Nomenclature: International Standard Classification of Education (ISCED 97) - FIELDS - level 3 - Detailed fields
Code: 5627
Abbreviation: ISCED_O3
Validity: 01.01.2008 - 09.09.9999
Family: Education
Item: 221 - Religion
Item's explanatory note:Vysvětlivka k položce:
Religion is the study of religious beliefs, concepts, symbols, expressions, texts and
spirituality. Programmes with the following main content is classified here:
Religious history
Study of sacred books
Study of different religions
Included in this field are programmes for children and young people, usually given in
religious schools or seminars, in monasteries etc, aiming to develop an interest in the
tenets of their religion and sufficient familiarity with its philosophy to assist in the
propagation of their faith.
Basic programmes given in religious schools, seminars etc. containing religious
instruction but not emphasising it or leading to a religious vocation, are excluded from
this field and included in 010 ‘Basic / broad, general programmes’.
Correspondences: |
International Standard Classification of Education (ISCED 97) - FIELDS - level 2 - Narrow fields |
22 |
Humanities |