Nomenclature: International Standard Classification of Education (ISCED 97) - FIELDS - level 3 - Detailed fields
Code: 5627
Abbreviation: ISCED_O3
Validity: 01.01.2008 - 09.09.9999
Family: Education
Item: 225 - History and archaeology
Item's explanatory note:Vysvětlivka k položce:
History is the study of past events, especially the political, social and economic
development of a country, a continent or the world. Study of comparative literature is
included in this field, likewise the study of history of science and ideas. Archaeology is
the study of ancient civilisations by scientific analysis of what is found in the ground.
Programmes with the following main content are classified here:
Cultural history
History of literature
History of science and ideas
Study of literature in general (not combined with study of a special language) is
included in this field. Study of general linguistics (not related to a the study of a particular language) is included in this field.
If study of literature is combined with study of a special language it is excluded from
this field and included in field 222 ‘Foreign languages’ or 223 ‘Mother tongue’.
Study of dead languages (latin etc.) is excluded from this field and included in field
222 ‘Foreign languages’.
Study of History of art is excluded from this field and included in field 211 ‘Fine arts’.
Study of Music and performing arts history is excluded from this field and included in
field 212 ‘Music and performing arts’.
Study of Economic history/history of economics is excluded from this field and
included in field 314 ‘Economics’.
Correspondences: |
International Standard Classification of Education (ISCED 97) - FIELDS - level 2 - Narrow fields |
22 |
Humanities |