Nomenclature: Classification of Economic Activities rev. 2 (CZ-NACE) - aggregation
Code: 5724
Abbreviation: CZ-NACEA
Validity: 01.01.1900 - 09.09.9999
Family: Activities
Item: 58630001 - Publishing of books, periodicals and other publishing activities, motion picture, video and television programme production, sound recording and music publishing activities, programming and broadcasting activities and other information service activities
Item's explanatory note:Vysvětlivka k položce:
It includes divisions 59, 60; groups 58.1, 63.9.
59 - Motion picture, video and television programme production, sound recording and music publishing activities
60 - Programming and broadcasting activities
58.1 - Publishing of books, periodicals and other publishing activities
63.9 - Other information service activities