergency events
Persons injured at emergency events
Persons killed at emergency events
Persons prosecuted and under investigation by the police
Persons with newly diagnosed disease (number)
Piped gas
Place of enumeration
Place of enumeration - Building sequence no.
Place of enumeration - Census district
Place of enumeration - District
Place of enumeration - Dwelling no.
Place of enumeration - House no.
Place of enumeration - IDOB
Place of enumeration - Municipality
Place of enumeration - NUTS 2 region
Place of enumeration - NUTS 2 region
Place of enumeration - NUTS 3 region
Place of enumeration - Orientation no.
Place of enumeration - Part of municipality
Place of enumeration - Post code
Place of enumeration - Statistical district
Place of enumeration - Street
Place of permanent residence
Place of permanent residence
Place of permanent residence
Place of permanent residence
Place of permanent residence
Place of permanent residence
Place of permanent residence
Place of permanent residence
Place of permanent residence
Place of permanent residence
Place of permanent residence
Place of permanent residence
Place of permanent residence
Place of permanent residence
Place of permanent residence
Place of permanent residence
Place of permanent residence
Place of permanent residence
Place of permanent residence
Place of permanent residence
Place of permanent residence
Place of permanent residence
Place of permanent residence
Place of permanent residence
Place of permanent residence
Place of permanent residence
Place of permanent residence
Place of permanent residence
Place of permanent residence
Place of permanent residence
Place of permanent residence
Place of permanent residence
Place of permanent residence
Place of permanent residence
Place of permanent residence
Place of permanent residence
Place of permanent residence - Building sequence no.
Place of permanent residence - Country
Place of permanent residence - District
Place of permanent residence - House no.
Place of permanent residence - IDOB
Place of permanent residence - Municipality
Place of permanent residence - Municipality
Place of permanent residence - Orientation no.
Place of permanent residence - Part of municipality
Place of permanent residence - Street
Place of permanent residence compared with address of registration office
Place of permanent residence compared with usual residence
Place of residence at decisive moment
Place of residence at decisive moment - Country
Place of residence at decisive moment - District
Place of residence at decisive moment - House no.
Place of residence at decisive moment - Municipality
Place of residence at decisive moment - Orientation no.
Place of residence at decisive moment - Part of municipality
Place of residence at decisive moment - Street
Place of usual residence
Place of usual residence
Place of usual residence
Place of usual residence
Place of usual residence
Place of usual residence - Building sequence no.
Place of usual residence - District
Place of usual residence - Dwelling no.
Place of usual residence - House no.
Place of usual residence - IDOB
Place of usual residence - Municipality
Place of usual residence - Municipality
Place of usual residence - NUTS 2 region
Place of usual residence - NUTS 3 region
Place of usual residence - ORP
Place of usual residence - Part of municipality
Place of usual residence - Statistical district
Place of usual residence compared with place of enumeration
Pollution measured in waste water treatment plants - inflow
Polulation supplied with water from water-supply systems (WSS)
Population density
Population difference
Population index
Population living in houses connected to public sewerage systems
Position of dwelling in the building
Price coefficient of construction work
Price index of construction structures and works
Price index of constructions
Price index of existing real estates
Price index of market services
Price index of new real estates
Price index of products and services for agriculture
Price index of raw timbe
Price of agricultural products
Price of construction work
Primary resources of energy
Primary resources of fuels
Primary resources of fuels - energy content
Primary resources of fuels and energy
Primary resources of fuels and energy - energy content
Primary sources of electrical energy
Private construction work orders at the end of the period in the CR - Value
Private construction work orders at the end of the reference period - Value
Probability of dying
Production of animal products
Production of animal products - Cows' milk
Production of animal products - Hen eggs
Production of animal products - Hen eggs for consumption
Production of energy
Production of energy
Production of energy
Production of fuels (increase of fuels from refinery processing)
Production of livestock for slaughter
Production of livestock for slaughter - Cattle
Production of livestock for slaughter - Pigs
Production of livestock for slaughter - Poultry and ostriches
Production of petroleum (refinery) products
Production or extraction of fuels
Production or extraction of fuels - energy content
Production/generation of electrical energy
Profit basis per unit of construction work
Profit or loss for the year including income taxes and interest expenses
Profit per unit of construction work
Profit rate per unit of construction work
Proper condition A of fixing the price
Proper condition B of fixing the price
Protected territory
Public construction work orders at the end of the period in the CR-Value
Public construction work orders at the end of the reference period - Value
Public passenger transport performance
Public passenger transport performance
Public passenger transport performance
Public passenger transport performance
Public passenger transport performance
Public passenger transport performance
Public passenger transport performance
Public passenger transport performance
Public passenger transport performance
Public passenger transport performance
Public passenger transport performance
Public passenger transport performance
Public passenger transport performance
Purchases done by enterprises using electronic orders
Purchases done by enterprises using electronic orders
Purchases done by enterprises using electronic orders
Purpose-aimed consumption of electrical energy by large customers from distribution networks/supply grids (large-scale, high-voltage consumption including autoconsumption)
Quantity of waste traeted
Quantity of waste traeted
Quick ratio
R&D personnel (FTE)
R&D personnel (FTE) - women
R&D personnel (HC)
R&D personnel (HC)
R&D personnel (HC)
R&D personnel (HC)
R&D personnel (HC)
R&D personnel (HC) - women
Rate of high-growth enterprises
Ratio of number of children born alive in marriage to women per 1,000 women
Ratio of number of children born alive to women per 1,000 women
Ratio of number of occupied jobs per number of employed persons
Ratio of trade margin to sales of goods purchased for resale
Ratio of value added to outputs including trade margin
Real final consumption of households
Received license fees
Receiving electronic orders in the enterprise by another way/method
Receiving electronic orders using electronic data interchange over the Internet
Receiving electronic orders using electronic data interchange via other networks than Internet
Receiving electronic orders via enterprise's websites
Region of construction work realization
Register partnership
Registered unemployment rate
Researchers (FTE)
Researchers (FTE) - women
Researchers (HC)
Researchers (HC) - women
Return on assets
Revenue of local budget
Revenue-expenditure balance
Revenues from sale of by-products
Revenues from sale of environmental protection by-products
Revenues from sale of environmental protection services
Sale of crop products
Sales of finished products
Sales of finished products and services rendered
Sales of goods purchased for resale
Sales of goods, products and services reduced by subsidies for the payment of costs and compensation of public service in passenger transport
Sales of own industrial products and services
Sales of own industrial products and services, direct export
Sales of purchased heat energy to customers for final consumption
Savings from the use of environmental protection by-products
Sequence no. of houskeeping household in dwelling
Sex of head of household
Share of losses from water produced to be implemented
Share of population living in houses connected to engineering networks to the mid-year population of the year
Share of population living in houses connected to public sewerage systems to the mid-year population of the year
Share of population supplied with water from public water-supply systems to the mid-year population of the year
Share of the number of persons not participating in tourism for a given reason in persons not participating in tourism
Share of the number of persons not participating in tourism for a given reason in the total population
Share of the number of persons not participating in tourism in the total population
Share of the number of persons participating in tourism in the total population
Share of treated wastewater
Size of a housekeeping household
Size of family nucleus (for Eurostat)
Source of hot water
Sources of electrical energy
Sources of energy
Sown area and harvested area
Sown area of crops
Space for an exposition in a cultural facility in total
Specific emissions of main air pollutants
Specification of construction machine
Specification of construction material
Standard consumption of construction material per unit of construction work
Standard consumption of construction work per unit of construction work
Standard consumption of work of construction machine per unit of construction work
Standardized mortality rate
Statistical difference between crude oil and petroleum products gross inland deliveries (calculated) and (observed)
Statistical difference between gross inland deliveries (calculated) and gross inland deliveries (observed)
Status in employment
Stillbirth ratio
Stillbirths (at least one parent has registered residence)
Structure of buildings
Structure of councillors
Structure of dwellings
Structure of housekeeping households
Structure of in-commuters
Structure of out-commuters
Structure of seats
Structure of settlement (territorial) units
Structure of the population with permanent or long-term residence
Structure of the usually resident population
Structure of valid votes
Survival rate
Survival rate of enterprises having at least one employee
Survivals of enterprises having at least one employee
Taxes less subsidies of output
Tenure status
Terms of trade in goods
The average length of sick leave
The average length of stay (days of treatment)
The average number of insured persons (15-17 years)
The average number of insured persons - Female
The average price of the products and services provided for agriculture
The average value paid (monthly) pension
The composite confidence indicator
The consumer confidence indicator
The entrepreneurs confidence indicator
The first written a piece of news about municipality/territory
The number of enterprises having their own websites
The number of enterprises placing electronic orders for any material, goods or services via computer network
The number of enterprises receiving electronic orders for any material, goods or services via computer networks
The number of enterprises with internet access
The number of enterprises with internet access
The number of health establishment
The number of person treated (The number of hospitalized patients)
The number of treated diabetics
The quantity purchased raw timber
The value of benefits paid state social support
The value of electronic sales by the way how they receive electronic orders
The value of electronic sales by the way how they receive electronic orders
The value of electronic sales by the way how they receive electronic orders
The value of electronic sales by the way how they receive electronic orders
The value of electronic sales by the way how they receive electronic orders
The value of electronic sales by the way how they receive electronic orders
The value of the movement of goods from the Czech Republic
The value of the movement of goods to the Czech Republic
The value of the pensions paid
The value of the turnover resulting from orders of goods or services received by the enterprise that were placed via a website
Time of broadcasting in total
Time of broadcasting in total
Time of radio broadcasting in total - typical scheme of a week
Time of television broadcasting in total
Time taken for travel to work or to school
Toilet facilities
Total abortion rate
Total assets - Net amount
Total disposable household income
Total estimation of employee’s labour costs of construction professions, per unit of construction work
Total expenses (methodology valid until 2015)
Total fertility rate
Total fertility rate
Total floor space of dwelling
Total floor space of dwelling
Total household gross income
Total material costs per unit of construction work
Total operating costs of construction machine per unit of construction work
Total population change of registered population
Total population change of registered population
Total population change per 1,000 mid-population with registered residence
Total purchases of goods and services in methodology of the European Community (EC)
Total revenue (methodology valid until 2015)
Total spontaneous abortion rate
Trade margin, absolute value
Transactions and other flows according to the ESA
Transactions and other flows according to the ESA
Transactions and other flows according to the ESA
Transactions and other flows according to the ESA
Transactions and other flows according to the ESA
Transactions and other flows according to the ESA
Transactions and other flows according to the ESA
Transactions and other flows according to the ESA
Transactions and other flows according to the ESA
Transactions and other flows according to the ESA
Transactions and other flows according to the ESA
Transactions and other flows according to the ESA
Transactions and other flows according to the ESA
Transactions and other flows according to the ESA
Transactions and other flows according to the ESA
Transactions and other flows according to the ESA
Transactions and other flows according to the ESA
Transactions and other flows according to the ESA
Transactions and other flows according to the ESA
Transactions and other flows according to the ESA
Transactions and other flows according to the ESA
Transactions and other flows according to the ESA
Transactions and other flows according to the ESA
Transactions and other flows according to the ESA
Transactions and other flows according to the ESA
Transactions and other flows according to the ESA
Transactions and other flows according to the ESA
Transactions and other flows according to the ESA
Transactions and other flows according to the ESA
Transactions and other flows according to the ESA
Transactions and other flows according to the ESA
Transactions and other flows according to the ESA
Transactions and other flows according to the ESA
Transactions and other flows according to the ESA
Transactions and other flows according to the ESA
Transactions and other flows according to the ESA
Transactions and other flows according to the ESA
Transactions and other flows according to the ESA
Transactions and other flows according to the ESA
Transactions and other flows according to the ESA
Transactions and other flows according to the ESA
Transactions and other flows according to the ESA
Transactions and other flows according to the ESA
Transactions and other flows according to the ESA
Transactions and other flows according to the ESA
Transactions and other flows according to the ESA
Transactions and other flows according to the ESA
Transactions and other flows according to the ESA
Transactions and other flows according to the ESA
Transactions and other flows according to the ESA
Transactions and other flows according to the ESA
Transactions and other flows according to the ESA
Transactions and other flows according to the ESA
Transactions and other flows according to the ESA per capita
Turnover from selling of services
Turnover of goods (change of ownership)
Type (Kind) of residence
Type of building
Type of dwelling household
Type of energy used for heating
Type of heating
Type of housekeeping household
Type of housekeeping household - groups
Type of municipality
Type of ownership
Type of residence
Type of sewage disposal system
Type of water supply system
Unit purchase price of existing real estate
Useful floor area of dwelling completed
Useful floor space
Useful floor space (kitchen included)
Useful floor space according to Eurostat methodology
Useful floor space according to Eurostat methodology per occupant
Useful floor space of rooms (without kitchen) of 4 - 7,9 m2.
Useful floor space of rooms (without kitchen) of more than 8m2
Useful floor space per usually resident occupant
Usually resident population
Utilised agricultural area
Utilised agricultural area - arable land
Utilised agricultural area - fallow land
Utilised agricultural area - fertilised
Utilised agricultural area - gardens
Utilised agricultural area - hop gardens
Utilised agricultural area - orchards
Utilised agricultural area - permanent grassland
Utilised agricultural area - vineyards
Value added
Value added per employee
Value added per person employed
Value of building completed
Value of dwellings completed
Value of exports of goods
Value of imports of goods
Value of new construction work orders in the CR (Increases)
Value of new construction work orders in the CR (Increases)
Value of new construction work orders in the CR (Increases) - Buildings
Value of new construction work orders in the CR (Increases) - Civil engineering works
Value sickness insurance benefits paid
Values salvaged at emergency events
Victim of crime
Visits to outpatient care establishments (number)
Volume of actual production of own goods and services
Volume of internal migration
Volume of logged wood under bark
Volume of logged wood under bark from forest land
Volume of logged wood under bark from forest land by salvage felling
Volume of production of industrial products and services
Volume of sold coniferous raw wood
Volume of sold non-coniferous raw wood
Volume of sold production of industrial products and services
Voter turnout
Wages excluding other personnel costs
Wages excluding other personnel costs
Waste generated by enterprises
Waste generated by municipalities
Waste generation
Weights for calculation of price index of existing real estates
Weights for calculation of the price index of agricultural producers
Weights for calculation of the price index of agricultural producers
Weights for calculation of the price index of agricultural producers
Weights for the calculation of consumer price indices
Weights for the calculation of price indices of products and services for agriculture
Czech Statistical Office, Na padesátém 81, 100 82 Praha 10; tel.: 274 051 111 (switchboard)
Version: 1.2.17 © ČSÚ 2025
Displayed on: 22.02.2025