Nomenclature: Classification of Economic Activities rev. 2 (CZ-NACE) - aggregation
Code: 5724
Abbreviation: CZ-NACEA
Validity: 01.01.1900 - 09.09.9999
Family: Activities
Item: 64640003 - Activities of holding companies, trusts, funds and similar financial entities, other credit granting and other financial service activities, except insurance and pension funding n.e.c.
Item's explanatory note:Vysvětlivka k položce:
It includes groups 64.2, 64.3; classes 64.92, 64.99.
64.2 - Activities of holding companies
64.3 - Trusts, funds and similar financial entities
64.92 - Other credit granting
64.99 - Other financial service activities, except insurance and pension funding n.e.c.