Nomenclature: Standard International Trade Classification (SITC) - level 4 - Sub-group

Code: 5694 Abbreviation: SITC_U4 Validity: 01.01.1991 - 09.09.9999 Family: Products

Item: 0222 - Milk and cream, concentrated or sweetened

Standard International Trade Classification (SITC) - level 3 - Group 022 Milk, cream, milk products, without butter or cheese
Standard International Trade Classification (SITC) - level 5 - Basic Heading 02221 Milk, in solid form, of a fat content, by weight, not exceeding 1.5%
Standard International Trade Classification (SITC) - level 5 - Basic Heading 02222 Milk and cream,in solid form,of a fat content,by weight,exceeding 1.5%
Standard International Trade Classification (SITC) - level 5 - Basic Heading 02223 Milk,cream,not in solid form,not cont.added sugar, other sweet.matter
Standard International Trade Classification (SITC) - level 5 - Basic Heading 02224 Milk,cream,not in solid form,cont.added sugar or other sweet.matter
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Displayed on: 11.03.2025