Nomenclature: Classification of Products ver. 2008 (CZ-CPA) - level 4 - Class

Code: 5648 Abbreviation: CZ-CPA_U4 Validity: 01.01.2008 - 09.09.9999 Family: Products

Item: 2814 - Other taps and valves

Classification of Products ver. 2008 (CZ-CPA) - level 3 - Group 281 General-purpose machinery
Classification of Products ver. 2008 (CZ-CPA) - level 5 - Category 28141 Taps, cocks, valves and similar appliances for pipes, boiler shells, tanks, vats or the like
Classification of Products ver. 2008 (CZ-CPA) - level 5 - Category 28142 Parts of taps and valves and similar articles
Classification of Products ver. 2008 (CZ-CPA) - level 5 - Category 28149 Sub-contracted operations as part of manufacturing of other taps and valves
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Displayed on: 11.03.2025