Nomenclature: Specification of denominator of a ratio, structure

Code: 7605 Abbreviation: SPJMEN Family:  

Language version: EN

Filter used: none

Code Name Valid
SAX Number of building permits granted 01.01.1900 09.09.9999
SBX Number of new construction work orders in the CR 01.01.1900 09.09.9999
VSX Number of registered voters 01.01.1900 09.09.9999
VVX Number of active voters 01.01.1900 09.09.9999
AXX Average registered number of employees (headcount) 01.01.1900 09.09.9999
APX Average registered number of employees (full time equivalent) 01.01.1900 09.09.9999
OXX Mid-period population with registered residence (in 1000) 01.01.1900 09.09.9999
OAX Mid-period population with registered residence (in 100 000) 01.01.1900 09.09.9999
ONX Births (at least one parent has registered residence - in 100) 01.01.1900 09.09.9999
TPX Maximal number of roomnights 01.01.1900 09.09.9999
TLX Maximal number of bednights 01.01.1900 09.09.9999
TTX Number of tourists 01.01.1900 09.09.9999
TWX Number of tourists + 1day to the ratio computed 01.01.1900 09.09.9999
TDX Number of visitor-days spent on trips 01.01.1900 09.09.9999
0XX structure 01.01.1900 09.09.9999
1XX structure with specification of the level (base) 01.01.1900 09.09.9999
OCX Mid-period population with registered residence 01.01.1900 09.09.9999
ODX Size of a housekeeping household 01.01.1900 09.09.9999
OEX Number of consumer unit (OECD) per household 01.01.1900 09.09.9999
OFX Number of consumer unit (OECD modified) per household 01.01.1900 09.09.9999
AVX Number of job vacancies in the labour office register 01.01.1900 09.09.9999
AHX Number of hours worked by registered employees 01.01.1900 09.09.9999
WAX Amount of wastewater discharged into sewerage system, levied rainwater excluded 01.01.1900 09.09.9999
WBX Amout of produced water for implementation 01.01.1900 09.09.9999
OBX Mid-period population with registered residence (in 100) 01.01.1900 09.09.9999
WOX Polulation supplied with water from water-supply systems (WSS) 01.01.1900 09.09.9999
WFX Amount of drinking water invoiced 01.01.1900 09.09.9999
ZSX Agricultural crop harvested 01.01.1900 09.09.9999
SIX Number of construction work orders in the CR 01.01.1900 09.09.9999
ZFX Utilised agricultural area 01.01.1900 09.09.9999
ZGX Number of fruit trees/bushes 01.01.1900 09.09.9999
MAX Equity 01.01.1900 09.09.9999
NXX Total expenses (methodology valid until 2015) 01.01.1900 09.09.9999
ZDX Average number of animals (in 100) 01.01.1900 09.09.9999
EPX Production or extraction of fuels 01.01.1900 09.09.9999
ZAX Area of artificial afforestation/reforestation 01.01.1900 09.09.9999
ZBX Area of artificial afforestation/reforestation by planting 01.01.1900 09.09.9999
ZPX Agriculture crop harvested area 01.01.1900 09.09.9999
UBX Sales of goods purchased for resale 01.01.1900 09.09.9999
UCX Value added 01.01.1900 09.09.9999
UAX Outputs, including trade margin 01.01.1900 09.09.9999
ZCX Average number of animals 01.01.1900 09.09.9999
HAX Average number of sickness insured persons (in 100) 01.01.1900 09.09.9999
HBX Health services cost from public health insurance 01.01.1900 09.09.9999
AMX Average number of registered employees (full-time equivalent) for the business structure statistics 01.01.1900 09.09.9999
XXX unspecified 01.01.1900 09.09.9999
VOX Number of returned envelopes 01.01.1900 09.09.9999
HCX Costs of health insurance companies including operating costs 01.01.1900 09.09.9999
SCX Number of dwelling completed 01.01.1900 09.09.9999
SDX Living floor area of dwellings completed 01.01.1900 09.09.9999
SGX Number of building completed 01.01.1900 09.09.9999
ZEX Area of forest territory 01.01.1900 09.09.9999
AAX Average number of employed persons 01.01.1900 09.09.9999
ANX Labour costs 01.01.1900 09.09.9999
ABX Average registered number of employees (persons) - manual workers in forestry 01.01.1900 09.09.9999
EGX Fuels consumption for working consumption of energy process 01.01.1900 09.09.9999
WCX Pollution measured in waste water treatment plants - inflow 01.01.1900 09.09.9999
ALX Number of registered physicians and pharmacists as persons 01.01.1900 09.09.9999
AZX Number of registered dentists as persons 01.01.1900 09.09.9999
HLX Number of places in social care facility 01.01.1900 09.09.9999
HPX Average number of insured persons 01.01.1900 09.09.9999
ZHX Amount of sold animal products 01.01.1900 09.09.9999
ZIX Sale of crop products 01.01.1900 09.09.9999
EEX Decrease of fuels caused by losses at energy process at fuels upgrading - energy content 01.01.1900 09.09.9999
EFX Fuels inputs including working consumption - energy content 01.01.1900 09.09.9999
JAX Detected offences 01.01.1900 09.09.9999
COX Average unit appraisal value of existing real estate 01.01.1900 09.09.9999
ZOX Utilised agricultural area - Arable land 01.01.1900 09.09.9999
SJX Number of dwellings completed in multi-dweling buildings - new construction 01.01.1900 09.09.9999
SKX Number of dwellings completed in family houses - new construction 01.01.1900 09.09.9999
ECX Primary sources of electrical energy 01.01.1900 09.09.9999
EDX Primary resources of fuels and energy - energy content 01.01.1900 09.09.9999
EBX Primary resources of fuels - energy content 01.01.1900 09.09.9999
KAX Number of seats available on performance in cultural facility 01.01.1900 09.09.9999
QAX Total assets - Net amount 01.01.1900 09.09.9999
UTX Net turnover 01.01.1900 09.09.9999
UVX Total revenue (methodology valid until 2015) 01.01.1900 09.09.9999
GAX Gross domestic product 01.01.1900 09.09.9999
XYX other denominators unlisted elsewhere, specified by TEP SPJMEN12 (7654) 01.01.1900 09.09.9999
BAX Number of active businesses 01.01.1900 09.09.9999
ZJX Number of livestock 01.01.1900 09.09.9999
ZNX Number of live-born animals 01.01.1900 09.09.9999
YXX other denominators unlisted elsewhere, specified by TEP SPJMEN11 (7653) 01.01.1900 09.09.9999
YYX other denominators unlisted elsewhere, specified by TEP SPJMEN11 (7653) and TEP SPJMEN12 (7654) 01.01.1900 09.09.9999
EHX Consumption of fuels entering the energy process during processing - energy content 01.01.1900 09.09.9999
OSX 100 marriages 01.01.1900 09.09.9999
RAX Intramural R&D expenditure 01.01.1900 09.09.9999
HNX Number of newly notified cases of incapacity for work, total 01.01.1900 09.09.9999
OPX Average gross money income of the households 01.01.1900 09.09.9999
OHX Number of housekeeping households 01.01.1900 09.09.9999
OOX Usually resident population 01.01.1900 09.09.9999
HUX Number of newly notified cases of incapacity - accidents at work 01.01.1900 09.09.9999
HJX Number of newly notified cases of incapacity - occupational accidents (15-17) 01.01.1900 09.09.9999
HZX The average number of insured persons - Female 01.01.1900 09.09.9999
HMX The average number of insured persons (15-17 years) 01.01.1900 09.09.9999
SQX Number of building permits granted for new construction - Residential buildings 01.01.1900 09.09.9999
SRX Number of building permits granted - modifications to completed buildings - New dwellings created - Residential buildings 01.01.1900 09.09.9999
STX Number of building permits granted - modifications to completed buildings - New dwellings not created - Residential buildings 01.01.1900 09.09.9999
SUX Number of building permits granted for new construction - Non-residential buildings 01.01.1900 09.09.9999
SVX Number of building permits granted - modifications to completed buildings - New dwellings created - Non-residential buildings 01.01.1900 09.09.9999
SWX Number of building permits granted - modifications to completed buildings - New dwellings not created - Non-residential buildings 01.01.1900 09.09.9999
GZX Employment in domestic concept (according to the national accounts) 01.01.1900 09.09.9999
HDX Number of newly notified cases of incapacity - sickness 01.01.1900 09.09.9999
HEX Number of newly notified cases of incapacity - other injuries 01.01.1900 09.09.9999
HFX Number of newly notified cases of incapacity - sickness - Females 01.01.1900 09.09.9999
HGX Number of newly notified cases of incapacity - accidents at work - Females 01.01.1900 09.09.9999
HHX Number of newly notified cases of incapacity - other injuries - Females 01.01.1900 09.09.9999
HIX Number of newly notified cases of incapacity - Female 01.01.1900 09.09.9999
BTX Number of technological innovative enterprises 01.01.1900 09.09.9999
BPX Number of product innovative enterprises 01.01.1900 09.09.9999
SNX Number of building permits granted - Non-residential buildings 01.01.1900 09.09.9999
SLX Number of building permits granted - Buildings 01.01.1900 09.09.9999
SMX Number of building permits granted - Residential buildings 01.01.1900 09.09.9999
SOX Number of building permits granted - Environmental protection structures 01.01.1900 09.09.9999
SPX Number of building permits granted - Other constructions 01.01.1900 09.09.9999
NAX Total purchases of goods and services in methodology of the European Community (EC) 01.01.1900 09.09.9999
QBX Current liabilities 01.01.1900 09.09.9999
OTX Permanent resident population (in 1000) 01.01.1900 09.09.9999
OJX Permanent resident population 01.01.1900 09.09.9999
VAX Number of employees participating in courses (natural persons) 01.01.1900 09.09.9999
VBX Number of enterprises providing its employees with education or training 01.01.1900 09.09.9999
VCX Number of enterprises that received a financial contribution for providing education and training to their employees 01.01.1900 09.09.9999
VDX Number of enterprises that contributed to collective/mutual training fund in the reference year to support education and training 01.01.1900 09.09.9999
VHX Number of paid working hours employee spent in education 01.01.1900 09.09.9999
BRX Number of enterprises using robotics 01.01.1900 09.09.9999
TNX Number of visitors 01.01.1900 09.09.9999
BFX Number of enterprises realizing electronic orders placed by customers located in other EU countries (except the Czech Republic) via websites or mobile apps 01.01.1900 09.09.9999
BWX Number of enterprises having a website 01.01.1900 09.09.9999
BSX Number of enterprises using Social networks 01.01.1900 09.09.9999
BXX Number active of businesses (stock variable) 01.01.1900 09.09.9999
D3X Average number of animals - Laying hens 01.01.1900 09.09.9999
BEX Number of enterprises employing ICT specialists 01.01.1900 09.09.9999
DCX Livestock slaughtered - Bulls 01.01.1900 09.09.9999
DDX Livestock slaughtered - Bullocks 01.01.1900 09.09.9999
DEX Livestock slaughtered - Heifers 01.01.1900 09.09.9999
DFX Livestock slaughtered - Cows 01.01.1900 09.09.9999
DGX Livestock slaughtered - Calves 01.01.1900 09.09.9999
DHX Livestock slaughtered - Cattle excluding calves 01.01.1900 09.09.9999
DIX Livestock slaughtered - Cattle 01.01.1900 09.09.9999
DJX Livestock slaughtered - Adult cattle 01.01.1900 09.09.9999
D1X Livestock slaughtered - Bulls and bullocks 01.01.1900 09.09.9999
DLX Livestock slaughtered - Pigs excluding sows and boars 01.01.1900 09.09.9999
DMX Livestock slaughtered - Sows 01.01.1900 09.09.9999
DNX Livestock slaughtered - Boars 01.01.1900 09.09.9999
DOX Livestock slaughtered - Pigs 01.01.1900 09.09.9999
DPX Livestock slaughtered - Sows and boars 01.01.1900 09.09.9999
DQX Livestock slaughtered - Sheep 01.01.1900 09.09.9999
DRX Livestock slaughtered - Lambs 01.01.1900 09.09.9999
DSX Livestock slaughtered - Sheep excluding lambs 01.01.1900 09.09.9999
DTX Livestock slaughtered - Goats 01.01.1900 09.09.9999
DUX Livestock slaughtered - Horses 01.01.1900 09.09.9999
DVX Livestock slaughtered - Poultry and ostriches 01.01.1900 09.09.9999
DWX Livestock slaughtered - Poultry and ostriches 01.01.1900 09.09.9999
DXX Livestock slaughtered - Poultry and ostriches 01.01.1900 09.09.9999
DYX Livestock slaughtered - Poultry and ostriches 01.01.1900 09.09.9999
DZX Livestock slaughtered - Poultry and ostriches 01.01.1900 09.09.9999
DKX Livestock slaughtered - Poultry and ostriches 01.01.1900 09.09.9999
D0X Number of livestock - Cattle, pigs, sheep, goats, horses, and poultry 01.01.1900 09.09.9999
ZTX Utilised agricultural area (100 ha) 01.01.1900 09.09.9999
ZVX Utilised agricultural area - Arable land (100 ha) 01.01.1900 09.09.9999
BYX The number of enterprises with internet access 01.01.1900 09.09.9999
ZRX Agricultural area under crops 01.01.1900 09.09.9999
BZX Number of enterprises using Social networks 01.01.1900 09.09.9999
ZQX Production of livestock for slaughter - Cattle 01.01.1900 09.09.9999
ZMX Average number of animals - Dairy cows 01.01.1900 09.09.9999
D4X Average number of animals - Cows 01.01.1900 09.09.9999
D5X Number of live-born animals - Calves 01.01.1900 09.09.9999
D6X Number of live-born animals - Piglets 01.01.1900 09.09.9999
D7X Average number of animals - Sows 01.01.1900 09.09.9999
D8X Average number of animals - Dairy cows 01.01.1900 09.09.9999
D9X Animal days - Dairy cows 01.01.1900 09.09.9999
ZLX Volume of sold non-coniferous raw wood 01.01.1900 09.09.9999
ZKX Volume of sold coniferous raw wood 01.01.1900 09.09.9999
D2X Livestock slaughtered - Pigs excluding sows 01.01.1900 09.09.9999
ACX Average number of employed persons 01.01.1900 09.09.9999
AEX Average number of employed persons 01.01.1900 09.09.9999
AGX Number of hours worked by registered employees 01.01.1900 09.09.9999
ADX Average number of employed persons 01.01.1900 09.09.9999
VEX Number of employees participating in courses (natural persons) 01.01.1900 09.09.9999
VFX number of employees who participated in obligatory courses on health and safety at work (natural persons) 01.01.1900 09.09.9999
VGX number of employees who participated in other courses provided by the enterprise than obligatory courses on health and safety at work (natural persons) 01.01.1900 09.09.9999
VIX Number of enterprises providing its employees with non-obligatory courses 01.01.1900 09.09.9999
VJX Number of enterprises providing its employees with external courses 01.01.1900 09.09.9999
VKX Number of enterprises that consider presented skill as fundamental for the overall development of the enterprise 01.01.1900 09.09.9999
VLX Number of enterprises with staff representatives involved in the decision-making process concerning education and training 01.01.1900 09.09.9999
VQX Number of enterprises that usually assess the effectiveness of education and training activities of their employees 01.01.1900 09.09.9999
VMX Number of enterprises not providing their employees with education and training 01.01.1900 09.09.9999
VNX Number of enterprises that usually offer practical training for apprentices/students of initial vocational training 01.01.1900 09.09.9999
NBX The value of the turnover resulting from electronic orders placed via a website or mobile apps received by the enterprise 01.01.1900 09.09.9999
BOX The number of enterprises receiving electronic orders 01.01.1900 09.09.9999
OQX Net money income of the households 01.01.1900 09.09.9999
KBX Time of television broadcasting in total 01.01.1900 09.09.9999
ZWX Utilised agricultural area - manured 01.01.1900 09.09.9999
ZUX Number of livestock - Pigs 01.01.1900 09.09.9999
OIX Usually resident population 01.01.1900 09.09.9999
OGX Number of economically active persons (having local usual residence) 01.01.1900 09.09.9999
ZYX Agricultural area under crops and harvested area 01.01.1900 09.09.9999
BBX Number of enterprises having formally defined ICT security policy, including the timetable of checks 01.01.1900 09.09.9999
BCX Number of non-innovative enterprises 01.01.1900 09.09.9999
BDX Number of non-technological innovative enterprises 01.01.1900 09.09.9999
BIX Number of innovative enterprises 01.01.1900 09.09.9999
DAX Livestock slaughtered - Young cattle 01.01.1900 09.09.9999
DBX Livestock slaughtered - Poultry and ostriches 01.01.1900 09.09.9999
BVX Enterprise Births 01.01.1900 09.09.9999
GDX Value of imports of goods 01.01.1900 09.09.9999
OKX Live births (at least one parent has registered residence) 01.01.1900 09.09.9999
TAX Number of persons not participating in tourism 01.01.1900 09.09.9999
VWX Number of candidates 01.01.1900 09.09.9999
SFX Useful floor area of dwelling completed 01.01.1900 09.09.9999
OUX Permanent resident population (in 100 000) 01.01.1900 09.09.9999
BJX Number of enterprises performing data analytics 01.01.1900 09.09.9999
BHX Enterprises having the first employee 01.01.1900 09.09.9999
BGX Number of enterprises having at least one employee 01.01.1900 09.09.9999
UDX Net turnover 01.01.1900 09.09.9999
EIX Fuel and energy consumption for production (energy unit) 01.01.1900 09.09.9999
Czech Statistical Office, Na padesátém 81, 100 82 Praha 10; tel.: 274 051 111 (switchboard)
Version: 1.2.17 © ČSÚ 2024
Displayed on: 27.09.2024