Nomenclature: Classification of Economic Activities (CZ-NACE_2025) - level 1 - Section

Code: 6101 Abbreviation: CZ-NACE_2025_U1 Family:  

Language version: EN

Filter used: none

Code Name Valid
I Accommodation and food service activities 01.01.2025 09.09.9999
V Activities of extraterritorial organisations and bodies 01.01.2025 09.09.9999
U Activities of households as employers and undifferentiated goods - and service-producing activities of households for own use 01.01.2025 09.09.9999
O Administrative and support service activities 01.01.2025 09.09.9999
A Agriculture, forestry and fishing 01.01.2025 09.09.9999
S Arts, sports and recreation 01.01.2025 09.09.9999
F Construction 01.01.2025 09.09.9999
Q Education 01.01.2025 09.09.9999
D Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply 01.01.2025 09.09.9999
L Financial and insurance activities 01.01.2025 09.09.9999
R Human health and social work activities 01.01.2025 09.09.9999
C Manufacturing 01.01.2025 09.09.9999
B Mining and quarrying 01.01.2025 09.09.9999
T Other service activities 01.01.2025 09.09.9999
N Professional, scientific and technical activities 01.01.2025 09.09.9999
P Public administration and defence; compulsory social security 01.01.2025 09.09.9999
J Publishing, broadcasting, and content production and distribution activities 01.01.2025 09.09.9999
M Real estate activities 01.01.2025 09.09.9999
K Telecommunication, computer programming, consulting, computing infrastructure and other information service activities 01.01.2025 09.09.9999
H Transportation and storage 01.01.2025 09.09.9999
E Water supply; sewerage, waste management and remediation activities 01.01.2025 09.09.9999
G Wholesale and retail trade 01.01.2025 09.09.9999
Czech Statistical Office, Na padesátém 81, 100 82 Praha 10; tel.: 274 051 111 (switchboard)
Version: 1.2.17 © ČSÚ 2025
Displayed on: 05.02.2025