Nomenclature: Product list (CZ-PRODCOM)

Code: 2207 Abbreviation: CZPRODCOM Validity: 01.01.2008 - 09.09.9999 Family: Products

Item: 2893310001 - Parts for presses, crushers and similar machinery used in the manufacture of wine, cider, fruit juices or similar beverages

Classification of Products (CZ-CPA_2015) - level 6 - Sub-category 289331 Parts of machinery for beverage processing
Product list (PRODCOM) 28933100 Parts for presses, crushers and similar machinery used in the manufacture of wine, cider, fruit juices or similar beverages
Units of measurement 00203 thousand Czech Koruna
Czech Statistical Office, Na padesátém 81, 100 82 Praha 10; tel.: 274 051 111 (switchboard)
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Displayed on: 04.12.2024