Nomenclature: Classification of Products ver. 2008 (CZ-CPA) - level 5 - Category

Code: 5649 Abbreviation: CZ-CPA_U5 Family: Products

Language version: EN

Filter used: none

Code Name Valid
01111 Wheat 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
01112 Maize 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
01113 Barley, rye and oats 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
01114 Sorghum, millet and other cereals 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
01115 Cereals straw and husks 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
01116 Green leguminous vegetables 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
01117 Dried leguminous vegetables 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
01118 Soya beans, groundnuts and cotton seed 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
01119 Other oil seeds 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
01121 Rice, not husked 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
01131 Leafy or stem vegetables 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
01132 Melons 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
01133 Other fruit-bearing vegetables 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
01134 Root, bulb or tuberous vegetables 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
01135 Edible roots and tubers with high starch or inulin content 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
01136 Vegetable seeds, except beet seeds 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
01137 Sugar beet and sugar beet seeds 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
01138 Mushrooms and truffles 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
01139 Vegetables, fresh, n.e.c. 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
01141 Sugar cane 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
01151 Unmanufactured tobacco 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
01161 Fibre crops 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
01191 Forage crops 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
01192 Cut flowers and flower buds; flower seeds 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
01193 Beet seeds, seeds for forage plants; other raw vegetable materials 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
01211 Grapes 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
01221 Tropical and subtropical fruits 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
01231 Citrus fruits 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
01241 Apples 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
01242 Other pome fruits and stone fruits 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
01251 Berries and the fruits of the genus vaccinium 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
01252 Fruit seeds 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
01253 Nuts (excluding wild edible nuts, groundnuts and coconuts) 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
01259 Other tree and bush fruits n.e.c. 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
01261 Olives 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
01262 Coconuts 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
01269 Other oleaginous fruits 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
01271 Beverage crops 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
01281 Spices, not processed 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
01282 Hop cones 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
01283 Plants used primarily in perfumery, in pharmacy, or for insecticidal, fungicidal or similar purposes 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
01291 Natural rubber 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
01292 Christmas trees, cut 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
01293 Vegetable materials of a kind used primarily for plaiting or as stuffing or padding, or in dyeing or tanning 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
01301 Planting material: live plants, bulbs, tubers and roots, cuttings and slips; mushroom spawn 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
01411 Dairy cattle, live 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
01412 Raw milk from dairy cattle 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
01421 Other cattle and buffaloes, live 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
01422 Cattle and buffalo semen 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
01431 Horses and other equines, live 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
01441 Camels and camelids, live 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
01451 Sheep and goats, live 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
01452 Raw milk from sheep and goats 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
01453 Shorn wool from sheep and goats, greasy, including fleece-washed shorn wool 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
01461 Swine, live 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
01471 Poultry, live 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
01472 Eggs, in shell, fresh 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
01491 Other farmed animals, live 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
01492 Other farm animal products 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
01493 Raw fur skins and miscellaneous raw hides and skins 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
01611 Support services to crop production 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
01621 Support services to animal production 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
01631 Post-harvest crop services 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
01641 Seed processing services for propagation 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
01701 Hunting and trapping and related services 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
02101 Live forest tree plants; forest tree seeds 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
02102 Forest trees nurseries services 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
02103 Forest trees 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
02201 Wood in the rough 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
02301 Natural gums 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
02302 Natural cork, raw or simply prepared 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
02303 Parts of plants, grasses, mosses and lichens suitable for ornamental purposes 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
02304 Wild growing edible products 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
02401 Support services to forestry 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
03001 Fish, live 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
03002 Fish, fresh or chilled 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
03003 Crustaceans, not frozen 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
03004 Molluscs and other aquatic invertebrates, live, fresh or chilled 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
03005 Pearls, unworked 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
03006 Other aquatic plants, animals and their products 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
03007 Support services to fishing and aquaculture 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
05101 Hard coal 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
05201 Lignite 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
06101 Petroleum oils and oils obtained from bituminous minerals, crude 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
06102 Bituminous or oil shale and tar sands 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
06201 Natural gas, liquefied or in gaseous state 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
07101 Iron ores 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
07211 Uranium and thorium ores 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
07291 Other non-ferrous metal ores and concentrates 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
08111 Ornamental or building stone 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
08112 Limestone and gypsum 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
08113 Chalk and uncalcined dolomite 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
08114 Slate 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
08121 Gravel and sand 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
08122 Clays and kaolin 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
08911 Chemical and fertiliser minerals 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
08921 Peat 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
08931 Salt and pure sodium chloride; sea water 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
08991 Bitumen and asphalt, natural; asphaltites and asphaltic rock 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
08992 Precious and semi-precious stones; industrial diamonds, unworked or simply sawn, cleaved or bruted; pumice stone; emery; natural corundum, natural garnet and other natural abrasives; other minerals 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
09101 Support services to petroleum and natural gas extraction 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
09901 Support services to other mining and quarrying 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
10111 Meat of bovine animals, swine, sheep, goats, horses and other equines, fresh or chilled 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
10112 Edible offal of bovine animals, swine, sheep, goats, horses and other equines, fresh or chilled 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
10113 Frozen meat and edible offal; other meat and edible offal 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
10114 Pulled wool and raw hides and skins of bovine or equine animals, sheep and goats 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
10115 Fats of bovine animals, sheep, goats or pigs 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
10116 Raw offal, inedible 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
10119 Sub-contracted operations as part of manufacturing of processed and preserved meat 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
10121 Meat of poultry, fresh or chilled 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
10122 Meat of poultry, frozen 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
10123 Fats of poultry 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
10124 Edible offal of poultry 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
10125 Feathers and skins of birds with feathers 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
10129 Sub-contracted operations as part of manufacturing of processed and preserved poultry meat 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
10131 Preserves and preparations of meat, meat offal or blood 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
10139 Cooking and other preparation services for the production of meat products; sub-contracted operations as part of manufacturing of meat and poultry meat products 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
10201 Fish, fresh, chilled or frozen 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
10202 Fish, otherwise prepared or preserved; caviar and caviar substitutes 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
10203 Crustaceans, molluscs and other aquatic invertebrates, frozen, prepared or preserved 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
10204 Flours, meals and pellets, unfit for human consumption, and other products n.e.c. of fish or of crustaceans, molluscs or other aquatic invertebrates 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
10209 Smoking and other preservation and preparation services for manufacture of fish products; sub-contracted operations as part of manufacturing of processed and preserved fish, crustaceans and molluscs 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
10311 Processed and preserved potatoes 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
10319 Cooking and other preparation services for potatoes and potato products; sub-contracted operations as part of manufacturing of processed and preserved potatoes 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
10321 Fruit and vegetable juices 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
10329 Sub-contracted operations as part of manufacturing of fruit and vegetable juice 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
10391 Processed and preserved vegetables, excluding potatoes 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
10392 Processed and preserved fruit and nuts 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
10393 Vegetable materials and vegetable waste, vegetable residues and by-products 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
10399 Cooking and other preparation services for the preservation of fruit and vegetables; sub-contracted operations as part of manufacturing of other processed and preserved fruit and vegetables 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
10411 Animal oils and fats, their fractions, crude 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
10412 Vegetable oils, crude 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
10413 Cotton linters 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
10414 Oil-cake and other solid residues, of vegetable fats or oils; flours and meals of oil seeds or oleaginous fruits 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
10415 Refined oils, except residues 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
10416 Animal or vegetable fats and oils and their fractions, hydrogenated, esterified, but not further prepared 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
10417 Vegetable waxes (excluding triglycerides); degras; residues resulting from treatment of fatty substances or animal or vegetable waxes 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
10419 Sub-contracted operations as part of manufacturing of oils and fats 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
10421 Margarine and similar edible fats 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
10429 Sub-contracted operations as part of manufacturing of margarine and similar edible fats 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
10511 Processed liquid milk and cream 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
10512 Milk in solid forms 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
10513 Butter and dairy spreads 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
10514 Cheese and curd 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
10515 Other dairy products 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
10519 Sub-contracted operations as part of manufacturing of dairy and cheese products 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
10521 Ice cream and other edible ice 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
10529 Sub-contracted operations as part of manufacturing of ice cream 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
10611 Rice, semi- or wholly milled, or husked or broken 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
10612 Cereal and vegetable flour; mixes thereof 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
10613 Groats, meal and pellets and other cereal grain products 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
10614 Bran, sharps and other residues from the working of cereals 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
10619 Sub-contracted operations as part of manufacturing of grain mill products 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
10621 Starches and starch products; sugars and sugar syrups n.e.c. 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
10622 Residues of starch manufacture and similar residues 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
10629 Sub-contracted operations as part of manufacturing of starches and starch products 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
10711 Bread, fresh pastry goods and cakes 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
10719 Sub-contracted operations as part of manufacturing of fresh or frozen bread, pastry goods and cakes 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
10721 Rusks and biscuits; preserved pastry goods and cakes 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
10729 Sub-contracted operations as part of manufacturing of rusks and biscuits; preserved pastry goods and cakes 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
10731 Macaroni, noodles, couscous and similar farinaceous products 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
10739 Sub-contracted operations as part of manufacturing of macaroni, noodles, couscous and similar farinaceous products 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
10811 Raw or refined cane or beet sugar; molasses 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
10812 Beet-pulp, bagasse and other waste of sugar manufacture 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
10819 Sub-contracted operations as part of manufacturing of sugar 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
10821 Cocoa paste, whether or not defatted, cocoa butter, fat and oil, cocoa powder 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
10822 Chocolate and sugar confectionery 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
10823 Cocoa shells, husks, skins and other cocoa waste 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
10829 Sub-contracted operations as part of manufacturing of cocoa, chocolate and sugar confectionery 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
10831 Processed tea and coffee 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
10839 Sub-contracted operations as part of manufacturing of coffee and tea 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
10841 Vinegar; sauces; mixed condiments; mustard flour or meal; prepared mustard 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
10842 Spices, processed 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
10843 Food-grade salt 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
10849 Sub-contracted operations as part of manufacturing of condiments and seasonings 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
10851 Prepared meals and dishes 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
10859 Sub-contracted operations as part of manufacturing of prepared meals and dishes 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
10861 Homogenised food preparations and dietetic food 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
10869 Sub-contracted operations as part of manufacturing of homogenised food preparations and dietetic food 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
10891 Soups, eggs, yeasts and other food products; extracts and juices of meat, fish and aquatic invertebrates 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
10899 Sub-contracted operations as part of manufacturing of other food products n.e.c. 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
10911 Prepared feeds for farm animals, except lucerne meal and pellets 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
10912 Lucerne (alfalfa) meal and pellets 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
10919 Sub-contracted operations as part of manufacturing of prepared feeds for farm animals 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
10921 Prepared pet foods 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
10929 Sub-contracted operations as part of manufacturing of prepared pet foods 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
11011 Distilled alcoholic beverages 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
11019 Sub-contracted operations as part of manufacturing of distilled alcoholic beverages 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
11021 Wine of fresh grapes; grape must 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
11022 Wine lees; argol 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
11029 Sub-contracted operations as part of manufacturing of wine from grape 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
11031 Other fermented beverages (e.g., cider, perry, mead); mixed beverages containing alcohol 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
11039 Sub-contracted operations as part of manufacturing of cider and other fruit wines 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
11041 Vermouth and other flavoured wine of fresh grapes 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
11049 Sub-contracted operations as part of manufacturing of other non-distilled fermented beverages 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
11051 Beer, except dregs from brewing 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
11052 Brewing or distilling dregs 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
11059 Sub-contracted operations as part of manufacturing of beer 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
11061 Malt 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
11069 Sub-contracted operations as part of manufacturing of malt 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
11071 Mineral waters and soft drinks 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
11079 Sub-contracted operations as part of manufacturing of mineral waters and soft drinks 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
12001 Tobacco products, except refuse 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
12002 Tobacco refuse 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
12009 Sub-contracted operations as part of manufacturing of tobacco products 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
13101 Wool grease (including lanolin) 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
13102 Natural textile fibres prepared for spinning 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
13103 Man-made textile staple fibres processed for spinning 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
13104 Silk yarn and yarn spun from silk waste 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
13105 Yarn of wool put up or not put up for retail store; yarn of fine or coarse animal hair or of horse hair 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
13106 Cotton yarn; cotton sewing thread 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
13107 Yarn of vegetable textile fibres other than cotton (including flax, jute, coir and true hemp); paper yarn 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
13108 Textile yarn and thread of man-made filaments or staple fibres 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
13109 Garneted stock; preparation services of natural textile fibres; sub-contracted operations as part of manufacturing of textile yarn and thread 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
13201 Woven fabrics (except special fabrics), of natural fibres other than cotton 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
13202 Woven fabrics of cotton 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
13203 Woven fabrics (except special fabrics), of man-made filaments and staple fibres 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
13204 Pile fabrics, terry towelling and other special fabrics 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
13205 Imitation fur by weaving 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
13209 Sub-contracted operations as part of manufacturing of textile fabrics 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
13301 Textile finishing services 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
13911 Knitted or crocheted fabrics 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
13919 Sub-contracted operations as part of manufacturing of knitted or crocheted fabrics 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
13921 Made-up textile articles for the household 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
13922 Other made-up textile articles 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
13929 Sub-contracted operations as part of manufacturing of made-up textile articles, except apparel 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
13931 Carpets and rugs 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
13939 Sub-contracted operations as part of manufacturing of carpets and rugs 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
13941 Cordage, rope, twine and netting, except waste 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
13942 Rags, scrap twine, cordage, rope and cables and worn out articles of textile materials 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
13949 Sub-contracted operations as part of manufacturing of cordage, rope, twine and netting 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
13951 Non-wovens and articles made from non-wovens, except apparel 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
13959 Sub-contracted operations as part of manufacturing of non-wovens and articles made from non-wovens, except apparel 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
13961 Metallised yarn or metallised gimped yarn; woven fabrics of metal thread and woven fabrics of metallised yarn; rubber thread and cord, textile covered and textile products and articles for technical uses 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
13969 Sub-contracted operations as part of manufacturing of technical and industrial textiles 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
13991 Tulles, lace and embroidery; gimped yarn and strip; chenille yarn; loop wale-yarn 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
13999 Sub-contracted operations as part of manufacturing of other textiles n.e.c. 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
14111 Apparel of leather or of composition of leather 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
14119 Sub-contracted operations as part of manufacturing of leather clothes 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
14121 Men's workwear 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
14122 Women's workwear 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
14123 Other workwear 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
14129 Sub-contracted operations as part of manufacturing of workwear 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
14131 Outerwear, knitted or crocheted 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
14132 Other outerwear, for men and boys 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
14133 Other outerwear, for women and girls 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
14134 Worn clothing and other worn articles 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
14139 Sub-contracted operations as part of manufacturing of outerwear 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
14141 Underwear, knitted and crocheted 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
14142 Underwear, not knitted or crocheted 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
14143 T-shirts, singlets and other vests, knitted or crocheted 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
14149 Sub-contracted operations as part of manufacturing of underwear 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
14191 Babies' garments, tracksuits and other garments, clothing accessories and parts, knitted or crocheted 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
14192 Babies' garments, other garments and other clothing accessories, of textile fabric, not knitted or crocheted 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
14193 Clothing accessories of leather; garments made up of felt or non-wovens; garments made up of coated textile fabrics 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
14194 Hats and headgear 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
14199 Sub-contracted operations as part of manufacturing of other wearing apparel and accessories 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
14201 Articles of apparel, clothing accessories and other articles of fur skin, except headgear 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
14209 Sub-contracted operations as part of manufacturing of articles of fur 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
14311 Panty hose, tights, stockings, socks and other hosiery, knitted or crocheted 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
14319 Sub-contracted operations as part of manufacturing of knitted and crocheted hosiery 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
14391 Jerseys, pullovers, cardigans, waistcoats and similar articles, knitted or crocheted 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
14399 Sub-contracted operations as part of manufacturing of other knitted and crocheted apparel 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
15111 Tanned or dressed fur skins 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
15112 Chamois leather; patent leather and patent laminated leather; metallised leather 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
15113 Leather, of bovine or equine animals, without hair 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
15114 Leather of sheep, goat or swine, without hair 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
15115 Leather of other animals; composition leather with a basis of leather 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
15119 Sub-contracted operations as part of manufacturing of tanned and dressed leather; dressed and dyed fur 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
15121 Saddlery and harness; luggage, handbags and the like; other articles of leather 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
15129 Sub-contracted operations as part of manufacturing of saddlery and harness luggage, handbags and the like 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
15201 Footwear other than sports and protective footwear and orthopaedic shoes 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
15202 Sports footwear 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
15203 Protective and other footwear n.e.c. 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
15204 Parts of footwear of leather; removable insoles, heel cushions and similar articles; gaiters, leggings and similar articles, and parts thereof 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
15209 Sub-contracted operations as part of manufacturing of footwear 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
16101 Wood, sawn or chipped lengthwise, sliced or peeled, of a thickness > 6 mm; railway or tramway sleepers of wood not impregnated 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
16102 Wood continuously shaped along any of its edges or faces; wood wool; wood flour; wood in chips or particles 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
16103 Wood in the rough; railway or tramway sleepers (cross-ties) of wood, impregnated or otherwise treated 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
16109 Drying, impregnation or chemical treatment services of timber; sub-contracted operations as part of manufacturing of wood, sawn and planed 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
16211 Plywood, veneered panels and similar laminated wood; particle boards and similar boards of wood or other ligneous materials 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
16212 Veneer sheets; sheets for plywood; densified wood 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
16219 Finishing services of boards and panels; sub-contracted operations as part of manufacturing of veneer sheets and wood-based panels 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
16221 Assembled parquet panels 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
16229 Sub-contracted operations as part of manufacturing of assembled parquet floors 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
16231 Builders' joinery and carpentry (except prefabricated buildings), of wood 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
16232 Prefabricated wooden buildings 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
16239 Sub-contracted operations as part of manufacturing of other builders' carpentry and joinery 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
16241 Wooden containers 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
16249 Sub-contracted operations as part of manufacturing of wooden containers 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
16291 Other products of wood 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
16292 Articles of cork, straw or other plaiting materials; basket ware and wickerwork 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
16299 Wood and cork, except furniture, and straw and plaiting material manufacturing services; sub-contracted operations as part of manufacturing of other products of wood, articles of cork, straw and plaiting materials 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
17111 Pulps of wood or other fibrous cellulosic material 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
17119 Sub-contracted operations as part of manufacturing of pulp 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
17121 Newsprint, handmade paper and other uncoated paper or paperboard for graphic purposes 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
17122 Toilet or facial tissue stock, towel or napkin stock, cellulose wadding and webs of cellulose fibres 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
17123 Containerboard 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
17124 Uncoated paper 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
17125 Uncoated paperboard (other than that of a kind used for writing, printing or other graphic purposes) 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
17126 Vegetable parchment, greaseproof papers, tracing papers and glassine and other glazed transparent or translucent papers 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
17127 Processed paper and paperboard 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
17129 Sub-contracted operations as part of manufacturing of paper and paperboard 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
17211 Corrugated paper and paperboard and containers of paper and paperboard 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
17219 Sub-contracted operations as part of manufacturing of corrugated paper and paperboard and containers of paper and paperboard 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
17221 Household and toilet paper and paper products 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
17229 Sub-contracted operations as part of manufacturing of household and sanitary goods and toilet requisites 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
17231 Paper stationery 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
17239 Sub-contracted operations as part of manufacturing of paper stationery 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
17241 Wallpaper 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
17249 Sub-contracted operations as part of manufacturing of wallpaper 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
17291 Other articles of paper and paperboard 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
17299 Sub-contracted operations as part of manufacturing of other articles of paper and paperboard 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
18111 Newspaper printing services 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
18121 Other printing services 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
18131 Pre-press services 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
18132 Printing plates or cylinders and other impressed media for use in printing 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
18133 Ancillary services related to printing 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
18141 Binding and related services 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
18201 Reproduction services of sound recording 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
18202 Reproduction services of video recording 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
18203 Reproduction services of software 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
19101 Coke and semi-coke of coal, of lignite or of peat; retort carbon 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
19102 Tar distilled from coal, lignite or peat; other mineral tars 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
19103 Pitch and pitch coke 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
19109 Sub-contracted operations as part of manufacturing of coke oven products 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
19201 Briquettes, ovoids and similar solid fuels 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
19202 Fuel oil and gas; lubricating oils 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
19203 Petroleum gases and other gaseous hydrocarbons, except natural gas 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
19204 Other petroleum products 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
19209 Sub-contracted operations as part of manufacturing of refined petroleum products 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
20111 Industrial gases 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
20119 Sub-contracted operations as part of manufacturing of industrial gases 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
20121 Oxides, peroxides and hydroxides 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
20122 Tanning or dyeing extracts; tannins and their derivatives; colouring matter n.e.c. 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
20129 Sub-contracted operations as part of manufacturing of dyes and pigments 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
20131 Enriched uranium and plutonium; depleted uranium and thorium; other radioactive elements 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
20132 Chemical elements n.e.c.; inorganic acids and compounds 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
20133 Metallic halogenates; hypochlorites, chlorates and perchlorates 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
20134 Sulphides, sulphates; nitrates, phosphates and carbonates 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
20135 Salts of other metals 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
20136 Other basic inorganic chemicals 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
20139 Sub-contracted operations as part of manufacturing of other inorganic basic chemicals 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
20141 Hydrocarbons and their derivatives 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
20142 Alcohols, phenols, phenol-alcohols and their halogenated, sulphonated, nitrated or nitrosated derivatives; industrial fatty alcohols 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
20143 Industrial monocarboxylic fatty acids; carboxylic acids and their derivatives 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
20144 Organic compounds with nitrogen functions 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
20145 Organo-sulphur compounds and other organo-inorganic compounds; heterocyclic compounds n.e.c. 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
20146 Ethers, organic peroxides, epoxides, acetals and hemiacetals; other organic compounds 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
20147 Miscellaneous basic organic chemical products 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
20148 Residual lyes from the manufacture of wood pulp, excluding tall oil 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
20149 Sub-contracted operations as part of manufacturing of other organic basic chemicals 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
20151 Nitric acid; sulphonitric acids; ammonia 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
20152 Ammonium chloride; nitrites 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
20153 Nitrogenous fertilisers, mineral or chemical 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
20154 Phosphatic fertilisers, mineral or chemical 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
20155 Potassic fertilisers, mineral or chemical 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
20156 Sodium nitrate 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
20157 Fertilisers n.e.c. 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
20158 Animal or vegetable fertilisers n.e.c. 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
20159 Sub-contracted operations as part of manufacturing of fertilisers and nitrogen compounds 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
20161 Polymers of ethylene, in primary forms 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
20162 Polymers of styrene, in primary forms 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
20163 Polymers of vinyl chloride or of other halogenated olefins, in primary forms 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
20164 Polyacetals, other polyethers and epoxide resins, in primary forms; polycarbonates, alkyd resins, polyallyl esters and other polyesters, in primary forms 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
20165 Other plastics in primary forms; ion exchangers 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
20169 Sub-contracted operations as part of manufacturing of plastics in primary forms 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
20171 Synthetic rubber in primary forms 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
20179 Sub-contracted operations as part of manufacturing of synthetic rubber in primary forms 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
20201 Pesticides and other agrochemical products 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
20209 Sub-contracted operations as part of manufacturing of pesticides and other agro-chemical products 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
20301 Paints and varnishes based on polymers 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
20302 Other paints and varnishes and related products; artists' colour and printing ink 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
20309 Sub-contracted operations as part of manufacturing of paints, varnishes and similar coatings, printing ink and mastics 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
20411 Glycerol 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
20412 Organic surface-active agents, except soap 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
20413 Soap, washing and cleaning preparations 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
20414 Odoriferous preparations and waxes 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
20419 Sub-contracted operations as part of manufacturing of soap and detergents, cleaning and polishing preparations 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
20421 Perfumes and toilet preparations 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
20429 Sub-contracted operations as part of manufacturing of perfumes and toilet preparations 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
20511 Prepared explosives; safety fuses; percussion or detonating gaps; igniters; electric detonators; fireworks 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
20512 Matches 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
20519 Sub-contracted operations as part of manufacturing of explosives 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
20521 Glues 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
20529 Sub-contracted operations as part of manufacturing of glues 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
20531 Essential oils 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
20539 Sub-contracted operations as part of manufacturing of essential oils 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
20591 Photographic plates and film, instant print film; chemical preparations and unmixed products for photographic uses 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
20592 Chemically modified animal or vegetable fats and oils; inedible mixtures of animal or vegetable fats or oils 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
20593 Writing or drawing ink and other inks 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
20594 Lubricating preparations; additives; anti-freezing preparations 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
20595 Miscellaneous chemical products 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
20596 Gelatines and gelatine derivatives, including milk albumins 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
20599 Sub-contracted operations as part of manufacturing of other chemical products n.e.c. 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
20601 Synthetic fibres 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
20602 Artificial fibres 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
20609 Sub-contracted operations as part of manufacturing of man-made fibres 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
21101 Salicylic acid, O-acetylsalicylic acid, their salts and esters 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
21102 Lysine, glutamic acid and their salts; quaternary ammonium salts and hydroxides; phosphoaminolipids; amides and their derivatives and salts thereof 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
21103 Lactones n.e.c., heterocyclic compounds with nitrogen hetero-atom(s) only, containing an unfused pyrazole ring, a pyrimidine ring, a piperazine ring, an unfused triazine ring or a phenothiazine ring system not further fused; hydantoin and its derivatives; sulphonamides 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
21104 Sugars, chemically pure, n.e.c.; sugar ethers and esters and their salts n.e.c. 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
21105 Provitamins, vitamins and hormones; glycosides and vegetable alkaloids and their derivatives; antibiotics 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
21106 Glands and other organs; extracts thereof and other human or animal substances n.e.c. 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
21109 Sub-contracted operations as part of manufacturing of basic pharmaceutical products 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
21201 Medicaments 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
21202 Other pharmaceutical preparations 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
21209 Sub-contracted operations as part of manufacturing of pharmaceutical preparations 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
22111 New rubber tyres and tubes 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
22112 Retreaded pneumatic tyres, of rubber 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
22119 Sub-contracted operations as part of manufacturing of rubber tyres and tubes; retreading and rebuilding of rubber tyres 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
22191 Reclaimed rubber in primary forms or in plates, sheets or strip 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
22192 Unvulcanised rubber and articles thereof; vulcanised rubber, other than hard rubber, in thread, cord, plates, sheets, strip, rods and profile shapes 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
22193 Tubes, pipes and hoses, of vulcanised rubber other than hard rubber 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
22194 Conveyor or transmission belts or belting, of vulcanised rubber 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
22195 Rubberised textile fabrics, except tyre cord fabric 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
22196 Articles of apparel and clothing accessories, of vulcanised rubber other than hard rubber 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
22197 Articles of vulcanised rubber n.e.c.; hard rubber; articles of hard rubber 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
22199 Sub-contracted operations as part of manufacturing of other rubber products 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
22211 Monofilament > 1 mm, rods, sticks and profile shapes, of plastics 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
22212 Tubes, pipes and hoses and fittings thereof, of plastics 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
22213 Plates, sheets, film, foil and strip, of plastics, not supported or similarly combined with other materials 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
22214 Other plates, sheets, film, foil and strip, of plastics 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
22219 Sub-contracted operations as part of manufacturing of plastic plates, sheets, tubes and profiles 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
22221 Plastic packing goods 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
22229 Sub-contracted operations as part of manufacturing of plastic packing goods 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
22231 Builders´ ware of plastic; linoleum and hard non-plastic surface floor coverings 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
22232 Prefabricated buildings of plastics 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
22239 Sub-contracted operations as part of manufacturing of builders' ware of plastics 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
22291 Apparel and clothing accessories (including gloves), of plastics 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
22292 Other plastic products n.e.c. 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
22299 Manufacturing services of other plastic products; sub-contracted operations as part of manufacturing of other plastic products 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
23111 Flat glass 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
23119 Sub-contracted operations as part of manufacturing of flat glass 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
23121 Shaped and processed flat glass 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
23129 Sub-contracted operations as part of manufacturing of shaped and processed flat glass 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
23131 Hollow glass 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
23139 Finishing services of hollow glass; sub-contracted operations as part of manufacturing of hollow glass 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
23141 Glass fibres 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
23149 Sub-contracted operations as part of manufacturing of glass fibres 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
23191 Other glass, semi-finished 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
23192 Technical and other glass 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
23199 Finishing services of other glass, including technical glassware; sub-contracted operations as part of manufacturing of other processed glass, including technical glassware 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
23201 Refractory products 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
23209 Sub-contracted operations as part of manufacturing of refractory products 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
23311 Ceramic tiles and flags 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
23319 Sub-contracted operations as part of manufacturing of ceramic tiles and flags 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
23321 Bricks, tiles and construction products, in baked clay 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
23329 Sub-contracted operations as part of manufacturing of bricks, tiles and construction products, in baked clay 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
23411 Ceramic household and ornamental articles 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
23419 Sub-contracted operations as part of manufacturing of ceramic household and ornamental articles 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
23421 Ceramic sanitary fixtures 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
23429 Sub-contracted operations as part of manufacturing of ceramic sanitary fixtures 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
23431 Electrical insulators of ceramics; insulating fittings, for electrical machines, appliances or equipment, of ceramics 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
23439 Sub-contracted operations as part of manufacturing of ceramic insulators and insulating fittings 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
23441 Other technical ceramic products 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
23449 Sub-contracted operations as part of manufacturing of other technical ceramic products 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
23491 Other ceramic products 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
23499 Sub-contracted operations as part of manufacturing of other ceramic products 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
23511 Cement 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
23519 Sub-contracted operations as part of manufacturing of cement 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
23521 Quicklime, slaked lime and hydraulic lime 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
23522 Plaster 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
23523 Calcined or agglomerated dolomite 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
23529 Sub-contracted operations as part of manufacturing of lime and plaster 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
23611 Concrete products for construction 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
23612 Prefabricated buildings of concrete 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
23619 Sub-contracted operations as part of manufacturing of concrete products for construction purposes 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
23621 Plaster products for construction purposes 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
23629 Sub-contracted operations as part of manufacturing of plaster products for construction purposes 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
23631 Ready-mixed concrete 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
23639 Sub-contracted operations as part of manufacturing of ready-mixed concrete 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
23641 Mortars 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
23649 Sub-contracted operations as part of manufacturing of mortars 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
23651 Articles of fibre cement 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
23659 Sub-contracted operations as part of manufacturing of articles of fibre cement 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
23691 Other articles of concrete, plaster and cement 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
23699 Sub-contracted operations as part of manufacturing of other articles of concrete, plaster and cement 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
23701 Cut, shaped and finished stone 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
23709 Sub-contracted operations as part of manufacturing of cut, shaped and finished stone 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
23911 Abrasive products 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
23919 Sub-contracted operations as part of manufacturing of abrasive products 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
23991 Other non-metallic mineral products n.e.c. 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
23999 Sub-contracted operations as part of manufacturing of other non-metallic mineral products n.e.c. 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
24101 Primary materials of iron and steel 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
24102 Crude steel 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
24103 Flat rolled products of steel, not further worked than hot rolled 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
24104 Flat rolled products of steel, not further worked than cold rolled, of a width of >= 600 mm 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
24105 Flat rolled products of steel, clad, plated or coated and flat rolled products of high speed steel and of silicon-electrical steel 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
24106 Hot processed bars and rods of steel 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
24107 Hot processed open sections of steel, sheet piling of steel and railway or tramway track construction material, of steel 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
24109 Sub-contracted operations as part of manufacturing of basic iron and steel and of ferro-alloys 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
24201 Tubes, pipes and hollow profiles, seamless, of steel 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
24202 Tubes and pipes, welded, of circular cross-section, of an external diameter of > 406,4 mm, of steel 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
24203 Tubes and pipes, of an external diameter of <= 406,4 mm, welded, of steel 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
24204 Tube or pipe fittings of steel, not cast 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
24209 Sub-contracted operations as part of manufacturing of tubes, pipes, hollow profiles and related fittings, of steel 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
24311 Cold drawn bars and solid profiles of non alloy steel 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
24312 Cold drawn bars and solid profiles of alloy steel, other than stainless steel 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
24313 Cold drawn bars and solid profiles of stainless steel 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
24319 Sub-contracted operations as part of manufacturing of cold drawn bars 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
24321 Flat cold rolled steel products, uncoated, of a width of < 600 mm 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
24322 Flat cold rolled steel products, clad, plated or coated, of a width of < 600 mm 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
24329 Sub-contracted operations as part of manufacturing of cold rolled narrow strip 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
24331 Open sections cold formed or folded 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
24332 Ribbed sheets of non alloy steel 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
24333 Sandwich panels of coated steel sheet 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
24339 Sub-contracted operations as part of manufacturing of cold formed or folded products 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
24341 Cold drawn wire 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
24349 Sub-contracted operations as part of manufacturing of cold drawn wire 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
24411 Silver, unwrought or in semi-manufactured forms, or in powder form 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
24412 Gold, unwrought or in semi-manufactured forms, or in powder form 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
24413 Platinum, unwrought or in semi-manufactured forms, or in powder form 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
24414 Base metals or silver, clad with gold, not further worked than semi-manufactured 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
24415 Base metals clad with silver and base metals, silver or gold clad with platinum, not further worked than semi-manufactured 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
24419 Sub-contracted operations as part of manufacturing of precious metals 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
24421 Aluminium, unwrought; aluminium oxide 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
24422 Semi-finished products of aluminium or aluminium alloys 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
24429 Sub-contracted operations as part of manufacturing of aluminium 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
24431 Lead, zinc and tin, unwrought 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
24432 Semi-finished products of lead, zinc and tin or their alloys 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
24439 Sub-contracted operations as part of manufacturing of lead, zinc and tin 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
24441 Copper, unwrought; copper mattes; cement copper 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
24442 Semi-finished products of copper or copper alloys 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
24449 Sub-contracted operations as part of manufacturing of copper 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
24451 Nickel, unwrought; intermediate products of nickel metallurgy 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
24452 Semi-finished products of nickel or nickel alloys 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
24453 Other non-ferrous metals and articles thereof; cermets; ash and residues, containing metals or metallic compounds 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
24459 Sub-contracted operations as part of manufacturing of other non-ferrous metal 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
24461 Natural uranium and its compounds; alloys, dispersions (including cermets), ceramic products and mixtures containing natural uranium or natural uranium compounds 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
24469 Sub-contracted operations as part of manufacturing of processed nuclear fuel 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
24511 Casting services of cast iron 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
24512 Tubes, pipes and hollow profiles of cast-iron 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
24513 Tube or pipe fittings, of cast-iron 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
24519 Sub-contracted operations as part of manufacturing of casting of iron 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
24521 Casting services of steel 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
24522 Tubes and pipes of centrifugally cast-steel 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
24523 Tube or pipe fittings, of cast-steel 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
24531 Casting services of light metals 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
24541 Casting services of other non-ferrous metals 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
25111 Prefabricated buildings of metal 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
25112 Structural metal products and parts thereof 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
25119 Sub-contracted operations as part of manufacturing of metal structures and parts of structures 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
25121 Doors, windows and their frames and thresholds for doors, of metal 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
25129 Sub-contracted operations as part of manufacturing of doors and windows of metal 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
25211 Central heating radiators and boilers 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
25219 Sub-contracted operations as part of manufacturing of central heating radiators and boilers 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
25291 Other tanks, reservoirs and containers of metal 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
25299 Sub-contracted operations as part of manufacturing of tanks, reservoirs and containers of metal 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
25301 Steam generators and parts thereof 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
25302 Nuclear reactors and parts thereof 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
25309 Sub-contracted operations as part of manufacturing of steam generators, except central heating boilers 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
25401 Weapons and ammunition and parts thereof 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
25409 Sub-contracted operations as part of manufacturing of weapons and ammunition 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
25501 Forging, pressing, stamping and roll forming services of metal 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
25502 Powder metallurgy 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
25611 Coating services of metal 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
25612 Other treatment services of metal 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
25621 Turning services of metal parts 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
25622 Other machining services 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
25711 Cutlery 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
25719 Sub-contracted operations as part of manufacturing of cutlery 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
25721 Locks and hinges 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
25729 Sub-contracted operations as part of manufacturing of locks and hinges 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
25731 Hand tools of a kind used in agriculture, horticulture or forestry 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
25732 Hand saws; blades for saws of all kinds 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
25733 Other hand tools 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
25734 Interchangeable tools for hand tools, whether or not power-operated, or for machine tools 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
25735 Moulds; moulding boxes for metal foundry; mould bases; moulding patterns 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
25736 Other tools 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
25739 Sub-contracted operations as part of manufacturing of tools 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
25911 Steel drums and similar containers 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
25919 Sub-contracted operations as part of manufacturing of steel drums and similar containers 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
25921 Light metal packaging 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
25929 Sub-contracted operations as part of manufacturing of light metal packaging 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
25931 Wire products, chain and springs 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
25939 Sub-contracted operations as part of manufacturing of wire products, chain and springs 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
25941 Fasteners and screw machine products 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
25949 Sub-contracted operations as part of manufacturing of fasteners and screw machine products 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
25991 Metal articles for bathroom and kitchen 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
25992 Other articles of base metal 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
25999 Sub-contracted operations as part of manufacturing of other fabricated metal products n.e.c. 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
26111 Thermionic, cold cathode or photo-cathode valves and tubes, including cathode ray tubes 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
26112 Diodes and transistors 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
26113 Electronic integrated circuits 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
26114 Parts of electronic valves and tubes and of other electronic components n.e.c. 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
26119 Services connected with manufacturing of electronic integrated circuits; sub-contracted operations as part of manufacturing of electronic components 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
26121 Loaded printed circuits 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
26122 Sound, video, network and similar cards for automatic data processing machines 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
26123 Smart cards 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
26129 Services connected with printing of circuits; sub-contracted operations as part of manufacturing of loaded electronic boards 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
26201 Computing machinery and parts and accessories thereof 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
26202 Storage units and other storage devices 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
26203 Other units of automatic data processing machines 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
26204 Parts and accessories of computing machines 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
26209 Computers and peripheral equipment manufacturing services; sub-contracted operations as part of manufacturing of computers and peripheral equipment 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
26301 Radio or television transmission apparatus; television cameras 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
26302 Electrical apparatus for line telephony or line telegraphy; videophones 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
26303 Parts of electrical telephonic or telegraphic apparatus 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
26304 Aerials and aerial reflectors of all kind and parts thereof; parts of radio and television transmission apparatus and television cameras 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
26305 Burglar or fire alarms and similar apparatus 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
26306 Parts of burglar or fire alarms and similar apparatus 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
26309 Sub-contracted operations as part of manufacturing of communication equipment 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
26401 Radio broadcast receivers 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
26402 Television receivers, whether or not combined with radio-broadcast receivers or sound or video recording or reproduction apparatus 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
26403 Apparatus for sound and video recording and reproducing 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
26404 Microphones, loudspeakers, reception apparatus for radio-telephony or telegraphy 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
26405 Parts of sound and video equipment 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
26406 Video game consoles (used with a television receiver or having a self-contained screen) and other games of skill or chance with an electronic display 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
26409 Sub-contracted operations as part of manufacturing of consumer electronics 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
26511 Navigational, meteorological, geophysical and similar instruments and appliances 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
26512 Radar apparatus and radio navigational aid apparatus 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
26513 Precision balances; instruments for drawing, calculating, measuring length and the like 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
26514 Instruments for measuring electrical quantities or ionising radiations 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
26515 Instrument for checking other physical characteristics 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
26516 Other measuring, checking and testing instruments and appliances 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
26517 Thermostats, manostats and other automatic regulating or controlling instruments and apparatus 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
26518 Parts and accessories for measuring, testing and navigating equipment 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
26519 Sub-contracted operations as part of manufacturing of measuring, testing and navigating equipment 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
26521 Watches and clocks, except movements and parts 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
26522 Watch and clock movements and parts 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
26529 Sub-contracted operations as part of manufacturing of watches and clocks 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
26601 Irradiation, electromedical and electrotherapeutic equipment 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
26609 Medical instrument manufacturing services; sub-contracted operations as part of manufacturing of irradiation, electromedical and electrotherapeutic equipment 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
26701 Photographic equipment and parts thereof 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
26702 Other optical instruments and parts thereof 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
26709 Sub-contracted operations as part of manufacturing of optical instruments and photographic equipment 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
26801 Magnetic and optical media 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
26809 Sub-contracted operations as part of manufacturing of magnetic and optical media 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
27111 Motors of an output <= 37,5 W; other DC motors; DC generators 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
27112 Universal AC/DC motors of an output > 37,5 W; other AC motors; AC generators (alternators) 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
27113 Electric generating sets and rotary converters 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
27114 Electrical transformers 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
27115 Ballasts for discharge lamps or tubes; static converters; other inductors 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
27116 Parts of electrical motors, generators and transformers 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
27119 Sub-contracted operations as part of manufacturing of electric motors, generators and transformers 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
27121 Electrical apparatus for switching or protecting electrical circuits, for a voltage > 1 000 V 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
27122 Electrical apparatus for switching or protecting electrical circuits, for a voltage <= 1 000 V 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
27123 Boards 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
27124 Parts of electricity distribution or control apparatus 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
27129 Sub-contracted operations as part of manufacturing of electricity distribution and control apparatus 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
27201 Primary cells and primary batteries and parts thereof 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
27202 Electric accumulators and parts thereof 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
27209 Sub-contracted operations as part of manufacturing of batteries and accumulators 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
27311 Fibre optic cables 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
27319 Sub-contracted operations as part of manufacturing of fibre optic cables 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
27321 Other electronic and electric wires and cables 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
27329 Sub-contracted operations as part of manufacturing of other electronic and electric wires and cables 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
27331 Wiring devices 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
27339 Sub-contracted operations as part of manufacturing of wiring devices 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
27401 Electric filament or discharge lamps; arc lamps 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
27402 Lamps and lighting fittings 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
27403 Other lamps and lighting fittings 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
27404 Parts for lamps and lighting equipment 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
27409 Sub-contracted operations as part of manufacturing of electric lighting equipment 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
27511 Refrigerators and freezers; washing machines; electric blankets; fans 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
27512 Other electrical domestic appliances n.e.c. 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
27513 Parts of electric domestic appliances 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
27519 Sub-contracted operations as part of manufacturing of electric domestic appliances 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
27521 Domestic cooking and heating equipment, non-electric 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
27522 Parts of stoves, cookers, plate warmers and similar non-electric domestic appliances 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
27529 Sub-contracted operations as part of manufacturing of non-electric domestic appliances 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
27901 Other electrical equipment and parts thereof 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
27902 Indicator panels with liquid crystal devices or light emitting diodes; electric sound or visual signalling apparatus 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
27903 Electrical soldering, brazing and welding tools, surface tempering and hot spraying machines and apparatus 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
27904 Other electrical equipment n.e.c. (including electro-magnets; electro-magnetic couplings and brakes; electro-magnetic lifting heads; electrical particle accelerators; electrical signal generators) 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
27905 Electrical capacitors 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
27906 Electrical resistors, except heating resistors 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
27907 Electrical signalling, safety or traffic control equipment for railways, tramways, roads, inland waterways, parking facilities, port installations or airfields 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
27908 Parts of electrical capacitors, electrical resistors, rheostats and potentiometers 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
27909 Sub-contracted operations as part of manufacturing of other electrical equipment 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
28111 Engines, except aircraft, vehicle and cycle engines 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
28112 Turbines 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
28113 Parts of turbines 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
28114 Parts for engines 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
28119 Sub-contracted operations as part of manufacturing of engines and turbines, except aircraft, vehicle and cycle engines 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
28121 Fluid power equipment, except parts 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
28122 Parts of fluid power equipment 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
28129 Sub-contracted operations as part of manufacturing of fluid power equipment 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
28131 Pumps for liquids; liquid elevators 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
28132 Air or vacuum pumps; air or other gas compressors 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
28133 Parts of pumps and compressors 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
28139 Sub-contracted operations as part of manufacturing of other pumps and compressors 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
28141 Taps, cocks, valves and similar appliances for pipes, boiler shells, tanks, vats or the like 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
28142 Parts of taps and valves and similar articles 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
28149 Sub-contracted operations as part of manufacturing of other taps and valves 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
28151 Ball or roller bearings 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
28152 Other bearings, gears, gearing and driving elements 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
28153 Parts of bearings, gearings and driving elements 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
28159 Sub-contracted operations as part of manufacturing of bearings, gears, gearing and driving elements 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
28211 Ovens and furnace burners and parts thereof 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
28219 Sub-contracted operations as part of manufacturing of ovens, furnaces and furnace burners 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
28221 Lifting and handling equipment and parts thereof 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
28222 Buckets, shovels, grabs and grips for cranes, excavators and the like 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
28229 Sub-contracted operations as part of manufacturing of lifting and handling equipment 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
28231 Typewriters, word-processing and calculating machines 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
28232 Office machinery and parts thereof 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
28239 Office and accounting machinery manufacturing services; sub-contracted operations as part of manufacturing of office machinery and equipment (except computers and peripheral equipment) 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
28241 Electromechanical tools for working in the hand; other portable hand held power tools 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
28242 Parts of power-driven hand tools 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
28249 Sub-contracted operations as part of manufacturing of power-driven hand tools 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
28251 Heat exchange units; non-domestic air conditioning machines, refrigeration and freezing equipment 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
28252 Fans, other than table, floor, wall, window, ceiling or roof fans 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
28253 Parts of refrigeration and freezing equipment and heat pumps 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
28259 Sub-contracted operations as part of manufacturing of non-domestic cooling and ventilation equipment 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
28291 Gas generators, distilling and filtering apparatus 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
28292 Machinery for cleaning, filling, packing or wrapping bottles or other containers; fire extinguishers, spray guns, steam or sand blasting machines; gaskets 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
28293 Industrial, household and other weighing and measuring machinery 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
28294 Centrifuges, calendaring and vending machines 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
28295 Dish washing machines, of the industrial type 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
28296 Machinery n.e.c. for the treatment of materials by a process involving a change of temperature 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
28297 Non-electrical machinery and apparatus for soldering, brazing or welding and parts thereof; gas-operated surface tempering machines and appliances 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
28298 Parts of other general-purpose machinery n.e.c. 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
28299 Sub-contracted operations as part of manufacturing of other general-purpose machinery n.e.c. 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
28301 Pedestrian-controlled tractors 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
28302 Other agricultural tractors 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
28303 Soil machinery 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
28304 Mowers for lawns, parks or sports grounds 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
28305 Harvesting machinery 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
28306 Machinery for projecting, dispersing or spraying liquids or powders for agriculture or horticulture 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
28307 Self-loading or unloading trailers and semi-trailers for agriculture 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
28308 Other agricultural machinery 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
28309 Parts of agricultural machinery and equipment; sub-contracted operations as part of manufacturing of agricultural and forestry machinery 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
28411 Machine tools for working metal, operated by laser and the like; machining centres for working metal and the like 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
28412 Lathes, boring and milling machine tools for working metal 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
28413 Other machine tools for working metal 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
28414 Parts and accessories for metalworking machine tools 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
28419 Sub-contracted operations as part of manufacturing of metal forming machinery 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
28491 Machine tools for working stone, wood and similar hard materials 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
28492 Tool holders 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
28499 Sub-contracted operations as part of manufacturing of other machine tools 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
28911 Machinery for metallurgy and parts thereof 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
28919 Sub-contracted operations as part of manufacturing of machinery for metallurgy 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
28921 Machinery for mining 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
28922 Other moving, grading, levelling, scraping, excavating, tamping, compacting or extracting machinery, self-propelled, for earth, minerals or ores (including bulldozers, mechanical shovels and road rollers) 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
28923 Other excavating machinery 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
28924 Machinery for sorting, grinding, mixing and similar treatment of earth, stone, ores and other mineral substances 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
28925 Track-laying tractors 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
28926 Parts of machinery for mining, quarrying and construction 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
28929 Sub-contracted operations as part of manufacturing of machinery for mining, quarrying and construction 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
28931 Machinery for food, beverage and tobacco processing, except parts thereof 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
28932 Machines for cleaning, sorting or grading seed, grain or dried leguminous vegetables 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
28933 Parts of machinery for food, beverage and tobacco processing 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
28939 Sub-contracted operations as part of manufacturing of machinery for food, beverage and tobacco processing 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
28941 Machinery for preparing, spinning, weaving and knitting textiles 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
28942 Other machinery for textile and apparel production, including sewing machines 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
28943 Machinery for working hides, skins or leather or for making or repairing footwear and other articles 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
28944 Sewing machines of the household type 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
28945 Parts and accessories of machines for weaving and spinning and for machinery for other production of textiles and apparel and for the working of leather 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
28949 Sub-contracted operations as part of manufacturing of machinery for textile, apparel and leather production 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
28951 Machinery for paper and paperboard production and parts thereof 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
28959 Sub-contracted operations as part of manufacturing of machinery for paper and paperboard production 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
28961 Machinery n.e.c. for working plastics and rubber or for the manufacture of products from these materials 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
28962 Parts for machinery n.e.c. for working plastics and rubber or for the manufacture of products from these materials 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
28969 Sub-contracted operations as part of manufacturing of plastics and rubber machinery 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
28991 Printing and bookbinding machinery 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
28992 Machines and apparatus of a kind used solely or principally for the manufacture of semiconductor boules or wafers, semiconductor devices, electronic integrated circuits or flat panel displays 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
28993 Special-purpose machinery n.e.c. 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
28994 Parts of printing and book-binding machinery 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
28995 Parts of machines and apparatus of a kind used solely or principally for the manufacture of semiconductor boules or wafers, semiconductor devices, electronic integrated circuits or flat panel displays; parts of other special-purpose machinery 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
28999 Sub-contracted operations as part of manufacturing of other special-purpose machinery n.e.c. 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
29101 Internal combustion engines of a kind used for motor vehicles 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
29102 Passenger cars 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
29103 Motor vehicles for the transport of 10 or more persons 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
29104 Motor vehicles for the transport of goods 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
29105 Special-purpose motor vehicles 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
29109 Sub-contracted operations as part of manufacturing of motor vehicles 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
29201 Bodies for motor vehicles 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
29202 Trailers and semi-trailers; containers 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
29203 Parts of trailers, semi-trailers and other vehicles, not mechanically propelled 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
29204 Reconditioning, assembly, fitting out and bodywork services of motor vehicles 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
29205 Fitting out services of caravans and mobile homes 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
29209 Sub-contracted operations as part of manufacturing of bodies (coachwork) for motor vehicles, trailers and semi-trailers 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
29311 Ignition wiring sets and other wiring sets of a kind used in vehicles, aircraft or ships 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
29312 Other electrical equipment for motor vehicles and parts thereof 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
29313 Parts of other electrical equipment for motor vehicles and motorcycles 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
29319 Sub-contracted operations as part of manufacturing of electrical and electronic equipment for motor vehicles 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
29321 Seats for motor vehicles 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
29322 Safety seat belts, airbags and parts and accessories of bodies 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
29323 Parts and accessories n.e.c., for motor vehicles 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
29329 Assembly services of parts and accessories for motor vehicles, n.e.c.; assembly services of complete construction kits for motor vehicles within the manufacturing process; sub-contracted operations as part of manufacturing of other parts and accessories for motor vehicles 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
30111 Naval ships 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
30112 Ships and similar vessels for the transport of persons or goods 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
30113 Fishing vessels and other special vessels 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
30114 Offshore vessels and infrastructure 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
30115 Other floating structures (including rafts, tanks, coffer-dams, landing stages, buoys and beacons) 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
30119 Conversion, reconstruction and fitting out services of ships, floating platforms and structures; sub-contracted operations as part of manufacturing of ships and floating structures 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
30121 Pleasure and sporting boats 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
30129 Sub-contracted operations as part of manufacturing of pleasure and sporting boats 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
30201 Rail locomotives and locomotive tenders 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
30202 Self-propelled railway or tramway coaches, vans and trucks, except maintenance or service vehicles 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
30203 Other rolling-stock 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
30204 Parts of railway or tramway locomotives or rolling-stock; fixtures and fittings and parts thereof; mechanical traffic control equipment 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
30209 Reconditioning and fitting out services ("completing") of railway and tramway locomotives and rolling-stock; sub-contracted operations as part of manufacturing of railway locomotives and rolling stock 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
30301 Motors and engines for aircraft or spacecraft; ground flying trainers, and parts thereof 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
30302 Balloons and dirigibles; gliders, hang gliders and other non-powered aircraft 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
30303 Helicopters and aeroplanes 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
30304 Spacecraft (including satellites) and spacecraft launch vehicles 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
30305 Other parts of aircraft and spacecraft 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
30306 Overhaul and conversion services of aircraft and aircraft engines 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
30309 Sub-contracted operations as part of manufacturing of air and spacecraft and related machinery 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
30401 Motorised tanks and other armoured fighting vehicles and parts thereof 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
30409 Sub-contracted operations as part of manufacturing of military fighting vehicles 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
30911 Motorcycles and side-cars 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
30912 Parts and accessories of motorcycles and side-cars 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
30913 Internal combustion engines of a kind used for motorcycles 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
30919 Sub-contracted operations as part of manufacturing of motorcycles 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
30921 Bicycles and other cycles, not motorised 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
30922 Invalid carriages, excluding parts and accessories 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
30923 Parts and accessories of bicycles and other cycles, not motorised, and of invalid carriages 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
30924 Baby carriages and parts thereof 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
30929 Sub-contracted operations as part of manufacturing of bicycles and invalid carriages 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
30991 Other transport equipment n.e.c. 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
30999 Sub-contracted operations as part of manufacturing of other transport equipment n.e.c. 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
31001 Seats and parts thereof 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
31002 Parts of furniture (except seats) 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
31009 Upholstering services of chairs and seats; sub-contracted operations as part of manufacturing of seats, parts thereof and parts of furniture 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
31011 Office and shop furniture 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
31019 Sub-contracted operations as part of manufacturing of office and shop furniture 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
31021 Kitchen furniture 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
31029 Sub-contracted operations as part of manufacturing of kitchen furniture 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
31031 Mattresses 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
31039 Sub-contracted operations as part of manufacturing of mattresses 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
31091 Other furniture 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
31099 Finishing services of new furniture; sub-contracted operations as part of manufacturing of other furniture 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
32111 Coins 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
32119 Sub-contracted operations as part of manufacturing of coins 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
32121 Jewellery and related articles 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
32129 Sub-contracted operations as part of manufacturing of jewellery and related articles 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
32131 Imitation jewellery and related articles 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
32139 Sub-contracted operations as part of manufacturing of imitation jewellery and related articles 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
32201 Pianos, organs and other string and wind musical instruments, keyboards; metronomes, tuning forks; mechanisms for musical boxes 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
32202 Parts and accessories of musical instruments 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
32209 Sub-contracted operations as part of manufacturing of musical instruments 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
32301 Sports goods 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
32309 Sub-contracted operations as part of manufacturing of sports goods 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
32401 Dolls representing only human beings; toys representing animals or non-human creatures; parts thereof 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
32402 Toy trains and their accessories; other reduced-size models or construction sets and constructional toys 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
32403 Other toys, including toy musical instruments 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
32404 Other games 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
32409 Sub-contracted operations as part of manufacturing of games and toys 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
32501 Medical, surgical and dental instruments and appliances 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
32502 Therapeutic instruments and appliances; accessories, protheses and orthopaedic appliances 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
32503 Medical, surgical, dental or veterinary furniture; barbers' chairs and similar chairs and parts thereof 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
32504 Spectacles, lenses and parts thereof 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
32505 Other articles for medical or surgical purposes 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
32509 Sub-contracted operations as part of manufacturing of medical and surgical equipment and orthopaedic appliances 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
32911 Brooms and brushes 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
32919 Sub-contracted operations as part of manufacturing of brooms and brushes 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
32991 Safety headgear; pens and pencils, boards, date, sealing or numbering stamps; typewriter ribbons, ink-pads 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
32992 Umbrellas; walking-sticks; buttons; button-moulds; fasteners; parts thereof 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
32993 Products of human or animal hair; similar products of textile materials 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
32994 Lighters, pipes and parts thereof; articles of combustible material; liquid or liquefied gas fuels 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
32995 Other articles n.e.c. 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
32996 Taxidermy services 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
32999 Sub-contracted operations as part of manufacturing of other manufactured goods n.e.c. 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
33111 Repair and maintenance services of fabricated metal products 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
33121 Repair and maintenance services of general-purpose machinery 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
33122 Repair and maintenance services of special-purpose machinery 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
33131 Repair and maintenance services of electronic and optical equipment 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
33141 Repair and maintenance services of electrical equipment 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
33151 Repair and maintenance services of ships and boats 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
33161 Repair and maintenance services of aircraft and spacecraft 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
33171 Repair and maintenance services of other transport equipment 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
33191 Repair services of other equipment 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
33201 Installation services of fabricated metal products, except machinery and equipment 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
33202 Installation services of general-purpose machinery 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
33203 Installation services of special-purpose machinery 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
33204 Installation services of electronic and optical equipment 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
33205 Installation services of electrical equipment 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
33206 Installation services of industrial process control equipment 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
33207 Installation services of other goods n.e.c. 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
35111 Electricity 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
35121 Transmission services of electricity 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
35131 Distribution services of electricity 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
35141 Trade services of electricity 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
35211 Coal gas, water gas, producer gas and similar gases, other than petroleum gases 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
35221 Distribution services of gaseous fuels through mains 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
35231 Trade services of gas through mains 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
35301 Steam and hot water; steam and hot water supply services 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
35302 Ice; cooled air and chilled water supply services 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
36001 Natural water 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
36002 Treatment and distribution services of water through mains 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
36003 Trade services of water through mains 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
37001 Sewerage services 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
37002 Sewage sludge 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
38111 Collection services of non-hazardous recyclable waste 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
38112 Collection services of non-hazardous non-recyclable waste 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
38113 Non-recyclable non-hazardous waste, collected 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
38114 Wrecks, for dismantling 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
38115 Other recyclable non-hazardous waste, collected 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
38116 Services of transfer facilities for non-hazardous waste 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
38121 Collection services of hazardous waste 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
38122 Hazardous waste, collected 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
38123 Services of transfer facilities for hazardous waste 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
38211 Non-hazardous waste treatment for final disposal services 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
38212 Non-hazardous waste disposal services 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
38213 Waste organic solvents 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
38214 Ashes and residues from waste incineration 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
38221 Nuclear and other hazardous waste treatment services 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
38222 Nuclear and other hazardous waste disposal services 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
38311 Dismantling services of wrecks 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
38321 Sorted materials recovery services 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
38322 Metal secondary raw materials 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
38323 Non-metal secondary raw materials 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
39001 Remediation and clean-up services 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
39002 Other remediation and specialised pollution control services 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
41001 Residential buildings 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
41002 Non-residential buildings 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
41003 Construction works for residential buildings (new works, additions, alterations and renovation works) 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
41004 Construction works for non-residential buildings (new works, additions, alterations and renovation works) 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
42111 Motorways, roads, streets and other vehicular or pedestrian ways and airfield runways 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
42112 Construction works for motorways, roads, streets and other vehicular or pedestrian ways and airfield runways 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
42121 Railways and underground railways 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
42122 Construction works for railways and underground railways 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
42131 Bridges and tunnels 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
42132 Construction works for bridges and tunnels 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
42211 Utility constructions for fluids 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
42212 Construction works for utility projects for fluids 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
42221 Utility constructions for electricity and telecommunications 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
42222 Construction works for utility projects for electricity and telecommunications 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
42911 Coastal and port constructions, dams, locks and related hydro-mechanical structures 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
42912 Construction works for coastal and port constructions, dams, locks and related hydro-mechanical structures 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
42991 Other civil engineering constructions 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
42992 Construction works for other civil engineering constructions 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
43111 Demolition works 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
43121 Site preparation works 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
43131 Test drilling and boring works 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
43211 Electrical installation works 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
43221 Water plumbing, drain laying, heating, ventilation and air conditioning installation works 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
43222 Gas fitting installation works 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
43291 Other construction installation works 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
43311 Plastering works 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
43321 Joinery installation works 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
43331 Tiling works 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
43332 Other floor laying and covering, wall covering and wall papering works 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
43341 Painting works 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
43342 Glazing works 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
43391 Other building completion and finishing works 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
43911 Roofing works 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
43991 Waterproofing works 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
43992 Scaffolding works 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
43993 Pile driving works; foundation works 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
43994 Concreting works 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
43995 Structural steel components erection works 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
43996 Masonry and bricklaying works 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
43997 Assembly and erection works of prefabricated constructions 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
43999 Specialised construction works n.e.c. 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
45111 Wholesale trade services of cars and light motor vehicles 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
45112 Specialised store retail trade services of cars and light motor vehicles 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
45113 Other retail trade services of cars and light motor vehicles 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
45114 Wholesale trade services on a fee or contract basis of cars and light motor vehicles 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
45191 Wholesale trade services of other motor vehicles 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
45192 Specialised store retail trade services of other motor vehicles 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
45193 Other retail trade services of other motor vehicles 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
45194 Wholesale trade services on a fee or contract basis of other motor vehicles 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
45201 Maintenance and repair services of cars and light goods motor vehicles 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
45202 Maintenance and repair services of other motor vehicles 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
45203 Car-washing, polishing and similar services 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
45311 Wholesale trade services of motor vehicle parts and accessories 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
45312 Wholesale trade services on a fee or contract basis of motor vehicle parts and accessories 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
45321 Specialised store retail trade services of motor vehicle parts and accessories 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
45322 Other retail trade services of parts and accessories of motor vehicles 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
45401 Wholesale trade services of motorcycles and related parts and accessories 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
45402 Specialised store retail trade services of motorcycles and related parts and accessories 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
45403 Other retail trade services of motorcycles and related parts and accessories 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
45404 Wholesale trade services on a fee or contract basis of motorcycles and related parts and accessories 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
45405 Maintenance and repair services of motorcycles 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
46111 Wholesale trade services on a fee or contract basis of agricultural raw materials, live animals, textile raw materials and semi-finished goods 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
46121 Wholesale trade services on a fee or contract basis of fuels, ores, metals and industrial chemicals 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
46131 Wholesale trade services on a fee or contract basis of timber and building materials 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
46141 Wholesale trade services on a fee or contract basis of machinery, industrial equipment, ships and aircraft 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
46151 Wholesale trade services on a fee or contract basis of furniture, household goods, hardware and ironmongery 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
46161 Wholesale trade services on a fee or contract basis of textiles, clothing, fur, footwear and leather goods 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
46171 Wholesale trade services on a fee or contract basis of food, beverages and tobacco 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
46181 Wholesale trade services on a fee or contract basis of other particular products 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
46191 Wholesale trade services on a fee or contract basis of a variety of goods 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
46211 Wholesale trade services of grain, seeds and animal feeds 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
46212 Wholesale trade services of unmanufactured tobacco 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
46221 Wholesale trade services of flowers and plants 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
46231 Wholesale trade services of live animals 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
46241 Wholesale trade services of hides, skins and leather 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
46311 Wholesale trade services of fruits and vegetables 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
46321 Wholesale trade services of meat and meat products 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
46331 Wholesale trade services of dairy products, eggs and edible oils and fats 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
46341 Wholesale trade services of beverages 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
46351 Wholesale trade services of tobacco products 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
46361 Wholesale trade services of sugar, chocolate and sugar confectionery 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
46371 Wholesale trade services of coffee, tea, cocoa and spices 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
46381 Wholesale trade services of fish, crustaceans and molluscs 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
46382 Wholesale trade services of other food products 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
46391 Wholesale trade services of food, beverages and tobacco, non-specialised 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
46411 Wholesale trade services of textiles 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
46421 Wholesale trade services of clothing and footwear 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
46431 Wholesale trade services of electrical household appliances 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
46441 Wholesale trade services of china and glassware and cleaning materials 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
46451 Wholesale trade services of perfume and cosmetics 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
46461 Wholesale trade services of pharmaceutical goods 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
46471 Wholesale trade services of furniture, carpets and lighting equipment 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
46481 Wholesale trade services of watches and jewellery 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
46491 Wholesale trade services of cutlery and domestic metal ware, wickerwork, cork goods and other household articles n.e.c. 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
46492 Wholesale trade services of books, magazines and stationery 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
46493 Wholesale trade services of other consumer goods 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
46511 Wholesale trade services of computers, computer peripheral equipment and software 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
46521 Wholesale trade services of electronic and telecommunications equipment and parts 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
46611 Wholesale trade services of agricultural machinery, equipment and supplies 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
46621 Wholesale trade services of machine tools 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
46631 Wholesale trade services of mining, construction and civil engineering machinery 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
46641 Wholesale trade services of machinery for the textile industry and of sewing and knitting machines 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
46651 Wholesale trade services of office furniture 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
46661 Wholesale trade services of other office machinery and equipment 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
46691 Wholesale trade services of other machinery and equipment 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
46711 Wholesale trade services of solid, liquid and gaseous fuels and related products 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
46721 Wholesale trade services of metals and metal ores 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
46731 Wholesale trade services of wood, construction materials and sanitary equipment 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
46741 Wholesale trade services of hardware, plumbing and heating equipment and supplies 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
46751 Wholesale trade services of chemical products 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
46761 Wholesale trade services of other intermediate products 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
46771 Wholesale trade services of waste and scrap 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
46901 Non-specialised wholesale trade services 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
47001 Retail trade services of fruit, vegetables, meat, fish, bakery and dairy products and eggs 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
47002 Retail trade services of other food products, beverages and tobacco 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
47003 Retail trade services of information and communication equipment 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
47004 Retail trade services of construction materials and hardware 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
47005 Retail trade services of household articles 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
47006 Retail trade services of cultural and recreational goods 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
47007 Retail trade services of clothing, pharmaceutical and medical goods, toilet articles, flowers, plants, pet animals and pet food 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
47008 Retail trade services of automotive fuel and other new goods n.e.c. 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
47009 Retail trade services of second-hand goods 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
49101 Passenger rail transport services, interurban 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
49201 Freight rail transport services 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
49311 Urban and suburban railway transport services of passengers 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
49312 Other urban and suburban passenger land transport services 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
49321 Taxi operation services 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
49391 Interurban and special-purpose scheduled passenger land transport services 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
49392 Passenger transport services by funiculars, teleferics and ski-lifts 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
49393 Non-scheduled passenger land transport services 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
49411 Freight transport services by road 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
49412 Rental services of trucks with operator 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
49421 Removal services 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
49501 Transport services via pipeline 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
50101 Sea and coastal passenger water transport services 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
50102 Rental services of sea and coastal water vessels for passengers with operator 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
50201 Sea and coastal freight water transport services 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
50202 Rental services of sea and coastal water vessels for freight with operator; towing and pushing services 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
50301 Inland passenger water transport services 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
50302 Rental services of inland water vessels for passengers with operator 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
50401 Inland freight water transport services 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
50402 Rental services of inland water vessels for freight with operator; towing and pushing services 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
51101 Passenger air transport services 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
51102 Rental services of passenger air transport equipment with operator 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
51211 Freight air transport services 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
51212 Rental services of freight air transport equipment with operator 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
51221 Space transport services 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
52101 Warehousing and storage services 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
52211 Services incidental to railway transportation 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
52212 Services incidental to road transportation 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
52213 Services incidental to transportation via pipelines 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
52221 Services incidental to water transportation 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
52231 Airport operation services (excluding cargo handling), air traffic control services and other services incidental to air transportation 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
52232 Services incidental to space transportation 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
52241 Cargo handling services 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
52291 Freight transport agency services 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
52292 Other transportation support services n.e.c. 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
53101 Postal services under universal service obligation 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
53201 Other postal and courier services 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
55101 Room or unit accommodation services for visitors, with daily housekeeping (except time-share) 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
55201 Holiday and other short stay accommodation services 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
55301 Camping ground, recreational vehicle park and trailer park services 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
55901 Other accommodation services 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
56101 Restaurant and mobile food serving services 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
56211 Event catering services 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
56291 Contract food services 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
56292 Canteen services 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
56301 Beverage serving services 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
58111 Printed books 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
58112 Books on disk, tape or other physical media 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
58113 On-line books 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
58114 Advertising space in books 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
58115 Publishing of books on a fee or contract basis 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
58116 Licensing services for books 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
58121 Directories and mailing lists printed or on physical media 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
58122 On-line directories and mailing lists 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
58123 Licensing services for the right to use directories and mailing lists 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
58131 Printed newspapers 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
58132 On-line newspapers 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
58133 Advertising space in newspapers 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
58141 Printed journals and periodicals 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
58142 On-line journals and periodicals 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
58143 Advertising space in journals and periodicals 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
58144 Licensing services for journals and periodicals 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
58191 Other printed matter publishing services 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
58192 Other on-line content 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
58193 Licensing services for other printed matter 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
58211 Computer games, packaged 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
58212 Computer games downloads 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
58213 On-line games 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
58214 Licensing services for the right to use computer games 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
58291 Systems software, packaged 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
58292 Application software, packaged 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
58293 Software downloads 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
58294 On-line software 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
58295 Licensing services for the right to use computer software 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
59111 Production services of motion picture, video and television programmes 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
59112 Motion picture, video and television programme products 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
59113 Sale of advertising space or time in motion picture, video and television products 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
59121 Motion picture, video and television programme post-production services 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
59131 Motion picture, video and television programme licensing and distribution services 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
59141 Motion picture projection services 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
59201 Sound recording and live recording services; sound recording originals 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
59202 Radio programme production services; radio programme originals 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
59203 Music publishing services 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
59204 Licensing services for the right to use acoustic originals 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
60101 Radio broadcasting services; broadcast originals 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
60102 Radio channel programmes 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
60103 Radio advertising time 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
60201 Television programming and broadcasting services 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
60202 Television broadcasting originals 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
60203 Television channel programmes 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
60204 Television advertising time 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
61101 Data and message transmitting services 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
61102 Carrier services for wired telecommunications 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
61103 Data transmission services over wired telecommunications networks 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
61104 Wired Internet telecommunications services 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
61105 Home programme distribution services over wired infrastructure 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
61201 Mobile telecommunications services and private network services for wireless telecommunications systems 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
61202 Carrier services for wireless telecommunications 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
61203 Data transmission services over wireless telecommunications networks 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
61204 Wireless Internet telecommunications services 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
61205 Home programme distribution services over wireless networks 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
61301 Satellite telecommunications services, except home programme distribution services via satellite 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
61302 Home programme distribution services via satellite 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
61901 Other telecommunications services 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
62011 IT design and development services 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
62012 Software originals 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
62021 Hardware consultancy services 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
62022 Systems and software consultancy services 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
62023 IT technical support services 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
62031 Computer facilities management services 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
62091 Installation services of computers and peripheral equipment 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
62092 Other information technology and computer services n.e.c. 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
63111 Data processing, hosting, application services and other IT infrastructure provisioning services 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
63112 Streamed video and audio content 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
63113 Advertising space or time in Internet 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
63121 Web portal content 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
63911 News agency services 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
63991 Information services n.e.c. 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
63992 Original compilations of facts/information 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
64111 Central banking services 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
64191 Deposit services 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
64192 Credit granting services by monetary institutions 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
64193 Other monetary intermediation services n.e.c. 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
64201 Services of holding companies 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
64301 Services of trusts, funds and similar financial entities 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
64911 Financial leasing services 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
64921 Other credit granting services, other than by monetary institutions 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
64991 Other financial services, except insurance and pension funding, n.e.c. 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
65111 Life insurance services 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
65121 Accident and health insurance services 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
65122 Motor vehicle insurance services 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
65123 Marine, aviation and other transport insurance services 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
65124 Fire and other damage to property insurance services 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
65125 General liability insurance services 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
65126 Credit and suretyship insurance services 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
65127 Travelling and assistance, legal expenses and miscellaneous financial loss insurance services 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
65129 Other non-life insurance services 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
65201 Life, accident and health reinsurance services 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
65202 Transport and property reinsurance services 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
65203 General liability and credit and surety reinsurance services 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
65204 Legal expenses and miscellaneous financial loss reinsurance services 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
65205 Reinsurance services related to pension funding 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
65206 Other non-life reinsurance services 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
65301 Pension funding services 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
66111 Services related to the administration of financial markets 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
66121 Security and commodity contracts brokerage services 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
66191 Processing and clearing services of securities transactions 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
66192 Auxiliary services related to investment banking 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
66193 Trust and custody services 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
66199 Other services auxiliary to financial services, except insurance and pension funding, n.e.c. 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
66211 Risk and damage evaluation services 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
66221 Services of insurance agents and brokers 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
66291 Other services auxiliary to insurance and pension funding 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
66301 Fund management services 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
68101 Buying and selling services of own real estate 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
68201 Rental and operating services of own or leased real estate 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
68311 Real estate agency services on a fee or contract basis 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
68321 Management services of real estate on a fee or contract basis 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
69101 Legal services 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
69201 Financial auditing services 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
69202 Accounting services 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
69203 Tax consulting services 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
69204 Insolvency and receivership services 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
70101 Services of head offices 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
70211 Public relations and communication services 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
70221 Business management consulting services 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
70222 Other project management services, except construction project management services 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
70223 Other business consulting services 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
70224 Trademarks and franchises 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
71111 Plans and drawings for architectural purposes 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
71112 Architectural services for buildings 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
71113 Urban and land planning services 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
71114 Landscape architectural services and architectural advisory services 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
71121 Engineering services 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
71122 Project management services for construction projects 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
71123 Geological, geophysical and related prospecting and consulting services 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
71201 Technical testing and analysis services 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
72111 Research and experimental development services in health, environmental, agricultural and other biotechnology 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
72112 Research and development originals in biotechnology 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
72191 Research and experimental development services in other natural sciences 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
72192 Research and experimental development services in engineering and technology, except biotechnology 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
72193 Research and experimental development services in medical sciences 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
72194 Research and experimental development services in agricultural sciences 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
72195 Research and development originals in natural sciences and engineering, except for biotechnology 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
72201 Research and experimental development services in social sciences 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
72202 Research and experimental development services in humanities 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
72203 Research and development originals in social sciences and humanities 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
73111 Services provided by advertising agencies 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
73121 Sale of advertising space or time on a fee or contract basis 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
73122 Re-sale of advertising space or time on a fee or contract basis 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
73201 Market research and similar services 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
73202 Public opinion polling services 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
74101 Interior, industrial and other specialised design services 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
74102 Design originals 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
74201 Photographic plates and film, other than cinematographic, exposed 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
74202 Specialised photography services 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
74203 Other photographic services 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
74301 Translation and interpretation services 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
74901 Professional and technical support and consulting services n.e.c. 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
74902 Other professional, technical and business services n.e.c. 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
75001 Veterinary services 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
77111 Rental and leasing services of cars and light motor vehicles 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
77121 Rental and leasing services of trucks 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
77211 Rental and leasing services of recreational and sports goods 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
77221 Rental services of video tapes and disks 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
77291 Rental and leasing services of other personal and household goods 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
77311 Rental and leasing services of agricultural machinery and equipment 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
77321 Rental and leasing services of construction and civil engineering machinery and equipment 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
77331 Rental and leasing services of office machinery and equipment (including computers) 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
77341 Rental and leasing services of water transport equipment 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
77351 Rental and leasing services of air transport equipment 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
77391 Rental and leasing services of other machinery, equipment and tangible goods n.e.c. 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
77401 Licensing services for the right to use intellectual property and similar products, except copyrighted works 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
78101 Services provided by employment placement agencies 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
78201 Temporary employment agency services 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
78301 Other human resources provision services 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
79111 Travel agency services for transport reservations 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
79112 Travel agency services for reservation of accommodation, cruises and package tours 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
79121 Tour operator services 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
79901 Tourism promotion and visitor information services 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
79902 Tourist guide services 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
79903 Other reservation services n.e.c. 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
80101 Private security services 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
80201 Security systems services 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
80301 Investigation services 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
81101 Combined facilities support services 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
81211 General cleaning services of buildings 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
81221 Industrial cleaning services 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
81291 Other cleaning services 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
81301 Landscape services 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
82111 Combined office administrative services 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
82191 Photocopying, document preparation and other specialised office support services 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
82201 Call centre services 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
82301 Convention and trade show organisation services 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
82911 Collection agency and credit bureau services 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
82921 Packaging services 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
82991 Other business support services n.e.c. 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
84111 General (overall) public services 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
84112 Supporting services for the government 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
84121 Administrative services for the regulation of health care, education, cultural services and other social services excluding social security 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
84131 Administrative services for more efficient operation of businesses 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
84211 Foreign affairs services 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
84221 Defence services 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
84231 Justice and judicial services 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
84241 Public order and safety services 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
84251 Fire brigade services 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
84301 Compulsory social security services 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
85101 Pre-primary education services 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
85201 Primary education services 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
85311 General secondary education services 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
85321 Technical and vocational secondary education services 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
85411 Post-secondary non-tertiary education services 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
85421 Tertiary education services 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
85511 Sports and recreation education services 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
85521 Cultural education services 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
85531 Driving school services 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
85591 Other education services n.e.c. 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
85601 Educational support services 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
86101 Hospital services 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
86211 General medical practice services 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
86221 Specialist medical practice services 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
86231 Dental practice services 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
86901 Other human health services 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
87101 Residential nursing care services 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
87201 Residential care services for mental retardation, mental health and substance abuse 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
87301 Residential care services for the elderly and disabled 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
87901 Other residential care services 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
88101 Social work services without accommodation for the elderly and disabled 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
88911 Child day-care services 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
88991 Other social work services without accommodation n.e.c. 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
90011 Services of performing artists 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
90021 Support services to performing arts 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
90031 Artistic creation 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
90041 Arts facility operation services 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
91011 Library and archive services 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
91021 Museum operation services 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
91022 Museum collections 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
91031 Operation services of historical sites and buildings and similar visitor attractions 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
91041 Botanical and zoological garden services and nature reserve services 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
92001 Gambling services 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
92002 Betting services 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
93111 Sports facility operation services 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
93121 Services of sport clubs 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
93131 Services of fitness facilities 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
93191 Other sporting services 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
93211 Amusement park and theme park services 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
93291 Other recreational services n.e.c. 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
93292 Other entertainment services n.e.c. 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
94111 Services furnished by business and employers membership organisations 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
94121 Services furnished by professional membership organisations 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
94201 Services furnished by trade unions 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
94911 Services furnished by religious organisations 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
94921 Services furnished by political organisations 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
94991 Services (except grant-giving services) furnished by other membership organisations n.e.c. 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
94992 Grant-giving services by membership organisations 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
95111 Repair services of computers and peripheral equipment 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
95121 Repair services of communication equipment 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
95211 Repair services of consumer electronics 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
95221 Repair services of household appliances and home and garden equipment 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
95231 Repair services of footwear and leather goods 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
95241 Repair services of furniture and home furnishings 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
95251 Repair services of watches, clocks and jewellery 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
95291 Repair services of other personal and household goods 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
96011 Washing and (dry-)cleaning services of textile and fur products 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
96021 Hairdressing and other beauty treatment services 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
96022 Human hair, unworked 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
96031 Funeral and related services 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
96041 Physical well-being services 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
96091 Other personal services n.e.c. 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
97001 Services of households as employers of domestic personnel 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
98101 Undifferentiated goods produced by private households for own use 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
98201 Undifferentiated services produced by private households for own use 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
99001 Services provided by extraterritorial organisations and bodies 01.01.2008 09.09.9999
Czech Statistical Office, Na padesátém 81, 100 82 Praha 10; tel.: 274 051 111 (switchboard)
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Displayed on: 27.09.2024