Nomenclature: Combined nomenclature 8 digits

Code: 5585 Abbreviation: KN8 Validity: 01.01.1991 - 09.09.9999 Family: Products

Item: 73209090 - Springs and leaves for springs, of iron or steel (excl. discs springs, flat spiral springs, helical springs, leaf-springs and leaves therefor, clock and watch springs, springs for sticks and handles of umbrellas or parasols, and shock absorbers and torque rod or torsion bar springs of Section 17)

Item's explanatory note:Vysvětlivka k položce:

Springs and leaves for springs, of iron or steel (excl. discs springs, flat spiral springs, helical springs, leaf-springs and leaves therefor, clock and watch springs, springs for sticks and handles of umbrellas or parasols, and shock absorbers and torque rod or torsion bar springs of Section 17)
Classification of Products (CZ-CPA_2015) - level 6 - Sub-category 259316 Springs and leaves for springs, of iron or steel; copper springs
Harmonised Commodity Description and Coding System (HS) - level 4 - Article 732090 Springs and leaves for springs, of iron or steel (excl. helical springs,spiral springs,leaf-springs and leaves therefor,clock and watch springs, spring washers and other lock washers and shock absorbers and torque rod or torsion bar springs of Section 17
Standard International Trade Classification (SITC) - level 5 - Basic Heading 69940 Springs and leaves for springs, of iron or steel
Czech Statistical Office, Na padesátém 81, 100 82 Praha 10; tel.: 274 051 111 (switchboard)
Version: 1.2.17 © ČSÚ 2025
Displayed on: 11.03.2025