Nomenclature: Type of agricultural crop - aggregation

Code: 209 Abbreviation: ZPLODA Family: Other

Language version: EN

Filter used: none

Code Name Valid
416 Winter rape seed (including turnip rape seed) 01.01.1900 09.09.9999
101 Winter common wheat 01.01.1900 09.09.9999
120 Winter cereals (winter wheat, rye, winter barley, triticale) 01.01.1900 09.09.9999
125 Winter cereals (winter common wheat, rye, winter barley, triticale) 01.01.1900 09.09.9999
103 Wheat 01.01.1900 09.09.9999
802 Vines in production 01.01.1900 09.09.9999
803 Vines for the production of wines 01.01.1900 09.09.9999
808 Vines for the production of quality wines 01.01.1900 09.09.9999
801 Vines 01.01.1900 09.09.9999
206 Vetches, other pulses and protein crops for grain 01.01.1900 09.09.9999
116 Triticale, buckwheat, cereal mixtures for grain, and other cereals (including sorghum) 01.01.1900 09.09.9999
117 Triticale, buckwheat, and other cereals (including sorghum) 01.01.1900 09.09.9999
604 Tomatoes for fresh consumption 01.01.1900 09.09.9999
603 Tomatoes 01.01.1900 09.09.9999
202 Sweet lupins, broad and field beans, vetches, other dry pulses and protein crops 01.01.1900 09.09.9999
701 Strawberries 01.01.1900 09.09.9999
910 Stone fruit trees (peach trees, apricot trees, plum treess, cherry trees, sour cherry trees, other stone fruit trees) 01.01.1900 09.09.9999
102 Spring common wheat 01.01.1900 09.09.9999
952 Small citrus trees 01.01.1900 09.09.9999
302 Seed potatoes 01.01.1900 09.09.9999
108 Rye and winter cereal mixtures 01.01.1900 09.09.9999
607 Root, tuber and bulb vegetables (celeriac, carrots, Hamburg parsley, radishes, beetroot, onions, garlic, other root, tuber and bulb vegetables) 01.01.1900 09.09.9999
307 Root crops (potatoes, sugar beet, forage beet, other root crops) 01.01.1900 09.09.9999
107 Rice 01.01.1900 09.09.9999
402 Rape seed, sunflower seed, and soya 01.01.1900 09.09.9999
401 Rape seed 01.01.1900 09.09.9999
305 Potatoes other than early potatoes 01.01.1900 09.09.9999
301 Potatoes (excluding early and seed ones) 01.01.1900 09.09.9999
306 Potatoes 01.01.1900 09.09.9999
909 Pome fruit trees (apple trees, pear trees, other pome fruit trees) 01.01.1900 09.09.9999
903 Plum trees 01.01.1900 09.09.9999
806 Permanent grassland 01.01.1900 09.09.9999
507 Perennial fodder crops (excluding clover and lucerne) 01.01.1900 09.09.9999
504 Perennial fodder crops 01.01.1900 09.09.9999
605 Peppers 01.01.1900 09.09.9999
913 Pear trees 01.01.1900 09.09.9999
902 Peach trees (including nectarine trees) 01.01.1900 09.09.9999
914 Peach trees 01.01.1900 09.09.9999
916 Peach and nectarine trees for the production for processing 01.01.1900 09.09.9999
807 Other permanent crops 01.01.1900 09.09.9999
403 Other oil seed crops 01.01.1900 09.09.9999
918 Other nut trees and bushes (including hazelnut bushes, almond trees, chestnut trees) 01.01.1900 09.09.9999
623 Other leafy and stalked vegetables (including celery, endives, chicory) 01.01.1900 09.09.9999
621 Other fruit vegetables (including muskmelons and eggplants) 01.01.1900 09.09.9999
912 Other fruit trees and bushes 01.01.1900 09.09.9999
617 Other fresh vegetables 01.01.1900 09.09.9999
622 Other fresh pulses (including fresh beans) 01.01.1900 09.09.9999
509 Other fodder crops harvested green 01.01.1900 09.09.9999
702 Other crops (strawberries, experimental and other crops) 01.01.1900 09.09.9999
118 Other cereals (including sorghum) 01.01.1900 09.09.9999
620 Other brassicas (including Brussels sprouts) 01.01.1900 09.09.9999
917 Other berry trees and bushes (including gooseberry) 01.01.1900 09.09.9999
511 Other arable fodder crops 01.01.1900 09.09.9999
951 Orange trees 01.01.1900 09.09.9999
907 Olive trees 01.01.1900 09.09.9999
410 Oil seed crops (winter rape seed including turnip rape seed, spring rape seed, sunflower seed, soya, poppy, mustard seed, oil flax, other oil seed crops) 01.01.1900 09.09.9999
404 Oil seed crops (winter rape seed including turnip rape seed, spring rape seed, sunflower seed, soya, cotton seed, poppy, mustard seed, oil flax, other oil seed crops) 01.01.1900 09.09.9999
411 Oil seed crops (sunflower seed, soya, mustard seed, oil flax, other oil seed crops) 01.01.1900 09.09.9999
109 Oats and spring cereal mixtures for grain 01.01.1900 09.09.9999
124 Oats and cereal mixtures for grain 01.01.1900 09.09.9999
911 Nut trees and bushes (walnut trees, other nut trees and bushes) 01.01.1900 09.09.9999
915 Nectarine trees 01.01.1900 09.09.9999
414 Mustard seed, poppy and other oil seed crops 01.01.1900 09.09.9999
407 Medicinal, aromatic, and culinary plants 01.01.1900 09.09.9999
303 Main harvest potatoes other than early potatoes 01.01.1900 09.09.9999
606 Lettuces 01.01.1900 09.09.9999
953 Lemon trees and acid lime trees 01.01.1900 09.09.9999
510 Leguminous plants (nitrogen-fixing plants) excluding lucerne 01.01.1900 09.09.9999
508 Leguminous plants (nitrogen-fixing plants) 01.01.1900 09.09.9999
611 Leafy and stalked vegetables (leeks, lettuces, spinach, asparagus, other leafy and stalked vegetables) 01.01.1900 09.09.9999
625 Kohlrabi, other brassicas 01.01.1900 09.09.9999
304 Industrial potatoes other than early potatoes 01.01.1900 09.09.9999
409 Industrial crops (winter rape seed including turnip rape seed, spring rape seed, sunflower seed, soya, poppy, mustard seed, oil flax, other oil seed crops, hemp, medicinal, aromatic, and culinary plants, energy crops n.e.c., other industrial crops) 01.01.1900 09.09.9999
408 Industrial crops (oil seed crops, medicinal, aromatic, and culinary plants, fibre crops, hops, energy crops n.e.c., other industrial crops) 01.01.1900 09.09.9999
804 Hops 01.01.1900 09.09.9999
413 Hemp, energy crops n.e.c., other industrial crops 01.01.1900 09.09.9999
626 Hamburg parsley, other root, tuber and bulb vegetables 01.01.1900 09.09.9999
502 Green maize 01.01.1900 09.09.9999
106 Grain maize and corn-cob-mix 01.01.1900 09.09.9999
115 Grain crops (wheat, rye, barley, oats, triticale, grain maize, buckwheat, cereal mixtures for grain, other cereals including sorghum, field peas, sweet lupins, broad and field beans, vetches, other dry pulses and protein crops) 01.01.1900 09.09.9999
624 Gourds and pumpkins (including courgettes) 01.01.1900 09.09.9999
690 Fruits and vegetables 01.01.1900 09.09.9999
609 Fruit vegetables (gherkins, cucumbers, tomatoes, peppers, gourds and pumpkins, water melons, other fruit vegetables) 01.01.1900 09.09.9999
958 Fruit trees from temperate climate zones 01.01.1900 09.09.9999
954 Fruit trees from subtropical and tropical climate zones 01.01.1900 09.09.9999
956 Fruit trees and bushes (including citrus trees and grapevine) 01.01.1900 09.09.9999
955 Fruit trees and bushes (excluding citrus trees and grapevine) 01.01.1900 09.09.9999
957 Fruit trees and bushes (apple trees, pear trees, peach trees, apricot trees, plum trees, cherry trees, sour cherry trees, currant bushes, walnut trees) 01.01.1900 09.09.9999
906 Fruit trees and bushes (apple trees, pear trees, peach trees, apricot trees, plum trees, cherry trees, sour cherry trees, currant bushes, gooseberry bushes, raspberry bushes, walnut trees) 01.01.1900 09.09.9999
613 Fresh vegetables, melons and strawberries 01.01.1900 09.09.9999
614 Fresh vegetables (radishes, beetroot, other root, tuber and bulb vegetables, other brassicas, peppers, gourds and pumpkins, water melons, other fruit vegetables, other fresh pulses, leeks, lettuces, spinach, asparagus, other leafy and stalked vegetables, and other vegetables) 01.01.1900 09.09.9999
618 Fresh vegetables (including melons) 01.01.1900 09.09.9999
612 Fresh vegetables (celeriac, carrots, Hamburg parsley, radishes, beetroot, onions, garlic, other root, tuber and bulb vegetables, kohlrabi, Savoy cabbage, cauliflower and broccoli, cabbage, other brassicas, gherkins, cucumbers, tomatoes, peppers, gourds and pumpkins, water melons, other fruit vegetables, fresh peas, other fresh pulses, leeks, lettuces, spinach, asparagus, other leafy and stalked vegetables, and other vegetables) 01.01.1900 09.09.9999
610 Fresh pulses (fresh peas, other fresh pulses) 01.01.1900 09.09.9999
308 Forage beet and other root crops 01.01.1900 09.09.9999
412 Flax 01.01.1900 09.09.9999
204 Field peas, sweet lupins, broad and field beans 01.01.1900 09.09.9999
203 Field peas, field beans 01.01.1900 09.09.9999
415 Fibre flax and other industrial crops 01.01.1900 09.09.9999
405 Fibre crops 01.01.1900 09.09.9999
104 Durum wheat 01.01.1900 09.09.9999
201 Dry pulses and protein crops for grain (field peas, sweet lupins, broad and field beans, vetches, other dry pulses and protein crops) 01.01.1900 09.09.9999
905 Currant bushes 01.01.1900 09.09.9999
703 Cultivated mushrooms 01.01.1900 09.09.9999
406 Culinary plants 01.01.1900 09.09.9999
602 Cucumbers 01.01.1900 09.09.9999
121 Common wheat 01.01.1900 09.09.9999
205 Common beans and other pulses and protein crops 01.01.1900 09.09.9999
950 Citrus trees 01.01.1900 09.09.9999
616 Chicory 01.01.1900 09.09.9999
904 Cherry and sour cherry trees 01.01.1900 09.09.9999
990 Cereals, dry pulses and oil seed crops 01.01.1900 09.09.9999
501 Cereals harvested green 01.01.1900 09.09.9999
112 Cereals for the production of grain (wheat, rye, barley, oats, triticale, grain maize, buckwheat, cereal mixtures for grain, other cereals including sorghum) 01.01.1900 09.09.9999
119 Cereals for grain (wheat, rye, barley, oats, triticale, grain maize, buckwheat, cereals mixtures for grain, other cereals, rice) 01.01.1900 09.09.9999
111 Cereal mixtures for grain and other cereals (including sorghum) 01.01.1900 09.09.9999
110 Cereal mixtures for grain 01.01.1900 09.09.9999
601 Cauliflower and broccoli 01.01.1900 09.09.9999
615 Cabbage and Savoy cabbage 01.01.1900 09.09.9999
123 Buckwheat, cereal mixtures for grain, other cereals (including sorghum) 01.01.1900 09.09.9999
122 Buckwheat and other cereals (including sorghum) 01.01.1900 09.09.9999
608 Brassicas (kohlrabi, Savoy cabbage, cauliflower and broccoli, cabbages, other brassicas) 01.01.1900 09.09.9999
908 Berry trees and bushes (blackcurrant bushes, redcurrant and whitecurrant bushes, raspberry bushes, blueberry bushes, other berry trees and bushes) 01.01.1900 09.09.9999
619 Beetroot, peppers, gourds and pumpkins, watermelon, spinach, asparagus, other root, tuber and bulb vegetables, other brassicas, other fruit vegetables, other fresh pulses, other leafy and stalked vegetables, and other vegetables 01.01.1900 09.09.9999
114 Basic cereals for the production of grain and grain maize (wheat, rye, barley, oats, triticale, grain maize) 01.01.1900 09.09.9999
113 Basic cereals for grain (wheat, rye, barley, oats, triticale) 01.01.1900 09.09.9999
105 Barley 01.01.1900 09.09.9999
505 Arable fodder crops 01.01.1900 09.09.9999
901 Apple trees 01.01.1900 09.09.9999
506 Annual fodder crops (excluding green maize) 01.01.1900 09.09.9999
503 Annual fodder crops 01.01.1900 09.09.9999
Czech Statistical Office, Na padesátém 81, 100 82 Praha 10; tel.: 274 051 111 (switchboard)
Version: 1.2.17 © ČSÚ 2024
Displayed on: 27.09.2024